Godly Student

Chapter 4691: Disappointed!

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"It looks like the situation here is more troublesome than I thought!" Cheng Yu sighed.

I thought that the super storm behind him didn't need to worry about the threat of the storm, but he was wrong, so he didn't run too much, and he saw two super storms in front of him.

If it wasn't for being surrounded by storms on all sides before, Cheng Yu wouldn't have thought of going through the storm.

Now there are two super storms ahead, and another super storm is brewing and fusion behind him. His current situation is not surrounded, so it is naturally impossible for him to go through a storm stupidly.

Without saying anything, he ran directly to the left.

However, apart from yellow sand and storms, there seems to be nothing else in this desert. No matter where Cheng Yu fled, endless yellow sand and various storms were in front of him.

"No, this illusion is very powerful, running at this speed, I am afraid that it will never be possible to get out of this illusion!" Cheng Yu saw the tornado storms of different sizes rolling up in front of him, and finally stopped helplessly. Footsteps.

"The problem is that you have to find the eyes of this illusion!" Zhenhun said.

"Except for the yellow sand in this illusion, there are those tornadoes or storms. Do you think that the eyes of this illusion are in these super storms?" Cheng Yu looked at the tornadoes connected to the sky in the distance. A bold idea could not help but arose.

"This... isn't impossible. Often it is impossible for any large formation to be easily found in the front, so the location of the front is often accompanied by great danger.

You have been in this illusion for so long and you have traveled so many places. These storms indeed seem to be the most dangerous in the entire illusion.

So your guess is indeed very possible, the eye of this formation is in one of these storms. "The soul of Zhenzhen thought for a while, and he agreed with Cheng Yu's guess.

After all, they have experienced a lot of life and death, and the more they have experienced, the more ideas they will naturally have.

This kind of speculation is actually not such an incredible idea, but many times you may not be able to think of it yourself. After all, when you see these storms and tornadoes, your first reaction is that they are too dangerous, and you must avoid them first. Not to get close to it, to understand everything in it.

"Yes, so I think this possibility is very high. And judging from the intensity of these storms, the eye may be in these super storms!" Cheng Yu said.

"However, such super storms are not uncommon in this illusion, but we are not sure which super storm the eye is in.

If there is no special method, then you can only break in and check one by one, which is very dangerous.

Although you successfully passed through a storm before, the power of these super storms is obviously much more terrifying, even I dare not say whether you can resist it! "Zhen Hun reminded.

"But if the eyes of this illusion are really in these super storms, if I don't try it, I am afraid that I will never escape from this illusion!" Cheng Yu's eyes were a little firmer.

If you want to break a formation, the most direct way is to destroy the big formation with a powerful force.

This formation was arranged by the ancestors of the dynasty, and with his strength, it was obviously not enough to forcefully break through the big formation.

The other way is to find the formation eye. This is the easiest way. As long as the formation eye is found and destroyed, then the formation will be broken naturally.

But although this method is the easiest, it is the most difficult to do.

Because most of the formations are difficult to find the formation eyes, Cheng Yu ran such a long distance in this desert, but finally did not find the formation eyes. It was then speculated whether the formation eyes were hidden in these super large formations. In the storm.

"Be careful with yourself, I can't help you much now, everything can only be on your own. But judging from the situation where you passed the storm before, your physical strength far exceeds your imagination.

Maybe even if you break into those super storms, you may not be able to survive! "Zhen Hun said to Cheng Yu after thinking about it.

In any case, he still values ​​Cheng Yu very much. Moreover, Cheng Yu's current strength really shows that he can see it. In such a short period of time, being able to become so powerful is absolutely extraordinary for a nether cultivator.

I dare not say that Cheng Yu is already invincible in the entire human world, but there are very few people who can hurt him.

Just like the old man outside the formation, although his strength is also very strong, compared with Cheng Yu, it is not easy for the two to hurt anyone.

But the formations are different. The possibility of formations is too great. Among many ancient forces, there are some ancient big formations, and these big formations are basically left by the ancient power.

Moreover, some formations may even be arranged by a group of ancient powers, and such a large formation may even be able to kill even immortals.

