You must know that there is true divinity in this blessing, a gift that requires God to sacrifice his own strength to give to others.

Generally, if someone can get it, it is the true love of the gods.

Especially those who have reached the EX level, they are basically the love of this life.

But the man in front of him has three blessings of this level.

Where did he come from, a great lover, or the kind that specializes in goddesses.

You must know that, unlike the fickleness of mortals, although the eternal gods are powerful, they are the most sincere and stubborn in character.

It is completely impossible to want to get such blessings from the gods through some kind of profit exchange like a mortal.

That is to say, this man really won the love of three goddesses in a row with his own strength. Among them, the goddess of magic was too accommodating, so they did not understand, but the other two were well-known loyal existences.

And this man is still alive after doing all this!

From this point of view, this man is the real master, a master who can get out of his body by focusing on the goddess.

If that's the case, then...

It looks like they are both goddesses.

Will that person attack them?

Just thinking about it makes me excited... no, it's scary.

But, if it is true, will it be time to reject him?

Being able to gain the love of so many goddesses at the same time, it seems that he should be the true core of the magic god system.

Will he be angry if he is rejected?Will you wear small shoes for them who join the magic god system?

Moreover, thinking about it carefully, if it was him, he really didn't want to refuse.

A man who can be favored by so many goddesses, they are also curious about what kind of person...

In short, Ye Ting's blessings made the two goddesses fall into a deep tangle.

Chapter 0703 Goddesses and Unformed Goddesses

Ye Ting didn't know that the blessings from the goddesses on him made the two goddesses in front of him so imaginative.

However, at least now, the two goddesses recognized his identity.

No, it's not just recognition. Now the two goddesses look at Ye Ting with a little awe and eagerness to try, and they don't have the aloofness that the gods used to look at mortals.

Because in their eyes, although the two sisters are gods, they are only the lowest level of weak godhead gods.

In particular, as gods, the realm they control has no fighting power, and they are not gods who are good at fighting. Therefore, their existence is not so much a god, but two immortal spirits that are immortal.Although ordinary mortals can't do anything with them, it doesn't stop there. Among the gods, they are like those nymphs, and they are of little use except as maid vases.

How can they dare to offend Ye Ting who is backed by the three goddesses?

And their eagerness to try...

Experience it for yourself.

In short, the two sides have recognized their identities, and naturally they have completely turned enemies into friends.

The two goddesses Steno and Yurielle are just two of the many gods who want to take refuge in the new star powerhouse Hecate, but because they are "acquaintances" who are more familiar and interested in the previous life, Ye Ting decided to let them Join Hecate.

As for why the two goddesses made this decision, the root cause is actually Medusa.

Because Medusa, who has magic eyes, is rumored to be a "monster" in the outside world, even on this remote island, she has to endure waves of crusades by "heroes" in order to fight against the brave. , Medusa had to use the power of her pair of magic eyes again and again, which also led to her being on the verge of being swallowed by the power of the magic eyes, degenerating from a quasi-goddess to a monster.

Unlike Medusa, although the three sisters are the daughters of the previous Sea God, Steno and Yurielle were born as "complete goddesses", that is, the real goddesses who have both divine personality and divinity and master divine power.

Among them, the older sister, Steno, is the embodiment of male aspirations, a fallen goddess who is completed as an "ideal woman".

She represents the side of women as mature women, which is why, although she has the appearance of a loli, her every move is as elegant and moving as a real lady, perfectly interpreting the image of a mature woman in the eyes of men.

No matter what kind of man she is, she is flattering and full of admiration, elegant and noble, and, more deeply, extremely lazy.Extremely ruthless to very good opponents - that's exactly what the ruthless side of women is.

If the elder sister Steno is an "ideal woman", then the image of the younger sister Urielle is an "idol", or, in other words, the image of a "girl" in the eyes of men.

This is also reflected in Yuri Ellie's character: she dedicates her unconditional love to beautiful and cute things at all costs, and unconditionally hates ugly things.Innocent and pure at the same time, but the degree of moodiness and unreasonableness is incomparable.According to her way of thinking, as long as she doesn't speak out, she won't be angered, and if she doesn't reveal her secrets, it's not a trick, and she has such thoughts (but she will hate herself after the fact).

After all, she is the "cute girl" that men love so much.

Of course, their weakness as gods also stems from this.

After all, in the hearts of men, the image of women is weak.

And it is precisely because of this that they are completely powerless in the face of the younger sister Medusa, who is almost degraded by the power of the magic eye.

Therefore, they were indifferent to fame and fortune, and they had no choice but to turn to the stronger, namely Hecate, for help.

Hope the goddess of magic can save their sister from her fate of becoming a monster.

As for Medusa, unlike her sisters, she was not born a true god, but an "unfinished goddess".

Originally, after growing up, she became like her sisters, the embodiment of the "idol" that men longed for, and transformed into a real goddess.

If that's the case, she might be able to maintain the same body and appearance as her sister, and a different personality. According to her possible priesthood, this personality may be "Lori" or "Little Girl".

However, the process was interrupted by a curse from some god they couldn't afford.

Medusa is unfortunately involved in a dispute between powerful gods.

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