"Of course, I also know that the general conditions cannot impress this girl. Even if the position of the twelve main gods is placed in front of her, I believe she will not be tempted."

"you know too?"

Hearing Hermes' words, Zeus laughed in anger.

"Since you know, what are you talking about?"

But in the face of Zeus, who was on the verge of rage, Hermes just shook his finger slightly.

"No, no, although the usual conditions cannot make this girl shaken, there is only one thing that can make her willing to become our pawn."

"What is that?" The King of God asked.

So Hermes recited in his hoarse voice like an aria.

"This thing can make the most powerful hero easily bow down, and it can also make the coldest woman change into a spring breeze, and it can make countless crazy men and women feel heartbroken. This is love."


Zeus frowned, but Hera was the first to react, looked at Zeus sarcastically, and said, "A man like you, who is full of desires, naturally doesn't understand the influence of love on women, don't you know? A woman can do almost anything for love - I think that's what this girl does."

"As expected of the goddess, I immediately understood what I meant." Hermes complimented and continued, "I think the foreshadowing we hid beside that goddess should also be used, only the power of the Cypriot goddess can be used. To be able to use Princess Medea for us. As long as Aphrodite moves her hands and feet gently and makes Medea fall in love with Jason, then the golden fleece is in our bag. What's more, the girl is in front The status of the remnants of the dynasty and the rebels is very high, and her betrayal can break the alliance of the remnants of the previous dynasty and the rebels, and the two sides appear to be in disputes with each other, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Since Hermes said this, the other gods thought it was very reasonable.

So Zeus made the decision immediately.

"Okay, that's it, let's contact Aphrodite as soon as possible, the power of Eros is silent, let her take action, and let our enemies have a taste of being betrayed by their own people."

Saying that, he showed a satisfied smile.


As the gods made a final decision, Aphrodite, who had been staying in the Temple of the Goddess of Magic, soon got the news.

"Let me shoot Medea with the arrow of love and make her fall in love with Jason? What a joke, how could I make a good boy like Medea fall in love with a waste like Jason?"

Hearing Zeus' order, Aphrodite immediately became angry.

As a student of Hecate, Medea, like Circe, was not only favored by Hecate, but also pitied by Aphrodite. This goddess of love, who upholds the greatness and loyalty of love, is naturally unwilling to do so. Casually according to the will of the gods to pull Lang to match.

But if you don't do what Zeus said, wouldn't her infernal identity be exposed?

Although with the current combat power of the magic gods, even if her true position is exposed, there will not be too much risk, but she still wants to inquire about the news of the Olympus gods for the magic gods and Ye Ting. Naturally, she can Not exposed, not exposed.

So, she rolled her eyes, thinking about it.

"Didn't my dear sneak into the ranks of the Argonauts? Anyway, their purpose is to make Medea stand on the side of the Argonauts, so I can just make Medea fall in love with my dear? After all, that little girl …”

As soon as she said it, Aphrodite quietly came to the vicinity of the lobby, and then pretended to shoot an arrow at Ye Ting and Medea with the arrow of the god of love.

In mythology, the arrow of the god of love is the artifact of Cupid, and Cupid is the child of Aphrodite.

But now, Ye Ting hasn't had a child with Aphrodite yet. Naturally, there is no Cupid, and the arrow of Eros is in the hands of the goddess herself.

The power of the arrow of Eros is so powerful that even the gods are not immune to its effects on love and hate.

Ye Ting is naturally an exception. The magic of materializing the soul makes his soul's resistance to external influences incomparable to even gods, and naturally it will not be affected by the arrow of the god of love.

And Medea...

Chapter 0761 Aphrodite's Infernal Affairs

Just as Aphrodite moved quietly, Ye Ting was still chatting with Medea.

Just as they were chatting happily, Ye Ting suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ear.

The voice is gentle and pleasant, but the content is somewhat inexplicable.

"Darling, remember to thank me when you go back?"

Just when Ye Ting was thinking about what this meant, he suddenly found that Medea in front of him suddenly stared at him, her face turned red, and her lavender eyes were so charming that water was oozing out.

"what happened?"

Just when Ye Ting wanted to ask if the girl was sick, the girl in front of him rushed towards him, and then he felt a softness and moisture on his lips.

When did Medea become so bold?She had been embarrassed for a long time with just her cheeks, but now...

But soon, Ye Ting stopped thinking and focused on cooperating with Fan Run. He felt that although the girl's skills were jerky, her active jerky contained strong and intoxicating feelings.

It is normal for women to be attracted by excellent men, not to mention the fact that the target has created the current magnificence of the entire Greek magic path with the power of one person. With the power of the goddess of magic, he singled out the legendary mages of the entire Olympian gods. No hero, no wizard can compare to this man.

Regardless of appearance, temperament or strength are extremely outstanding.

Even, although the master and Aunt Aphrodite, as well as several other goddess sisters (Looking at the figure of the three Medusa sisters, Medea can't call the aunt at all), they are all in love with him.But his strong yet considerate character and his love for her over the years still attracted her deeply...

When she reunited with that man after a few months of separation, the deep torment in her heart and the joy from her heart after the reunion made Medea immediately understand that she had fallen in love with each other.

However, a girl who has a secret crush is always worried about gain and loss.

Originally, it would take longer for her feelings to be fully expressed gradually.

And the power of Eros hastened it all.

The fiery emotions seemed to spew out, making her go against her inner shyness and couldn't wait to do such a thing.

However, the girl had already forgotten, and now they are in the banquet.

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