Although Ye Ting created BB with powerful information in Mooncell, such as Primordial Goddess, Invisible Moon, etc., it is far from enough to conquer Mooncell with these powers alone.

Mooncell's size is too large, and even if he has the information of the goddess, BB is not a real goddess, and cannot have the indiscriminate destructive power of gods that ignores the power level and directly interferes with the rules.

For example, in front of the real goddess of death, whether you are an ordinary person with a combat power of 5 or a Super Four Saiyan with a combat power of hundreds of millions, as long as you can't transcend the law of death, you will be indiscriminately attacked. give death.

But BB, who only has divinity and is not a complete goddess, can't do this, which makes her incapable of facing Mooncell with a huge amount of information.

And Mooncell itself has the principle of refusing to carry artificial intelligence, so even BB can't improve its own function.

Therefore, Ye Ting specially equipped BB with the necessary capabilities as a Trojan virus:

Self-transformation [EX]: As a virus, BB has the ability to expand itself.In order to improve computing power, BB can use black noise to prey on the intelligence information in Mooncell, then decompose it and use it as its own memory capacity.

Although it is an additional construction at the cost of self-destruction, the result is that BB can be transformed into a super AI with a huge capacity.It looked like a reclaimed city that continued to build despite flooding, or a Frankenstein monster.

It is because of this skill that BB has become Moonce1lCancer, also known as the Cancer of the Moon, with the AI ​​in Mooncell.

As food for self-transformation, the malicious information on the side of the moon is a paradise that belongs to BB.

With the power of the inner side of the moon, she will truly be like a cancer cell, infinitely self-expanding, infinitely expanding, until the entire Mooncell is overturned.

Speaking of which, no matter what world, Matou Sakura always has a deep relationship with the black mud.


PS1: BB itself in "Fate/EXTRACCC" is the backup of AI Matou Sakura who is in charge of the health room, and AI Matou Sakura is an NPC created by Mooncell based on Matou Sakura in the Holy Grail War.

In the Holy Grail War, Matou Sakura became the "Black Holy Grail", and after blackening, he controlled "all the evils in this world" in the Holy Grail, which is the if route of black mud.

The source of BB's power, the malicious information on the inner side of the moon, is similar to the black mud "all the evils in this world".

PS2: The Faceless Moon, referring to Nyarlathotep in the Cthulhu mythology.

Chapter 0935 Trojan hacking

When Ye Ting saw BB again, it was a few days later.

Although his appearance did not seem to have changed, as the creator of the girl, Ye Ting had already felt the difference in the other party.

If it is said that a few days ago, she simply grasped the concept of the mother goddess, then now she is the mother goddess of creation who is in the world of spiritual children, and also holds the sea of ​​origin of the mother goddess in her hands.

I saw him wearing a gorgeous dress, wearing ten overlapping crowns, holding a golden cup, a sacred and inviolable appearance, so Ye Ting once thought that this little devil had changed a person. .

But the next moment, the girl's whole body changed drastically.

The gorgeous dress has changed back to a handsome black cape, with a shirt and a short skirt inside, the gold cup is integrated into the chest, and the crown has also become the appearance of a pointer.

"Dala~" Jumping from the sea of ​​vicious information that was empty and empty, BB came to Ye Ting, and BB happily announced his existence to Ye Ting: "BB's pro level has increased~~! How is it? I miss me. Can't you wait? I will win even your future with my overflowing junior force!"

"Well, it's hard work, BB," Ye Ting greeted the enthusiastic girl with a smile, "I'm relieved to see that you are still full of energy, but why did you change into this outfit? "

"Okay, after all, your abilities have increased, so don't show the look of 'Aren't you going to change to a nurse's uniform?'! The black coat is the symbol of the final BOSS junior! If you can't understand this kind of coolness Feeling, even if you are the creator, I will turn you into a pig!"

Really... a bad enough response.

However, this is also true, as long as the ability is improved enough to fight against Mooncell's firewall, it doesn't matter what she wears, BB is cute no matter what she wears.

However, the previous set of gorgeous dresses, crowns and gold cups all have a story.

Cup of Gold[EX]

Ability: Turns the enemy's continuous beneficial skills into your own, causing massive damage.

Original: The Golden Cup, also known as the Holy Grail, is the manifestation of Mooncell's ability to modify the future through information manipulation.In the book of Revelation, the cup held by the great whore of Babylon.However, it is false.

After all, the power comes from malicious intelligence, not the intelligence information that Mooncell actually stores.

Although it is a fake Holy Grail, it is precisely because it is a fake Holy Grail that it has become the "real" Holy Grail that fulfills human desires regardless of right and wrong.

It is quite obvious that this is the cup held by the great prostitute of Babylon incarnation of the Roman Empire. This cup is like the opposite of what Christ said, "You shall not lay up treasures for yourself on the earth," those earthly treasures.

"I saw a woman riding on a scarlet beast. The beast had seven heads and ten horns, and was covered with blasphemous names." This is the beast of destruction in the book of Revelation, appearing in the holy capital, and riding A description of the woman of this beast.

It is said that a seven-headed beast as large as Hydra emerged from the sea and boarded the sacred capital.The beast and the woman are two-in-one and cannot be considered separately.

Woman is regarded as the one who produces all evil, and it is said that the lighthearted and the greedy, unable to resist her temptation, fall under this cup.

Crown of Ten[EX]

The real name is Jiefang, the mother womb of all beasts.

Original: The ten crowns refer to the ten fabled kings, and the seven hills refer to the ominous capital of sin.Although the principle and power are unclear, the source of this power seems to be located in the past that should be the oldest hero king of mankind.

Simply looking at it, this is a skill that treats injuries, events, and results as "never happened".

In fact, as long as you have this skill BB is invincible.

The tin rod of domination—

Pointer held by BB.A device that can fully utilize the authority of advanced AI.Although it is limited to Mooncell, BB can use this to change the law of spiritual sons in the imaginary space.

BB turned the "Ten Crowns of Domination" worn by the Beast of Babylon into a pointer.This is because the seven-headed beast is the male principle corresponding to the female principle, and its essence is the Phallus (straight rod).This tin rod symbolizes the king of the world who has received the throne and authority from the great dragon and has the right to speak arrogantly and desecrate all things as he pleases for 42 months.

Just based on these props that symbolize "authority", it is enough to see that BB's authority in the imaginary space is high enough. If Mooncell is a supercomputer, then she is almost half an administrator.

After all, even the malicious information abandoned by Mooncell is actually a part of Mooncell. Mastering Mooncell's darkness is equivalent to mastering half of Mooncell's state.

Using the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, this is Ye Ting's plan.

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