Among them, only a dozen or so were the original priests of the temple, and more were orphans who were adopted by the temple and served the temple.

These people were in the underground palace of the palace, and followed Ye Ting to learn rune magic.

That's right, this underground palace is exactly the palace that Nitocris built for revenge, but because of Ye Ting's help, she didn't need to use the means of revenge, which was almost dead, and this underground palace lost its meaning, so Nitocris gave it to Ye Ting.

"Since you've saved me and saved my future, I'll leave to you this ominous palace that represents my tragic future - put it to good use, and let it make a real difference, as if you changed me fate."

In this way, Ye Ting became the master of this place, and this place became his magic workshop, his laboratory, and his classroom.

These men became his apprentices, learning from him the theory of magic and Egyptian magic runes every day.

Those of them who were originally priests became the teaching assistants. Because these people have the foundation of rune magic, the progress of learning rune magic is much faster, and most of these people are adults, so they have the ability take care of others.

So, with the help of these people, the young men with magical talent grew up quickly and became qualified magic apprentices-they were orphans adopted by temples all over Egypt in the past, and they were the reserve talents to become priests. , they do have this talent.

The Egyptian War Mage Corps was established on the basis of these people.

Chapter 0843 The Apprentice of Egyptian Rune Magic

To be honest, Ye Ting is not the kind of person who cherishes himself and is unwilling to share his knowledge with others.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have decisively brought out his Transfiguration spell in Dalaran at the beginning. While establishing his prestige, he also made Dalaran's mages' attainment of Transfiguration to a higher level.

In his view, although his various methods come from this magical knowledge, this knowledge is his greatest weapon.

But it was not the result of this knowledge that he became strong.

He can have such achievements today, in the final analysis, it is because of his own wisdom.

Wisdom is the trump card, not magic, that was his experience over the years.

As a result, even if his enemy has mastered all the magic he knows, in this vast sea of ​​magic, who can understand what kind of magic he will use to fight?Although the magician maintains enough mystery to be able to fight, but when the magic that he knows reaches a limit, it is not important to keep it secret.

Secondly, not everyone has the wisdom to learn his magic. If nothing else, at least the magic of soul materialization, until now, few people in the entire Mystra Academy can understand it.

Therefore, today's Ye Ting has never been afraid to widely teach his magic to others.

The same is true in Egypt today.

So these apprentices were stunned to discover that there were so many powerful supernatural powers in addition to the power of God they understood.

In Ye Ting's mouth, although the priests are the spokespersons of the gods on the ground and the interpreters of the oracles, they are the ones who really learn the power of the gods and practice the will of the gods.

This has also made these magic apprentices have an extraordinary enthusiasm for learning magic, and their hearts are full of a sense of mission, as if the heavens will give them great responsibilities.

Yes, unlike in Greece, in Egypt, Ye Ting did not tune the mages into a group of humanists who oppose the rule of gods and pursue human beings free from the control of gods.

On the contrary, under Ye Ting's indoctrination, these people even tended to become mad believers.

Of course, Ye Ting's actions did not mean that his attitude towards gods and people had changed. He did it for a reason.

One of them, of course, is because of the difference between the Egyptian gods and the Greek gods.

As mentioned before, the Egyptian gods were not as bastards as the Greek gods. Although they once walked on the ground, they were not like the Olympian gods. As a pharaoh, generation after generation personally led the Egyptians to civilization.

Ra was followed by Shu and Tefnut, then Geb and Nut, then Osiris, and finally Horus.

Generation after generation, these gods led the Egyptians from primitive savagery to civilization, and also established the pharaoh system.

It is precisely because of these responsible gods that among the four ancient civilizations, Egypt is the civilization with the earliest history after Babylon.

But to put it nicely, these gods are responsible, to put it badly, they are very lazy.

After Horus left the descendants on earth and left the mortal world, these gods have always upheld their most basic responsibilities and managed the world without interfering with the world.

For example, Ra's solar boat still travels between the sky and the underworld day after day, but apart from these things, he never even sends down oracles to instruct mortals.

The gods such as Anubis and Horus are no exception.

They only perform their most basic duties and never interfere in other things.

Perhaps it was this responsibility that allowed them to personally lead the Egyptians to build civilization thousands of years ago.

It is also because of this non-interference other than responsibility that he was replaced by the god Amon after thousands of years - Ye Ting seriously suspected that they just wanted to rest and find someone to take the blame.

In short, Ye Ting appreciates such gods who do not point fingers at ordinary people and perform their duties like clocking in at work every day. Naturally, he doesn't want to cause trouble for these rare gods.

Of course, the so-called magician is the agent of God's power, there are other reasons for this statement.

The purpose is to reduce the rebellious psychology of these people and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning. After all, in Egypt, the belief in gods is much more fanatical than in Greece. The madness of those Olympian gods has long made many people feel They lost their awe.

Judging from the results, Ye Ting's method was successful.

Second, naturally, he helped Nitocris.

After all, the Pharaoh is the biggest spokesperson for the gods on earth. No matter what kind of priest, when it comes to representing the will of God, they can’t compare to Pharaoh himself.

In other words, in Egypt, Pharaoh was the greatest high priest.

So what do these mages need to do if they want to fulfill the will of God?

Is there anything more fulfilling the will of God than being loyal to the Pharaoh?

However, Ye Ting's behavior also caused some side effects.

That is, these apprentices who learn Egyptian rune magic are not divided into schools like traditional magic teaching, but are divided into factions of god believers based on beliefs.

Just like the orthodox mage apprentices specialize in each school after learning the basic spells, when these apprentices learn magic, they will also choose the gods they believe in, and specialize in learning related rune spells, and the rest of the rune spells are just dabbling. .

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