And this is exactly what Ye Ting wanted to see.

Looking at the heroes who began to complain to the gods in front of him, Ye Ting finally smiled with satisfaction.

Chapter 0789 Athena

The reason why Ye Ting spent his time mixing with the Argonauts was not only for killing boredom, but also for today.

That was to dismantle the Olympian pantheon's rule over Greece from within.

And one of them is, of course, the strongest power on earth against the gods of Olympus - demigods and heroes.

However, Ye Ting deeply knows that as demigods and heroes, these people are noble, despicable, stupid, or smart. They have different personalities, but the same is that they are all independent and have their own Thinking people - people without such qualities are simply not good enough to be heroes.

And with these people's original deep-rooted belief in the gods of Olympus, even if Ye Ting told them the conspiracy of the gods about the expedition and the despicability of the gods, and gave relevant evidence, they would not Believe Ye Ting's words.

Even, he may also be suspected by them as malicious.

But now, Ye Ting changed his tactics and disclosed the information to them one by one through indirect means, and let them find, collect, and analyze the information by themselves, and the result was different.

Ye Ting has a good understanding of human nature.

In general, people are always confident and arrogant, and this is especially true of these superhero heroes.

Faced with this situation, if you want people to believe a thing, people will always believe everything they know on their own initiative rather than telling them the truth.

Now, the Argonauts believe that the conspiracy about the gods was investigated by themselves, so they began to believe it, and naturally resented the gods.

Ye Ting believed that although due to the power of the gods, they did not dare to express this resentment clearly, but this resentment would always linger in their hearts, and the longer the time, the stronger this resentment would become.

For ordinary people, due to their limited influence, no matter how much such resentment, it will not have any effect on the gods.

However, these heroes are different.

These heroes and their deceased companions are of different identities, and they are among the most influential people in the whole of Greece - just like the meager Vs.

Such people are not necessarily admired or believed by everyone, but their influence is very large.

Their opinions, their grievances can inadvertently affect those around them, those who admire them, and their children and grandchildren.

In Greek mythology, it is very possible for the descendants of heroes to become heroes.

Ye Ting believed that with their existence and a certain amount of help, this kind of resentment towards gods would gradually become the mainstream thought of mankind, and people would gradually see the truth of gods.

Although these beings are high above and govern various rules, fundamentally, humans do not need them. Humans can live well by themselves and develop their civilization.

And what about the gods?

They are just a bunch of people who want to use humans as ants and toys.

And as long as this kind of thinking spreads, Ye Ting can do more things with this power.

After watching the Argonauts with cold eyes, Ye Ting suddenly sensed something, so he quietly left the deck alone and came to the lower cabin.

Due to workmanship, even the Argonaut, which was built with the participation of the gods, had an unsealed deck.

After entering the lower cabin, even if no torches were lit, the sun shining through the gaps in the deck illuminated it.

With all the crew meeting on deck, the cabin is now empty, with rows of oars scattered around the oar holes on either side of the cabin.

But today's Argo, even at the busiest time, most of the oars here are idle.

"Have you seen these oars?" Ye Ting, who was alone here, suddenly said.

"I still remember that when the Argonaut just set off, it was full of people. Their leader was the great hero Hercules. Under his leadership, everyone worked together, shouting the horn and waving the boat. Paddle, send the Argo far away - unfortunately, such a lively scene can no longer be seen, and all this is because of your conspiracy."

No one answered his words.

But he seemed to see something, his eyes fixed on a corner of the cabin.

"To deceive mortals for their own private life and let them embark on a mortal journey is a very despicable behavior even for the gods."

"You're right."


After Ye Ting said that name, a golden light suddenly flashed in that corner.

The next moment, a woman suddenly appeared in that position.

The woman who suddenly appeared was wearing a white robe similar to a skirt, and beyond the white robe, she was wearing a gorgeous armor with golden light, which only consisted of a breastplate, skirt armor and helmet.

The armor that represents battle and the robe that represents civilization and wisdom are a contradictory combination in terms of clothing. No matter who they are, wearing both at the same time will look weird.

However, this woman is an exception.

The shining armor made her look heroic, but the flowing robe made her look beautiful and wise. This contradictory temperament appeared on the woman at the same time, inexplicably complementing each other.

Ye Ting recognized the identity of the person at a glance - the goddess Athena.

If Artemis, who symbolizes the moon, makes people feel innocent and wild, Aphrodite, who represents love and beauty, makes people feel warm feelings and desires, and Hecate, who controls magic, makes people feel mysterious and mysterious. Wisdom... Then this goddess makes people feel cold and rational.

War, Wisdom, Hades.

All three are the goddess of the goddess, and no matter which one makes people feel cruel and cold.

And that is the essence of this goddess.

The long violet hair almost fell to the ground, and the hands were holding a spear and a round shield, which was the most familiar image of Athena.

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