Although each pantheon has opponents of the dominant rulers, there are various demons - such as Typhon and giants to the Olympian gods, Chaos Serpent Apophis to Heliopo Lithian pantheon, Angola Manuel to Zoroastrian pantheon, etc.

But most of the pantheon's endings are the victory of justice over evil, and the victory of the gods over evil.

Only the Norse gods, the gods seem to be high above, in fact, the power of their opponents is almost on par with them: Nidhogg, the devil who devoured the world tree, Yemengarde, the huge snake of the world, who rules the underworld, and his subordinates. Hela, the god of death of the endless undead army, as well as the frost giant, the flame giant...

In Ye Ting's view, there is no need to wait for the end of the gods, just the Ragnarok battle is enough to damage the entire Nordic gods, and it is impossible to start again.

Therefore, Ye Ting didn't do too much trouble here, he just made arrangements in the spiritual veins, and then left this cold place.

By the way, he also tricked a rune spell from a certain Valkyrie.

I don't know what kind of resentment the Valkyrie will get after Ye Tingren disappears.

In short, after his trip to Northern Europe, Ye Ting visited most of the spiritual veins on this planet and spread the tentacles of Hecate, the goddess of the magic net, all over the world.

Although it has not been completed yet, Ye Ting knows that with the passage of time, Hecate will soon become the goddess of the magic net all over the world through Ye Ting's arrangement, and the spiritual veins will truly be in the form of magic nets on this planet. woven on top.

At that time, except for a few island countries, the magic flow of the whole world will be under Hecate's control, and Ye Ting's big plan will also begin.

Chapter 0899 Rome

In the Greek domain, it has been a long time since the end of the Trojan War.

The original Argonauts and the survivors of the Trojan War were either fortunate enough to ascend to Mount Olympus as gods, or have long since passed away.

However, the descendants left by the heroes of the year have survived from generation to generation and maintained many countries in Greece. Of course, their ideas have been passed down together.

During this period of time, the situation in Greece was still constantly changing, with countries attacking each other, old kingdoms decaying, and new ones rising—and most of the people who dominate Greece today are ruled by the descendants of the Argonauts. s country.

No way, the Argonaut journey and the Trojan War did too much damage to the forces of the Olympus pantheon on the ground.

The former made a large number of heroes who honored the gods die on the journey and Colchis, and turned the remaining heroes against the gods, and the latter was a brutal civil war between the gods, although all of this forged the magnificent Greek hero. Epic, but also let the heroes of the whole Greek gods wither on the earth.

With the gradual decline of heroes, the power of mages gradually infiltrated the power core of various kingdoms, the so-called era of heroes gradually came to an end, and the era of people gradually emerged.

As the victor of the Trojan War, one of the allies of Troy, Aeneas, the cousin of Priam, the king of Troy at that time, also shared the glory of the victor, and then he became the son-in-law of the king of the Latins, Married the Latin princess Lavinia and became the actual investor of the Latin.

He and his descendants ruled the Latin Yu for sixteen generations. In the sixteenth generation, King Numitor was unfortunately usurped by his brother, and the whole family was killed. Only the princess Sylvia was named after the kitchen god Hess. The priesthood of Tia survived.

Then, she met Ares, the god of war.

Even if they were rejected and resented by humans, the gods of Olympus still go their own way, frequently planting the world in the lower realm - but because of the growth of the power of the mages, the heroes of the demigods have become more and more unable to be the same as in the past. Establishing great deeds on the earth, awakening mankind's admiration for the gods.

Even more because of their disgust with this kind of thing, the gods of Olympus were almost divided. Among the twelve main gods, Hestia lived on the ground for a long time, and Apollo and Artemis were almost the same except for driving the carriage of the sun and the moon. The rest of the gods lost contact, and Athena simply moved out of Mount Olympus—she became a frequent visitor to the Mystra Academy.

Over the centuries, the authority of the gods among mortals has been greatly reduced, and the strength of the Olympus pantheon has become weaker due to divisions.

Perhaps it was inspired by Heliopolis in Egypt. Finally, under the plan of the gods, Ares, the god of war, and the beautiful princess Sylvia, the priest of Hestia, met fatefully.

So, Ares "falls in love" with Sylvia, and soon the princess gives birth to twin children for the god of war, and then returns to Olympus.

After killing Sylvia's father, the princess' uncle Amulo, who was conspiring to usurp the throne, was very worried, so he ordered his servants to put the two babies in a basket and threw them into the Tiber River.

But with the secret help of the gods, the Tiber River washed the basket to the desolate river bank and stranded next to a fig tree on the bank. A mythical beast she-wolf raised them and even fed the brothers with her own milk. .

The brothers, one named Romulus and one named Remus.

Seeing this famous name, the ending of the story is obvious.

The brothers eventually overthrew the tyranny of the usurper.

After that, the two brothers prepared to build a new city on which to build a new kingdom.

The two brothers each had their own desired address for building the city. After some disputes, they finally adopted the choice of their elder brother Romulus.

So Romulus put his gun in the Palatine, where Rome was founded.

After that, Rome has been passed down for several generations. With the support of the gods, Rome expanded rapidly and almost unified most of the northern coast of the Mediterranean.

Also because the founder of Rome, Romulus, was the son of Ares, the mortals of Rome gradually re-established their belief in the gods.

This time, it is indeed the victory of the gods of Olympus-through the establishment of Rome, they not only regained their influence on mortals, but also made Ares stronger, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It is a pity that until this time, Zeus and other gods did not understand that the real purpose of their enemies was not to seize power and establish a new pantheon, nor did they really understand how human society changed.

At the same time, those who inherited the legacy of the Argonauts, led by Greece and Macedonia, had to deal with the repeated invasions of the emerging Persian Empire due to geographical reasons.

Although there is a division of the gods among the major gods in order to avoid the battle of the gods, the competition between the gods will not be cut off. When the gods are in a tacit understanding and do not fight each other, the war between mortals is the means of struggle between the gods.

The Hippo War, which represented the dispute between the Olympian and Zoroastrian pantheons.

However, unlike the Zoroastrian pantheon, which fully supported the unified Persian Empire, the gods behind these city-states headed by Athens were not the entire Olympian pantheon, but one of the Olympian gods. of a faction.

As the patron saint of Athens, the goddess Athena naturally bears the brunt, and other gods such as Apollo, Artemis, and Hestia will also provide help, but Zeus and Hera are only watching the battle and taking the opportunity develop Rome.

That's exactly what they're trying to do.

For these city-states, it is quite difficult to deal with the invasion of Persia alone. This is also true at the level of gods. Although Athena can rival the god-king Zeus, there are also helpers such as Hestia, Apollo, and Artemis. , but it is still difficult to deal with the entire pantheon of the enemy.

After all, this is not a head-to-head battle between the gods. The two sides are not competing for combat power, but for divine power and the help and blessings for the mortals under their command.

At this point, although the gods of the Athena family were all powerful in combat, they were unable to exert their own advantages.

Fortunately, Hecate and Aphrodite also stood up, and at the same time, the power of the mage also joined the Greek coalition, which prevented the situation from becoming one-sided.

In the first Persian invasion, the two sides fought at Marathon. With the help of magic, the Greeks defeated the Persians led by Darius I with less victory.

Soon, the Persians began to invade for the second time, but this time, the Spartans stood up - the guardian of the Flame Gate, the King of Sparta, Leonidas, led three hundred warriors to defend the Hot Spring Pass and gave When the rest of the city-states were strong and clear, the Greek coalition defeated the army led by Xerxes I, who took over, in one fell swoop in the Battle of the Gulf of Salami.

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