She had only said harsh words before, but now she is being beaten by the enemy, does she still want to be embarrassed?

In desperation, she had no choice but to look at Ye Ting for help.

In their plan, Ye Ting had long suggested that the current situation might occur, but she was still a little unconvinced at the time.

Now it seems that she has to admit that her own man is more wise.

Looking at the pitiful eyes of the goddess, Ye Ting responded with a warm smile.

"Now, leave the battle to me."

The reliable words warmed Hecate's heart.

Sure enough, this man was the first to stand up to help her anytime.

So, she also nodded, then turned to look at the gods ahead.

Leading the way was the god king Zeus, the god of thunder with a naked upper body, holding the artifact "Thunder", and bombarding indiscriminately against the magic shield.

Beside him are the sea god Poseidon holding a trident, Hades holding a sickle, Athena holding a spear and a shield, Ares holding a sword and shield, and behind him are Apollo and Ar Themis...

Although the three goddesses Athena, Artemis, and Aphrodite were all paddling, the rest of the gods attacked the sea god very violently.

For the aggressive gods in front of him, Hecate summoned another force field wall to temporarily block it, while he condensed a little magic power.

The next moment, a violent magic storm erupted with her as the center. The crazy explosion from this primitive force forced the gods to be forced back a long distance.

However, it didn't make them depressed, but happier.

"Step up the attack!" Zeus was the first to rush up again and commanded loudly: "It takes time for her to condense magic power. She used such a method just now. Obviously, she is unable to follow up and is ready to escape."

However, Hecate did not run away.

Her divine body landed on Colchis Island, and she smiled coldly at the gods in front of her.

"To deal with you guys, I don't need to run away at all - I'm tired of fighting like a family with you, now, let my chosen ones deal with you."

The elect, also known as the elect, are the believers most valued by God.

Generally speaking, the elect are the spokespersons of God in the mortal world. The gods will give them part of the power that belongs to them as gods.

And Hecate's so-called voters are not that simple.

Following her words, the body of the goddess has slowly floated behind Ye Ting, and then hugged him, her favorite person, from behind.

The next moment, a powerful force was injected into Ye Ting's body from Hecate's body, and along with this powerful force was a noble will - the will of God.

In a nutshell, it's God descending.

However, this is completely different from the ordinary gods.

Ordinary divine descent is nothing but a part of the will and power of the gods to descend on the believer through the connection with the believer's consciousness, and the god will temporarily take over the believer's body at the same time.

However, Hecate's current divine descent... is to pour most of his power on the "believers", if their deep emotional bond is also a kind of connection between gods and mortal consciousness.

But, most importantly, her consciousness didn't take over Ye Ting's body - it didn't even come to him at all.

In other words, Hecate temporarily bestowed most of her power to Ye Ting.

Usually, the gods don't do this.

Because compared to the familiarity with the power of the gods, who can compare with the gods themselves?

It's a pity that this is an accident for Ye Ting.

Although Hecate is the god of mages and masters thousands of spells, compared to her, Ye Tingcai is a real mages.

Proficient in all spells, dabbling in a wide range of knowledge, and the huge number of spells mastered in his mind like a library, so that he can grasp the power of this magic god better than Hecate, and exert it to the limit .

As the power from the goddess continued to descend upon him, Ye Ting instantly felt that he had entered a completely different realm.

All the magic in the world is like an arm, all the magic nets move at will, and all the magic comes out with words, this feeling is really...


Yes, only one cool word can describe Ye Ting's feelings at this time.

Is there anything more exhilarating to a mage than using magic at will?

"How does it feel?"

In his heart, Ye Ting asked Helena, the spirit of the crown.

"This computing this the power of the gods? It's terrifying."

"Yeah," Ye Ting nodded, his fist clenched slightly, and a turbulent flow of magic power followed in the void.

"This is the power of the gods."

As he said that, he looked at the gods who were staring at the sky.

"Then, let's see what a mage can do."

When Hecate transmitted power to Ye Ting, the gods in the sky took the opportunity to attack them.

Now the lightning, flames, spears, bows and arrows in the sky all shot towards Colchis Island.

In the face of the terrifying attack in front of him, Ye Ting just pointed with his stick.

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