When he was on his way, Ye Ting felt that Circe had cast "Spiritual Connection"

Consciously, he heard Circe's voice.

"Hey, Master Dean, isn't this so-called journey to Colchis Island to get the golden fleece that you came here for?"

"You guessed it right." Ye Ting affirmed.

"Hmm... mere mortals also want to go to Colchis Island to snatch treasures, and they have also attracted the attention of the dean. Is there any conspiracy involved?" Ye Ting's words made Circe even more suspicious.

"You're right. After hearing this news, I seriously doubt that there is a conspiracy behind the journey of the Olympian gods."

"Huh? The gods of Olympus? How could it be? Why?" This news made Circe panic.

Although the girl was also skeptical about the reason for this journey of heroes gathering, he never thought that behind them would be the gods of Olympus.

Circe is not a strong man like Ye Ting and Pandora.

Although she was personally accepted as an apprentice by the Goddess of Magic after she joined the Mystra Academy, and she often got along with the Goddess of Magic, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, and was accompanied by three "ideal female" goddesses, but even so, For her, the gods of Olympus were also very formidable opponents.

Now that Ye Ting mentioned that the gods of Olympus were attacking Colchis Island and her brother, she immediately panicked.

Although Circe often liked to tease the goddesses' husbands, the dean of Mystra College, but in fact, Circe was always convinced by his words.

"What should I do?" The witch who is not afraid of the sky and the earth is starting to panic now, "Mingming... Obviously we have been staying on the island, and we have not provoked those gods, why would they target us? It is because we did not enshrine them. ?"

Hearing the girl's innocent thoughts, Ye Ting mercilessly revealed the reality for her.

"Why are they targeting us? Oh, they've been targeting us all the time."

"How could it be?" The girl was a little puzzled. "Obviously, the forces of our old Titan Gods have already left the mainland and shrunk to a small island. Why don't they let us go?"

Circe refers to the power represented by her and her brother Aietes, that is, the power represented by their parents, the former sun god Helios and the ocean goddess Perse.

Helios is the son of Hyperion, the high-altitude inspector of the second generation of the twelve Titans, and Theia, the mother of light, in the war of Zeus leading the third generation of gods to overthrow the second generation of God King Cronus. Winning Hyperion and Theia, Zeus promised to make their children Helios and Selene the sun and moon gods of Olympus.

However, shortly after the birth of Apollo and Artemis, Helios and Selene were stripped of their sun and moon priesthoods and given to Zeus' own children.

Perse is the daughter of one of the previous sea gods, Okeanos and Thesis, and the ocean goddesses are the earliest Nymphs.

After Poseidon defeated the old sea god and became the new sea god, the sea gods such as Okeanos and Pontos retired one after another, and most of their children joined the Olympian gods as nymphs and became the gods of Olympus. God's godly and attendant.

Therefore, Circe knew for a long time that, for the Olympian gods, their family belonged to the remnants of the previous dynasty, so they took refuge in the magical pantheon that rose from the top of the Olympus gods.

Although she herself did not like the gods of Olympus because of her parents, she also did not have the idea of ​​counterattack and revenge.

However, the Olympus gods' pressing behavior still made her angry and frightened.

Ye Ting rejected her guess.

"No, they're not targeting you...or, on the surface, they're targeting you and Aietes, but in fact they still want to trouble our magical pantheon."

"But, hasn't Teacher Hecate been at peace with them all this time? In the field of priesthood, there is no dispute between the two sides."

Regarding Circe's naive thoughts, Ye Ting could only shake his head.

"Hehe, girl, you still underestimate people, no, it's God's greed."

Chapter 0719 Magic and Wisdom

God is not divine.

Ye Ting has always known this.

It is different from the selfless and great God that the Cross preaches.

Although the real gods are more sublimated existences than humans, this does not mean that they do not have the seven emotions and six desires of human beings.

Contrary to what people imagine, the real gods not only have emotions similar to humans—in fact, all intelligent beings have, but also have more pure emotions than humans whose emotions are ambiguous and changeable.

Of course, it's just pure.

What is pure?

Good gods have pure goodness, and evil gods have pure evil.

The gods in charge of the wind are as alert and changeable as the wind element, the gods in charge of fire are as enthusiastic and violent as the fire element, the gods in charge of water are as tolerant and hesitant as the water element, and the gods in charge of earth are calm and stubborn like the earth element.

The gods of merchants are greedy and haggling, the gods of thieves are quick and dirty, the gods of craftsmen are diligent and dedicated, and the gods of poets are melancholy and sentimental.

The god of love yearns for love and is passionate like fire; the god of war is savage and belligerent, irascible and irritable; the god of wine is good at making wine and likes to drink;

Compared with humans with complex minds, gods are very easy to understand, and their personalities often match their vocations.

However, the gods are not without desires, extreme emotions represent extreme desires, and under extreme desires, they will also do things like humans, and they may do more than humans.

Therefore, Ye Ting was never afraid to speculate on them with the worst malice.

"Little girl, don't you think that as long as there is no conflict in the priesthood, there will be no conflict between us." Ye Ting scoffed at Circe's naivete, "The gods of Olympus, or what Zeus wanted was never the case. It is not the control in one or two priestly domains, but the complete control over the entire divine domain - in this case, no matter how the magical gods do not make trouble with them, as long as they do not obey his gods, they are them. enemy."

"How...how could this be?" Circe was a little disbelieving.

"Why not?" Ye Ting told the truth coldly, "If it weren't for this, when Hecate was enthroned as a god, why did he have to bring him under his command, or even fight for it? Zeus couldn't do it at all. Tolerating a god who doesn't obey him, especially if the god is stronger than him."

"I see……"

"And, in fact, Zeus wanted not only to be the king of the gods, but of the men - no, he wanted to keep the humans in his hands forever, and we became them in that regard. thorn in the eye."

"This...why?" Circe was a little puzzled.

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