"Also... still!"

"What do you want?"

"People still have to touch their heads, and their tails... It's so comfortable."

"Wake up, you are not a real cat, you just used the magic of sharing your body, you are human!"

"Eh? Hug... I'm sorry, woo... I'm so embarrassed, it's all my fault. It's so comfortable to touch others. How can you play cats like that! Obviously you don't care about others..."

"Wait, it's still experimenting, don't talk about it."

"I know... I know, the additional spell-like ability, shadowwalking—"

"Well, it was successful, and indeed entered the shadow, how do you feel?"

"It feels the same as a normal shadow walk, plus the spell-like ability is so convenient!"

"Who said no? Then, the last item is also qualified, and you can come back."

"In other words, we succeeded this time?"


"It's great honey!"

The materialization of the soul is the third method of the five major magics, and it is the magic that achieves true immortality and immortality.The principle is based on the infinite energy of the soul's perpetual motion, using the immortal soul as a template to create the magic of a perfect body commensurate with it.

And whether it is a heroic spirit or its projected Servant, it is a manifestation of the materialization of the soul.

Although Ye Ting's research has not reached the level of the third method, it is already infinitely close.

According to Pandora's divinely created body, Ye Ting basically understood how to create a physical body controlled by the spiritual core, and also understood how to materialize the body of energy - it is truly transformed into matter, not like an element existence like life.

Based on this, Ye Ting successfully used the soul of a cat sealed in the soul stone to create a spiritual core, and then used energy to create a body similar to a heroic spirit for it, and even modified it, adding some non-cats. Superpowers - or spell-like abilities.

This kind of creation is actually similar to the technology of the Holy Grail War created by the "Yu Sanjia" in the world of Xingyue. The Holy Grail War is not about summoning the souls of heroic spirits and building their bodies with magic power, but such servants must be provided by the master. Surviving magic.

This technology is only one step away from the real materialization of the soul, which is to use the soul to generate sustainable energy.

If it is the real third method, then the created Servant can exist independently, and there is no need for the master to provide magic power.

But in fact, at this point, Ye Ting already had a clue.

In fact, Ye Ting's previous observations on the creation of Xingyue World and the truth recorded in his mind were not useless.

Although at this time he is still unable to really learn and invoke the fundamental knowledge, he can use this knowledge indirectly.

If other magicians in Xingyue World wanted to learn magic, they had to risk the danger to enter the vortex of the root, and then try their luck to return successfully, Ye Ting no longer needed this step.

No matter what kind of magic in the Five Great Laws, as long as he can study it step by step, the research can be achieved, and it is no different from learning ordinary magic.

Ye Ting believed that the third method would soon be in his hands.

Of course, according to the history of the type moon, the holder of the second law, Kishua Zelrich Shubein August, has not yet been born, and even the holder of the first law may be the same, so it seems , maybe his so-called third law has to change seats?

In a word, although Ye Ting started to use Pandora's divine creation body, he was gradually approaching the achievement of the third method, and he also knew that as long as he achieved the third method, he would be considered a little bit of a fight back in front of the gods, but But he didn't think about going out until the third method was achieved.

In this cave - no, it has now been transformed into a mage tower, but in order to avoid the eyes of the gods, it has maintained the appearance of the cave - for nearly a hundred years, Ye Ting did not stay here all the time. .

In addition to going out with Pandora when necessary, he also visited the temple of Artemis from time to time, returned to the moon to accompany Attila, and of course went to a private meeting with Aphrodite.

Leaving aside Attila for the time being, Ye Ting is still ambiguous about Artemis, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love, has long since eaten it up under the constant teasing of this goddess.

And just a few days ago, during a tryst with the goddess, Ye Ting heard a gossip from her.

On the west side of the Attica Peninsula, the Phoenicians established a prosperous and prosperous seaside city, and both Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, and Poseidon, the god of the sea, took a fancy to the city and wanted to be its protectors.

Chapter 0657 Magic Academy?

Perhaps for the dispute between Athena and Poseidon, Aphrodite regarded it as a gossip and a joke, and said it in a small talk afterwards.

But the keen Ye Ting understood as soon as he heard it.

Isn't this the story of the birth of Athens?

In Greek mythology, in fact, the birth of Athens has a very important sign, that is, the beginning of the heroic age.

Of course, the birth of Athens is not directly related to the beginning of the Age of Heroes, but it can still be used as a clue for Ye Ting to determine the time point.

In the birth of Athens, Athena and Poseidon competed to become the patron saint, and the city-state would be named after the patron saint.

After a quarrel, the two gods finally handed over the choice to the people of the city-state themselves.

Both gods brought miracles to the citizens of Athens.

Compared with Poseidon's war horse, the people of this city-state chose the gift from Athena: the olive tree that symbolizes peace.

Eventually Athena became the patron saint of the city-state, which was named Athens.

And it is precisely because of this dispute that Poseidon and Athena forged a relationship.

Even the tragedy that happened in the future when the three Medusa sisters as gods were slandered by Athena also came from this: in order to disgust Athena, the sea god deliberately gave Medusa the gift that was originally intended to be given to Athena.

The story of Medusa being killed by Perseus is one of the earliest events in the ancient Greek heroic epic.

Therefore, as soon as he heard about the battle of Athens, Ye Ting knew that the era of heroes was coming.

In this era, ancient Greece will enter a glorious period of heroic figures.

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