But Ye Ting didn't want to provoke Pandora now, and Pandora actually ran up to him to talk to him, which still left him confused.

Especially when she asked such a question.

"am I pretty?"

Aren't you embarrassed to ask that directly in front of a stranger?

Of course, Pandora was created directly by God. Although she looks like a girl, she is only a few days old and has only been indoctrinated with common sense. It is understandable to ask this question so rashly.

Chapter 0640 A woman's curiosity

Considering that the current Pandora is just a newborn child, Ye Ting did not make fun of this straightforward question, but just nodded.

"Yes, Miss Pandora is the most beautiful woman."

Upon receiving this answer, Pandora immediately became happy, her beautiful eyes smiling.

What a very satisfied child.

However...isn't you the only woman in this world?What a joy!

In a word, it seems that the mere compliments of appearance still cannot satisfy Pandora's vanity, so she continued to ask Ye Ting.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Yours doesn't seem like the others."

How to answer this question?

Before opening his mouth, Ye Ting checked with magic to make sure that no gods were relieved after watching the live broadcast.

For Pandora, the tool used by the gods to destroy mankind, Ye Ting actually showed pity, after all, she was only created a few days ago.

In addition, Ye Ting will do some research with her in the future to explore the secrets of her body (really), so it is natural to brush up on her favorability now.

Thinking so, Ye Ting said to Pandora in a gentle tone: "Unlike those ignorant humans, what they see is your beautiful appearance, but what I see is your sad future."

"Sad future?" The word seemed to touch the woman's pain point, and her voice immediately became dissatisfied.

"No, you are wrong. I am a perfect work created by the gods. A person who is favored by the gods, even an ordinary human being dares to make this assertion against me? I don't believe it."

It seems that this woman is quite arrogant.

That's right, after all, it was created by so many main gods together, and it is understandable to have the capital of pride.

But when the disaster strikes, I don't know if her arrogance can be maintained.

However, Ye Ting didn't say these offending words, just left a word to Pandora in a mysterious tone.

"The more you don't believe in the prophecy, the more disasters in the prophecy will come to you - the source of the disaster is the treasure box given to you by the king of God, believe it, His Excellency the king of God created you and gave you the treasure box pure It's not a good heart, it's a conspiracy."

After all, Ye Ting turned and left without any hesitation.

However, his words seemed to anger Pandora.

"What calamity has come to me, and what kind of god king is not at ease, I won't believe it!" The woman couldn't accept that she was created because of a conspiracy. "A mortal like you must be jealous of me, jealous of my background, and jealous of the favor of the gods, right? I've seen through you a long time ago!"

Having said that, she made a face at Ye Ting's back.

Just a little girl.

But when she really realizes the conspiracy of Zeus and the reason why she was created, she should really grow up.

Ye Ting was not angry either, but silently joined the team of others, waiting for the wedding to come.


In the blink of an eye, night will come.

The wedding venue has also been set up.

Although the weddings of this group of people in ancient Greece were quite primitive, at least both men and women would dress up and organize a banquet.

Although in Ye Ting's eyes, this wedding looked extremely simple, but in the hearts of the people who participated in the wedding, such a wedding was already a very rare event-for humans at this time.

In addition to being able to eat and drink, you can also see the gods worshipped, such an opportunity is really rare.

Therefore, the people who participated in the wedding were very enthusiastic and frequently toasted their guide Epimetheus, wishing him a happy wedding.

Pandora is also the focus of attention. The only woman in the world has attracted everyone's attention. Everyone praised her beauty and wished her well for the future.

Her future husband, Epimetheus, also pleases and speaks to her.

The love from her husband and the envy of others made her very happy and her vanity was greatly satisfied. Only the words Ye Ting said in the daytime made her feel like she was stuck in her throat.

So, she looked around in the crowd and finally found Ye Ting who was alone in the corner.

This man was out of tune with other people, and did not participate in the festive wedding and banquet, just drinking alone.

Such a scene left a deep impression on Pandora and made her remember the specialness of this man again.

So she showed a provocative expression to Ye Ting from a distance, as if to say - have you seen my happiness?This is all given to me by the gods, and now you still want to report that unreliable opinion?

Ye Ting didn't care about Pandora's little girl-like provocation, and just returned a pitying expression.

How happy you are now, how miserable you will be then.

Then, he continued to taste the crude food and wine of today's human beings on his own.

However, Ye Ting's pitying expression and disinterested attitude angered Pandora again.

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