Therefore, he doesn't know how powerful the formation Cheng Yu is currently in is, but it is obviously impossible to say that this formation can kill the immortal.

Since this is the case, Cheng Yu's physical strength is so powerful, he can try it, but he dare not make a statement about the result.

"With the previous experience, I think I should be able to try it!" Cheng Yu nodded.

It's just that although he intends to break into those super storms to find the location of the eye, but this does not mean that he wants to break all the super storms again.

One is that this is unrealistic and wastes too much time, and the other is that it is too dangerous.

Even if you can't die once, but breaking into it again and again, it is equivalent to the constant stacking of dangers, and no one dares to say that there will be no accident next time.

Therefore, even if Cheng Yu wants to fight, he has to think twice, at least he has to do a simple survey first. It is irrational to see someone rushing in without saying anything.

"Let’s take a look at the previous super storm first. I hope we have better luck. We only need to try once to find the front line!" Cheng Yu first looked at the surrounding environment, and finally set the goal as the previous one. Super storm.

Although he knew that the search might not go so smoothly, he was still very much looking forward to it. After all, there are so many super storms in this desert. If you really have to look for them one by one, I really don’t know how long and how long it will take to escape from this. Illusion.

After all, this illusion is only a formation, even if he leaves this illusion, there is still a big formation waiting for him outside, he doesn't want to be trapped in this illusion all the time.

I have to say that the momentum of the super storm is still very scary. From the perspective of the width alone, it is at least dozens of miles, and the rolled up yellow sand obscures the entire sky.

Thinking about breaking into such a super storm to find the front line, it really makes people feel a lot of pressure, even if it is such a powerful person as Cheng Yu, seeing such a scene, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

It's near!

The speed of the super storm is also quite terrifying. Although it is not as fast as Cheng Yu's, it is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

"Come on!" Cheng Yu roared, nine soul guards protecting him from rushing towards the center of the super storm.

Bang bang bang!

Cheng Yu wrapped himself in the Yuanli hood, and a large amount of sand and stones rolled over, constantly impacting on his Yuanli hood, the powerful force unexpectedly made a master like Cheng Yu feel difficult.

However, Cheng Yu's power is still going to win one level after all, and continue to rush towards the center of the tornado storm.

Although he has the golden light guards of nine primordial spirits on his body, in front of such a terrifying super tornado storm, it is impossible to stand outside the storm and see the situation inside.

Therefore, if there are still people in this desert, it is impossible to see that there will be people in this storm.

It was precisely because of this that Cheng Yu couldn't see from the outside of the storm whether there was an eye in the storm, and even his perception could not detect it, so he could only go to the battle himself.

The scope of this super tornado storm is very large~www.ltnovel.com~ so its eye of the storm is also very huge.

When Cheng Yu stood in the eyes of the entire storm, it was extremely safe here. Although there will be wind, the wind cannot be compared with the wind in the area between the eye of the storm and the outside of the storm.

However, it took so much energy to reach the eye of the storm. What disappointed Cheng Yu was that his luck was not so good.

The entire eye of the storm is almost hundreds of feet in diameter, but it is completely empty inside.

However, the eye of the storm is not fixed, but moves quickly following the entire tornado storm. If Cheng Yu wants to get temporary safety in it, he must move quickly in the direction of the storm.

It's just that since there is nothing related to the formation eye here, he naturally can only leave this safe place again and rush out of the storm.

"Huh! This storm is really horrible, it's more expensive than a fight with that old guy!" When Cheng Yu struggling to rush out of the super storm again, he couldn't help gasping for breath.

Regardless of how easy it is to enter and exit, Cheng Yu is actually under tremendous pressure. No matter if it is slow when you go in, or when you come out, you can guarantee that you will not be blown away by this gust of wind.

If the speed is too fast, even a master of the tribulation period like him can't resist the powerful force of this storm. Even the Yuanli cover will be broken, which is enough to see that this storm is indeed very terrifying.

"But fortunately, there are no other dangers besides these storms. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been so smooth!" Seeing Cheng Yu successfully entered and exited the storm, Zhen Hun's worry was relieved a lot.

Although the front eye was not found, at least Cheng Yu could indeed enter and exit the storm with his own strength! ?

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