In the face of a completely corrupt bureaucracy, no matter how much you struggle, it is useless. Even if all the new high-ranking officials are finally pharaohs, but they are one level lower than them, and the people who work for them are corrupt, then their power is fundamental. It is a castle in the air and cannot be passed on.

Even if a high-level official that the people are satisfied with is elected, if a high-level official that the officials are satisfied with is not elected, then such an appointment will be in vain.

Not even a pharaoh can fight the whole bureaucracy, can he?

With this idea in mind, the officials of Memphis also came to the scene one after another, waiting for the arrival of the pharaoh.

Chapter 0834 Nitocris's Speech

Nitocris finally arrived too late when the sunboat she was pulling sailed all the way to the top of people's heads.

Surrounded by palace maids and soldiers, she walked out of the palace and came to the high platform built in the center of the square.

There was a golden throne, which was her seat, and where the people of the whole square could see her.

With the appearance of Nitocris, all the surrounding people were boiling.

They cheered the pharaoh, cheered her name, praised her good governance in the past, and praised her for allowing them to participate in such an event.

For this pharaoh, the people responded with deep expectations, and this expectation was also reflected in their words.

They were looking forward to the pharaoh to set things right, to turn things around, and to make the now chaotic Egypt prosper again and restore its past glory.

They look forward to the pharaoh to remove all the exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes in the past, punish all corruption and dereliction of duty, and let them live a better life.

The cheers and expectations of the people, Nitocris saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart.

Being able to receive such a heartfelt cheer, Nitocris said it was false to be unhappy, but from it, she felt a deep responsibility.

At this moment, she thought of Thoth again, what the man from a foreign country told her, the power from the people, and the very simple and simple expectations of the people.

"The people's request is very simple, that is, to have a bite to eat and live on, as long as this request can be met, no matter how harsh other aspects are, the people can tolerate it and endure it silently... But once this If the simplest requirements cannot be satisfied, then the people who have worked hard and never complain will rise up, and at that time, they will burst out with the power to destroy everything, and any kingdom will be extremely vulnerable in the face of this power.”

In fact, in the original ancient Egypt, Nitocris did not survive the successful revenge, and after her death, Egyptian officials made the whole of Egypt miserable.

And the final consequence is that the ancient kingdom of Egypt was destroyed like this.

Although Nitocris today doesn't know all of this, it doesn't prevent her from wanting to prevent this from happening.

Looking at the people in front of her, she silently made an oath to change the day and let the people in front of Dousheng live better.

Not to mention the reaction of Nitocris on stage.

Such a scene of cheers from all the people will undoubtedly make all the officials under the stage change their color.

Although most of them have long agreed on what will happen, and do not think that the pharaoh can regain power with this appointment of officials, the terrible momentum that the people have erupted now and their fanatical support for the pharaoh still make these officials deeply shocked.

"It seems that the little girl must not be given a chance in the future," a financial officer said earnestly to his colleagues, "Look at these stupid bastards, if you let that girl continue to push these guys to do something, We might be in big trouble!"

The frightened officials silently raised more vigilance against their pharaoh in their hearts.

However, they do not know that today's meeting is not the beginning, but the end.

On the high platform, Nitocris waved her hand in response to the cheers of the people, and then slowly took her seat.

On her left stood a handsome man in a robe. The officials knew that this was the exotic bard who had been favored by the female pharaoh recently, Thoth.

As the palace ladies had said, this stranger from a foreign country was indeed handsome and elegant, but none of the officials present dared to underestimate him.

In their opinion, [-]% of the assassination that night was in the hands of this foreign visitor - after all, it was like a ghost sneaking into other people's homes, knocking everyone out without being discovered, and then killing the target. Never seen in Egypt before.

On the spot, many people decided to drive this guy out in the name of a "foreign liar" and "a calamity who seduced the pharaoh" once he gained power. If so, it must be constrained by social rules.

There was no one standing on Nitocris' right hand. Even during this period of time, after hearing the rumors of the killer, almost all the maids in the palace were crying bitterly in front of Nitocris, repenting madly. Silk didn't really trust any of them either.

What no one saw, however, was that a deity was standing here in an invisible state.

It was Mejd.

Protected by one person and one god in the middle, Nitocris was full of courage at this time.

So, facing the tens of thousands of people and hundreds of officials in front of her, she spoke.

"Everyone, be quiet-"

Through the amplification spell, the voice of the female pharaoh spread throughout the square, so everyone fell silent.

The cheers of the people stopped, the officials stopped whispering, and everyone looked at Nitocris, expecting her to speak.

This is the influence of Pharaoh.

The people in front of them, some of them are sincere, some are fake, some truly respect her, and some despise her in their hearts, but no matter what they think, in front of Pharaoh, the incarnation of God on earth, they must obey Pharaoh's royal orders and listen to her speech. .

So Nitocris spoke.

"The people, soldiers, and officials present, I am the incarnation of Horus, Nebouti (the collective name for the guardian goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt, meaning the guardian of Upper and Lower Egypt) Golden Horus Nisu Bit (belonging to Kan and Bee, meaning King of Upper and Lower Egypt) Son of Ra, Pharaoh of Er et al."

People looked at her with burning eyes.

"Now, standing on a high platform and standing in front of you, as a pharaoh, I deeply apologize to you. Today's Egypt is not prosperous, and many people's lives are not happy. All kinds of unreasonable taxes and corvée Many people can hardly survive, and many Spart (meaning state) no longer obey the dispatch of Wangcheng. In short, everyone lives very hard - this is all my responsibility, here, I would like to express my condolences to everyone. With deep apologies."

Saying that, Nitocris really bowed to the people.

Is this still available?

The king actually apologized to the people, which is unprecedented since ancient times.

The behavior of Nitocris immediately moved the people to the extreme, especially since many of them believed that the chaos in Egypt was not because of the Pharaoh, but the fault of the ministers, so people immediately shouted.

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