"Even this has been guessed by you, and sure enough, you are the only mortal who is my real enemy - those gods, whether it's Zeus or Odin, these gods seem powerful and invincible, but compared to you It’s really not that far. They don’t even know if they want to break their heads. Under their long rule over human beings, you, a mortal, have secretly weaved a dirge to subvert them... So, now you want to use this Will power kill me?"

Faced with the spear of Longinus, which has the absolute ability to kill gods, even the great god Athena, who is comparable to Zeus, can't avoid it, but she has lost most of her power as a god, and now she has to be reborn in Jehovah on the angel showed a fearless appearance.

The reason for this has to be dubious.

Ye Ting thought for a while, and his face sank.

"Are you threatening me with Sadokir's life?"

"Hahahahaha, as expected of my archenemy, I understood so quickly, that's right, although I am now living in a mere angel's body, I am not your opponent, but so what? You are going to use that gun. Get rid of me?"

Speaking of which, she took two provocative steps forward.

"Perhaps you already guessed that I didn't really die, but it was your fault that you didn't cut down on me immediately—I have observed you carefully in the past few days, and have understood your feelings towards angels. And made an arrangement: by the power of memory, I already exist in the consciousness of every angel, and my life will be connected with the angels. If you want to kill me, then come, only However, you have to pay the price of the sacrifice of all the angels!"

The astonishing truth came out of the mouth of the Lord and shocked everyone.

No one would like to control their life in the hands of others, especially now that Jehovah has long since lost the love of his heavenly Father, and instead is like a madman.

Some of the angels immediately cursed out.

"Bastard Lord, go to hell!"

"Those who insult Heavenly Father shall be punished by Heaven!"

Jehovah responded sharply to this accusation.


The next moment, the scolding angel suddenly fell to the ground, looking unconscious.

Gabriel was the first to pounce on her, trying to save her.

After a while, her face turned pale.

"...The soul was seriously injured. The damage seems to come from the inside. Although it is not fatal, it cannot be recovered for a while."

The appearance of this situation caused the rest of the angels who were dissatisfied with Jehovah to shudder.

Although Gabriel did not say it explicitly, the angels present had a certain understanding of the soul.

The materialized body of the soul not only gives the angels quite strong physical resistance, even the attack from the soul cannot hurt the soul that has entered a higher dimension.

There is, then, only one possibility for this kind of soul-level injury—and what the Lord says is true.

God is a conceptual life, and any memory about God is the continuation of God’s life, so in theory, God can use this to influence all intellectual beings who remember him and understand him.

The so-called inspiration of God, the connection of faith, and the gift of divine power all originate from this.

And this kind of trauma to the soul is theoretically possible.

However, a theory is a theory after all. In fact, God’s power in the memory of others is very weak. Unless he is a fanatic of God, God cannot really harm others in this way.

But that doesn't mean it can't be done under special circumstances.

For example, now, Jehovah has taught them a good lesson.

The angel's injury meant that their lives were indeed in the hands of their past "Father".

As the creators of angels, Ye Ting, Hecate, and Daedalus are naturally the least willing for this to happen.Among the angels, people immediately panicked. However, the four archangels, including Michael and Gabriel, were the most angry and fearful.

Of course, the fallen angels headed by Lucifer also felt uneasy.

"How could this be, Father..."

Michael, who regarded her compatriots as more important than her own life, could not even generate any anger. She was afraid that she would anger the Lord and endanger the lives of herself and her compatriots.

"Mingming, you were so kind in the past and loved us so much, just like our father, strict yet lenient, but now, how can you bear to do such a thing."

Faced with such a predicament, Rao, a strong female warrior like Michael, became weak.

For her plea, Jehovah just smiled coldly.

"I am the lord of thousands of splendors, the commander of the heavenly army, the lord of the universe, the lord of life, the LORD of armies, your heavenly army, you should serve me in every life, and your lives will naturally be in my hands!"

Chapter 0970 Ye Ting's betrayal?

Jehovah's cruel speech finally extinguished the last trace of expectation and nostalgia for him in Michael's heart.

As if everything that supported him had collapsed, the archangel stood there with empty eyes, silent.

She no longer knew how to answer Jehovah’s words and how to solve the current predicament.

Many angels are in the same state as her.

The complete collapse of faith for many years is nothing more than this.

On the contrary, Ye Ting spoke slowly and told the truth of everything:

"Controlling and extracting the last ounce of benefits from believers through brainwashing and manipulation. Lord, this is not the first time you have played this trick."

"What I'm saying, after losing the seal ring and the wedge between you and humans, how did you maintain your own power, and even go further and become the god of the small world - think of Gabriel and Michael once told me that the disappearance of the Holy Spirit in heaven a few years ago, I think, they have become your food with a high probability."

"Those people who worshiped you fervently have been easily controlled by you, burning their souls as fuel to supply you, keep you alive, and make you a god in a small world without being swallowed up. My own will, in the end, I was completely dissipated, and there was no possibility of reincarnation - to achieve this step, it really belongs to you, Jehovah."

"Although in order to cope with the decline of the age of the gods, the twilight of the gods, the gods in various places have begun to pay attention to the spread of their followers, but the gods who can use their followers in this way, the only one I see is you-I, never I have seen such a brazen god!"

Ye Ting's words instantly pulled Jehovah's face down.

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