Moreover, with the blood descendants of the previous pharaohs as queens, is it easier to become a pharaoh yourself?

It is rumored that the female pharaoh favored a little white face from a foreign country, but it doesn't matter, Melibra doesn't care about this, after all, such a beautiful woman has such an identity, and only she is worthy of him in the whole of Egypt.

The dreamy Melibra soon finally woke up and led his army into the battlefield.

He couldn't wait to defeat his opponent and wanted to hold the pharaoh in his hand.

However, on the battlefield, after seeing his opponent, Melibra was instantly dumbfounded.

It's not that Nitocris's heroic spirit on the battlefield is not enough to attract him, nor is it that Nitocris and the "little white face" around him cannot share a chariot to make him angry, but because Nitocles Chris's army is too strong, stronger than Melibra could have imagined.

In fact, in terms of military strength, both sides of the battlefield are quite equal. Although Nitocris led nearly [-] troops when she went on the expedition, in fact, most of them were garrison troops. Fighting doesn't meet Nitocris's request—of course, it's just Nitocris's request.

These garrison troops were naturally used to garrison troops after conquering a place.

And now there are only [-] or [-] troops facing Melibra on the battlefield, similar to his subordinates.

But these [-] people, with their equipment and aura alone, dealt a huge blow to the self-confident Melibra.

Chapter 0848

Even Melibra had to admit that the army in front of him was the army he dreamed of.

At the forefront of the team are the terrifying chariot soldiers. Unlike Melibra's chariot, the horses in front of the Pharaoh's chariot are all wearing vests, and the chariots are also taller and stronger. More importantly, they appear now. There are hundreds of chariots in front of him, several times as many as him.

Behind the chariot was a group of monsters covered in metal armor.

Said to be a monster, but in fact, it was a type of army that had never appeared in Egypt-heavy infantry.

These heavy infantrymen are covered in gold-plated metal armor, which covers them tightly. Ordinary swords and arrows can't cause damage to them at all, but they are tall and big, holding heavy axes, and you can tell at a glance An unstoppable warrior, Melibra could already guess what would happen if the infantry broke into his formation.

On the flanks and rear of the heavy infantry were ordinary soldiers.

The soldiers were dressed in luxurious full-body leather armor and armed with sharp-looking elite weapons. The formation was neatly arranged in front of the formation. The entire team was silent, and no one made any extra moves. pregnancy.

On their flanks are cavalry. Compared with infantry, the formation of cavalry is more scattered, but there are hundreds of people in number. Compared with infantry, cavalry itself is large, so it looks very terrifying from a distance.

At the end of the team, there are tall wooden machines. Melibra doesn't know what these machines are, but it is definitely not a good thing to be able to appear on the battlefield.

Looking at the luxuriously equipped, well-trained, and forbidden army in front of him, and then seeing that he was inferior to the army opposite in terms of quantity, training, and equipment, Melibra sighed deeply.

Except for the generals, no one under his command could wear metal armor at all.

The ghost knows how the pharaoh found so many armors.

It seems that this battle is difficult.

Melibra looked at the opposite side again. At this moment, the golden figure in the enemy army was so terrifying in his eyes.

"I was deceived..." Melibra said softly to himself.

"What are you talking about?" the general beside him asked.

"All of us have been deceived," Melibra shook his head and said to himself, "Everyone underestimated the female pharaoh, and quietly built such an army, this woman, too Terrible."

The generals around them also turned pale. To be honest, they also felt hopeless in the face of such an army.

Melibra even had the idea of ​​withdrawing troops altogether.

But the idea was immediately abandoned.

Yesterday, he vowed to mobilize the army, announced the decisive battle tomorrow in front of the envoy to persuade him to surrender at night, and then ran away after a face-to-face encounter with the other party. Will is what matters.

Instead of running away now and then being captured by the opponent, it is better to fight against the opponent, maybe the opponent will be defeated by a mistake in command?The battlefield is changing rapidly, and anything can happen.

With this in mind, he ordered the entire army to prepare, and then took the initiative to attack.

The enemy's formation is so terrifying that even ordinary soldiers can see the gap between the enemy and us. In this case, they must take the initiative to restore their momentum. Otherwise, if the enemy is allowed to charge, the army may even be unable to withstand the pressure and collapse.

With the order of Melibra, the Herculeopolis Army started slowly, and the soldiers marched forward step by step in a neat pace.

Generally speaking, the order of formal warfare in this period was that the two sides approached each other, the archers on both sides shot at each other, the chariots attacked from the front, the cavalry flanked the flank, and the infantry followed.

Of course, there are occasional foreplay for warriors to provoke head-on and then duel as a battle, but Melibra will not be stupid enough to do so, everyone knows that no one can compare to the royal family of descendants of gods in terms of loudness .

As the army of Herakliopolis began to advance, Nitocris also gave the order to advance.

In this way, the phalanxes of the two sides gradually approached at the pace of "rumbling".

Three hundred steps.

Two hundred and fifty steps.

Two hundred steps.

One hundred and fifty steps.

When the distance between the two sides was about one hundred and fifty paces, Nitocris ordered the army to stop.

How is this going?

Generally speaking, the Egyptian army would stop and shoot at a distance of twenty or thirty steps, and the chariots would attack, because the bows used by the Egyptian archers were too primitive and their range was limited.

So why did the Pharaoh's army stop so far away?

Melibra was a little puzzled, but he didn't stop his soldiers. After all, it was too late to change tactics casually in this situation.

Then, he saw that the large wooden machinery in the enemy formation moved.

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