Unfortunately, there is no chance.

Any student who leaves Mystra College after graduation has never been able to successfully return to study, without exception.

For the mages who graduated from Mystra Academy, the academy has everything they yearn for, but for the academy, most of the mages who graduate are "defective" they don't need, and the real elites have long been passed by the academy." Further study”, “employment of professors” and other methods remained in the college.

Therefore, for Thepiosius, returning to the Academy of Mystra has always been a dream buried in his heart.

until today.

A raven glowing faintly purple came to his windowsill.

Thepiosius, who had just woken up and was listlessly having breakfast with his wife and children, suddenly woke up.

Ravens are a fairly common creature in Greece.

But there is only one place where that special raven that glows purple exists, and that is the Academy of Mystra.

This kind of raven is an academy-style magic pet. It is said to be a creation invented by the dean of the academy. Compared with ordinary ravens, it not only does not die due to ordinary attacks, but also possesses many magical abilities.

The arrival of this raven usually means news from the academy.

This was the first time that Mystra College took the initiative to give him news.

The flattered Thepiosius immediately stepped forward under the surprised eyes of his wife and children, and extended his hand to the raven.

The raven spiritually jumped to his hand, and then he took the raven back to his study, closing the door tightly.

For the wife and children, the father's study has always been a forbidden place in the family, and few people enter it. Although they are strange, they dare not say anything.

Anyway, they have long been used to being the prophet's husband and father mysterious.

When Tepiosis returned to the study, the raven nodded to him, opened his mouth, and spat out a roll of paper.

By the way, one of the capabilities of this artificial raven is that it comes with a small storage space, and the opening is the raven's beak.

Thepiosius opened the note, read it carefully, and showed a surprised smile.

Then he readily signed his name at the end of the note.

The moment his signature ended, the magic of the note faded away.

This is the symbol of the formation of the contract.

This note is a letter and a contract.

The content is that Tepiosis needs to bury a magic item carried by the raven into the spiritual vein of the city where he is located without anyone finding it, and Tepiosis must keep this secret.

If he can do all of this, then Thepiosius can get the opportunity to return to the Academy for a five-year study - or other equivalent price.

For Thepiosius, this was a big deal, and it wasn't difficult to accomplish.

You must know that although the spiritual veins are very important to mages, for ordinary people, the spiritual veins are illusory existences.

Although according to some people, people who live near the spiritual meridian are more likely to have stronger and more gifted children, which is why cities are usually built near the spiritual meridian (in the celestial dynasties, this is called feng shui, There are similar movements in the west and abroad), but no king really sends troops to guard the spiritual veins - they don't even know the specific location of the spiritual veins, they only know a general idea.

Therefore, for Thepiosius, fulfilling this contract is nothing but a matter of grasping.

Now, Tepiosis could not help but want to shout.

"Good luck, Mystra College, I'm coming back!"

Chapter 0676 Planning the Spiritual Vein

After signing the contract, Thepiosius agreed to the mission.

The raven apparently saw this too, so it opened its mouth again and spat out a small crystal ball.

The ball was not big, about the size of an ordinary person's eyeball, but Tepiothius could see at a glance that it was not simple.

Not to mention the dreamlike light it radiates and the powerful magical aura that Tepiosius felt, the tiny magical runes neatly arranged in the crystal ball are enough to show its delicacy.

What is this thing?

Out of curiosity, Thepiosius opened the "secret vision".

This is a magic that can observe the aura of spells, and is generally used by wizards who are not sensitive enough to magic power or magic items.

Then, Tepiosis immediately closed his eyes.

He felt like his eyes were going blind.

He had never seen such a powerful and dazzling magical aura.

The dazzling magical aura does not mean that the magic item is too high-level - although from other aspects of the aura, Tepiosis can see that the crystal ball is indeed a fairly high-level magic item.

Such a dazzling magical aura represents another reason: the magic item contains a considerable amount of magic.

Although Tepiosius couldn't think of any adjective to describe the magic power contained in the crystal ball in his hand, if he came from the future, he would definitely use "nuclear reactor" to describe it.

Yes, the energy level in this crystal ball is at least the reactor level.

But such a huge source of magic power, why should it be buried in the spiritual veins that are also the source of magic power?

Thepiosius tried to break his head and didn't understand.

So he didn't want to.

Anyway, his task is to bury it in the spiritual vein, and then he can get the corresponding reward, which is enough.

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