Until then, though, there is one more thing to tell Pandora.

So he spoke out about his relationship with Aphrodite.

Originally thought that Pandora would be angry and sad, he was ready to apologize, words of comfort, and even prepared to fight to quell his grievances.

Who knows, Pandora's response is so happy.

"My dear actually attacked the Goddess," Pandora's expression was both surprised and admirable, "Isn't that great? That is the most beautiful God of Eros, dear is really great!"

"Well, you're not angry, are you jealous?" Ye Ting asked strangely.

"Jealous...it's a little bit," the girl said with a small mouth, but her face turned bright, "but, people are not angry, or in other words, how can people be angry? If my dear is looking for some ordinary guy , people do get angry for a while - a little while, but dear Raiders is the most beautiful goddess of love and beauty, who has done something that even the goddamn king can't do, people are very happy What! In addition, even the goddess can favor my dear, doesn't that prove my choice, my vision is great?"

Is that so?It sounds reasonable, but why does it feel like something is wrong?

In short, Pandora has passed the test here, and Attila will not mention it for the time being, and the rest is to get Artemis.

It's a pity that although Artemis in the original book is a slut, he has a strong jealousy, and he also learned some bad things from Xiaoyu (Tamazao), I don't know if the current Artemis will become like that.

The only countermeasure that Ye Ting thought of was to become stronger, so strong that he could become stronger in his relationship with Artemis.

With this thought in mind, Ye Ting and Pandora never fought for days or nights like before.

In terms of fighting, the two of them became more and more casual, just having fun, and more attention was paid to the study of magic.

In the outside world, after the continuous flooding, the flood finally began to recede.

The gust of wind dissipated the dark clouds and thick fog, allowing the sky to see light again.

Seeing this, Poseidon, who was in charge of the ocean, also put down his trident, so that the rolling sea waves receded, the sea tamely retreated under the high embankment, and the river water also returned to the riverbed.

The treetops emerged from the deep water, and the leaves were covered in sludge.

The mountains reappear, the plains stretch, and the earth recovers.

However, the land at this time was barren, muddy, and as dead as a grave.

So the gods prepared to recreate the human race.

They have been discussing with each other for a long time about how to create human beings, and there has been no unified opinion.

There is a saying that, like Prometheus and Athena before, they combined water and mud to create human beings after giving divine power.

However, the disobedience of this group of humans and the conflict with Prometheus made Zeus very dissatisfied with this way of creating humans.

In the end, there is no way for the gods to come to a unified opinion on how to create human beings who have enough intelligence but can faithfully serve the gods.

Chapter 0654 Making People and Legends

The gods who could not get an answer finally went to ask Gaia.

Although Gaia is called the earth goddess, in fact, it is the restraining force of the earth and the instinct of the existence of the planet earth.

It has no prejudice against human beings, a creature that evolved from ancient apes, but is beyond animals - there are not many people in the world today, and Alaya has not really taken shape - so she will combine human genes and creativity. The stone of vitality was given to the gods.

So the gods decided to create humans out of this.

Originally, this was done by the remaining human beings of the previous generation - Deucalion and Pyla.

However, under the influence of Ye Ting, the great flood was too early, and Pyla would never be born. Deucalion may have died in the flood soon after he was born, or he may not have been born yet. In short, the result of this flood was that no one survived. , the gods can only come by themselves.

Zeus and Hera made their own shots, they covered their heads, and then threw the stones behind them as ordered by Gaia.

A miracle happened: suddenly the stone was no longer hard and crunchy, but soft, huge, and gradually formed.Figures of people began to emerge, but not yet fully formed, like the rough outlines the artist had just carved out of marble.The moist soil on the stones turned into pieces of muscle, the solid and hard stones turned into bones, and the lines between the stones turned into the veins of people.

Strangely, all the stones thrown by Zeus turned into men, while the stones thrown by Hera all turned into women.

In short, a new human has finally appeared in the world.

This time, the gods learned the lessons of the previous generation, personally guided and taught humans, and demanded their awe and worship.

The gods of agriculture and harvest taught humans to plant and harvest so that they could have enough food.

Athena, the god of war and the goddess of wisdom, taught humans weaving and many talents, so that humans could have clothes to cover their bodies.

Art and the sun god Apollo taught humans herbal medicine, art, poetry, so that humans could cure diseases and enjoy the beauty of art.

Artemis, the goddess of hunting and the moon, taught humans how to hunt so that humans could fight beasts and get more food.

Ares, the god of war, taught humans how to strengthen themselves, how to fight against others, and make humans strong.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, taught human men and women to love, so that human men and women can match, support each other, and reproduce.

Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmen, taught humans to forge tools, allowing humans to create creatures that facilitate life.

The messenger Hermes taught humans about travel and commerce, allowing humans to travel between settlements and trade with each other.

Dionysus, the god of wine, taught humans to make wine and revel, so that humans could learn how to relax after work.

The kitchen god Hestia taught human beings to form families, so that human families could live in harmony and live in harmony.


In short, a new generation of human beings gradually began to spread over the earth, forming villages, and then villages formed cities, and cities formed kingdoms.

Under the guidance of the gods, human civilization is developing rapidly, and at the same time, they are constantly exploring the earth and settling in new places.

Of course, due to the teachings of the gods, the human beings of this generation are much more pious than the previous generation. Every village has to enshrine the statues of the gods, and every city has built a temple of the gods, and pious human beings have worshipped them from generation to generation. the gods.

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