However, when Hermione, Zhang Qiu and others hacked, Mooncell began to fail frequently, and even caused self-logical contradictions, resulting in major loopholes in the firewall, which led to Hermione and others being mortals, but they were more capable than goddesses. Easy access to the depths of Moonce11.

After Ye Ting personally hacked, Mooncell's response was... downtime.

Yes, as if the machine was completely dead, the dynamic defense was completely stagnant, and the static defense was also full of loopholes. At least the first four layers, Ye Ting was almost like no one.

This in the end is why?

After some thought and experimentation, Ye Ting came to a conclusion.

All of this is still related to Mooncell's underlying logic.

The original purpose of Mooncell was to observe the Earth.

And this process lasted almost 46 billion years.

In these 46 billion years, all the information it has to process and the variables in it come from the earth itself, at most the material exchange between space and earth.

That is to say, the logic of its observations and deductions, and the sources of information are all based on the Moon World.

Mooncell is powerful, powerful enough to deduce, and even change, the future with its information and computing power:

In order to make more complete observations, Mooncell had to record many "ifs" in history, and the calculation device placed on the moon was there for this.

Mooncell uses its enormous computing power to infer past knowledge and future predictions.The center keeps everything about that "future prediction".

Therefore, no matter what the future is, Mooncell can quickly complete the "shape" operation of moving the earth to that future as long as the result is input, because Mooncell has already established the method and practical means to reach that goal. Knitted out.

This is the ability of Mooncell.

However, after Ye Ting crossed into this world, everything changed...

This is like a virus has entered the game server, and the ideal environment for the experiment has been polluted - even if Ye Ting does nothing, the butterfly effect alone will change the development of history beyond recognition.

At the very least, the so-called conservation of mass in the universe is broken.

What's more, Ye Ting didn't do nothing, on the contrary, with his constant intervention, the history of the earth had undergone a huge deviation, and this deviation reached its peak with the rise of the Xianqin Empire.

As a result, Mooncell, the supercomputer that "observes the Earth's eye", ran into big trouble.

The existence of Ye Ting is equal to the variable X that was suddenly added to a certain algorithm, which made all Mooncell's past observations and predictions useless, and about Ye Ting, Mooncell knew almost nothing, so Mooncell's deduction of the earth made mistakes again and again. , the logic is disordered again and again, if Mooncell is not strong enough, its system will almost collapse.

As a traveler, no matter which world Ye Ting went to, he would always be the nemesis of those who possessed a powerful predictive ability.

For example, as long as Ye Ting stood in front of Mooncell, it would cause chaos in his system, which greatly facilitated his invasion of Mooncell.

It can be said that for Mooncell, Ye Ting is the biggest bug.

Moreover, as a bug, Ye Ting's destructive power to Mooncell will spread with his influence on others and infect others - this is the role of the butterfly effect.

Goddesses such as Aphrodite, Artemis, etc., although they are all powerful gods, because they all exist in the Moonlight world, they are only influenced by Ye Ting, so they can make Mooncell Makes some mistakes - but that's about it.

As for Hermione, Zhang Qiu, Penello and others, they are not aborigines in the Moon World, but are visitors from another world like Ye Ting, and they are even more destructive to Moonce11 than the goddesses.

Of course, as a supercomputer, Mooncell is not without mechanisms to deal with unexpected situations.

After all, the earth and even the solar system are not independent existences, they will be continuously affected by the universe, and Mooncell's computing power cannot deduce the entire universe...

And Mooncell's coping mechanism is to analyze through huge computing power.

As long as the unexpected factors are thoroughly analyzed and the working mechanism of the bug is fully understood, then the accident will always be in the calculation, and the bug will be eliminated directly.

However, Ye Ting was not something that Mooncell could easily analyze.

As for Hermione and others, without Ye Ting's existence, they would have been completely analyzed by Mooncell, and there is no possibility of becoming a bug.

In short, after knowing what he meant for Mooncell, Ye Ting naturally would not miss this opportunity.

Although I don't know how long I can keep the mystery in front of Mooncell, as long as he can successfully enter Mooncell before that, then everything will be fine.

So, Ye Ting launched an invasion.

Mooncell broke through the first five layers effortlessly, and before the sixth layer, he finally ran into trouble.

Compared with the first five layers, the defense method of the sixth layer is "quantity".

Ye Ting must break through the photon ocean equivalent to 404 light-years in order to reach the next level, and there is no possibility of cheating.

For Ye Ting, even if he turned into light and moved forward at the speed of light, it would take hundreds of years to reach his goal.

This is not in line with Ye Ting's plan.

However, as long as a little extra means is used, it is only a few hundred light-years away, and it is absolutely impossible to stop Ye Ting.

After all, this is not hundreds of light-years in the true sense - Mooncell is only [-] kilometers in diameter, where can hundreds of light-years travel?

For Mooncell's invasion, it is impossible to use physical means, but to put consciousness into the imaginary space inside Mooncell.

This situation is somewhat similar to the Matrix.

Because normal souls are within the scope of Mooncell's deduction, they are no different in imaginary space than in reality.

And Ye Ting, the man that Mooncell could never resolve, was Mooncell's bug.

In other words, Mooncell has no specific data for Ye Ting.

If there is no data, how should Mooncell define Ye Ting's existence and authority in the imaginary space?

So, he hung up.

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