Good Dad System

Chapter 88: (Ancient) Everyone around my daughter is reborn (14)~(17, 1st)

For the people of the Ning Dynasty, winter is the worst season of the year. Although they established a country and established a dynasty, they were ultimately hindered by the living conditions in the frontier. Chaoren learned from the Great Xia Dynasty and began to develop the planting industry, but in the area where they lived, the climate was unpredictable, the soil was not fertile, and they did not even have the corresponding planting tools and techniques. But not much results can be seen.

As for the livestock that they depend on for a living, in winter, they are also faced with an embarrassing situation. The surrounding pastures have been eaten bald for several rounds, and the grass and leaves are withered in winter. It is difficult to continue to maintain the rations of the animals. After eating, they can only watch helplessly, the cattle and sheep that were originally strong are getting thinner day by day.

It is precisely because of climate, lifestyle and other conditions that the army of the Ning Dynasty has to pull up an army every year when it is about to enter the winter, and quickly go to the frontier of the Xia Dynasty. The scope of looting is much more than many people imagine.

Some people may wonder, since the Pei family leads the first-class troops, General Pei is still in good health, sits firmly in it, and has the city wall as the bottom line, so what needs to be guarded against, but to think this way, it is wrong, these days, outside the city , There are also scattered small villages one after another. It is not that they are unwilling to live in the city, it is just that their household registration is restricted and they have no money to spare. When the army is selected, they will quickly find a place to flee, wait for the army to search for everything, and return to their home crying.

Moreover, most of Ning Chao's troops travel lightly, and they don't even need to bring much food and grass - after all, there are countless tribes along the way, which can be used as their swimming supply stations. Don't be afraid, go in and loot like a loot. If you chop down a few people, the tribesmen will not dare to resist. Any fur and food should be taken away. Sometimes, if you are not in a hurry, even those hard-working women will become trophies - they are equivalent to no cost. In battle, as long as they reach the border of Ning Chao, they can continue to march into the small village. When the supplies are almost there, they will start guerrilla attack on the city. They continued their looting in the village, and when most of the winter was over and the supplies were almost there, they could go directly to the capital of Ning Chao.

Therefore, the stubborn resistance of the soldiers of the Pei family in the past was only to avoid the loss of the people of the Great Xia Dynasty as much as possible. As for the boundary monuments, those who also belonged to the nomads could only see their own creation.

Several generations of the Pei family have written letters many times. They are impassioned and successively proposed to several generations of emperors, hoping to form an army and completely break up Ning Chao, but they failed to get approval. The reason is quite simple. , In the final analysis, it is people and food. To supply such a large army that can penetrate into the frontier, it costs countless, and you have to count the recruitment and training in front of you. It's not worth it, of course, this is also unfamiliar with the frontier, the map is incomplete, and the Ning Dynasty has not been established at that time, it is only related to tribal guerrilla looting.

Therefore, from generation to generation, raising tigers is a problem, from tribes, tribes to build a country, to call Daning, and finally to the point where they are a threat to the Great Xia Dynasty. If it wasn't for the unparalleled bravery of the Pei family, the entire family and the border cities would work together. , I am afraid that in the past few years, several cities can be knocked down, but no one can guarantee how long this "false peace" will last.

In the depths of the frontier, a troop has already begun to march. They are wearing leather armor and are coming on horseback.

It has been four years since the last time Ning Chao's troops attacked in a big way. The peace of these four years is not because they learned to cultivate their true nature, but that year, Ning Chao's troops were chased by Pei Naochun and beaten, and sacrificed their lives. The soldiers here were not only one or two, but even the King of Ning Chao who led the team at that time suffered a heavy blow. It took nearly a year just to go back to heal the injury. After the injury was healed, the entire Ning Chao The top and bottom still have lingering fears, and they are determined to recuperate first, annex several surrounding tribes, stabilize the rear, and come again after they have sufficient troops.

"Report to the eldest prince." The soldier on a yellow horse turned around and returned to the front of the formation, raising his voice to report, "Ahead... there is no tribe." The look on his face was full of doubts, and Ning Chao's army was not the first. This time he marched, a pioneer like him was considered to have experienced hundreds of battles, and he had never seen such a strange scene. It's not even a single one in dozens of miles.

"Let's explore again." The eldest prince is the direct son of the king of the Ning Dynasty. Everyone in the court knows that he will be the next king of the Ning Dynasty. This time, he is responsible for leading the troops. I went back with military merit, but the food and forage I brought with me was not enough. According to the previous rules, it was time to meet a small tribe, and then directly kill and rob it. The cattle and sheep are slaughtered and eaten for meat, but now, it is only a When he saw the vast grassland, he ordered the other pioneers to explore together, and he had to find a few tribes.

As they continued to march forward, they waited for the vanguard's return, but no matter which direction they went, they all gave the same answer: "No". According to the results of their investigation, they did find a few "abandoned" tribes. Mutilation, nothing was left in the strong wind, only two dilapidated tents that could not be taken away, and the surrounding fences had long been blown down by the wind, which at first glance was the result of neglect of maintenance.

"Is it possible..." The eldest prince pondered and discussed with the staff around him, "The Great Xia Dynasty took the initiative to loot the tribe?" As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately overturned this conclusion and shook his head.

First of all, the people of the Great Xia Dynasty that he knew lacked "aggressiveness" in their bones. In fact, this was what he despised the most. Even though they had so much food and grass, they couldn't even conquer the frontiers. There is so much more to do in a country like this! He knew that there was a saying in the Daxia Dynasty that the virtuous should live there, but in his opinion, it should be changed to the capable one! They, Ning Chao, are the ones who are truly capable of owning this land and wealth.

Secondly, the conditions of the Great Xia Dynasty are actually much better than theirs. What good things can these tribes have that are worthy of being robbed? joke.

The staff officer also disagreed, and he gave another idea in a low voice: "My eldest prince, this minister is only worried, this is done by another big tribe." There is no concept of national territory in the frontier. To gather tribes to develop and build a country, other tribes can also, but... when did tribes with this ability appear in this border?

The two of them racked their brains and couldn't figure out what the reason for all this was. Of course they would not understand. During the two years when they retired from the army to recuperate, the Xicheng of the Xia Dynasty of the National People's Congress had already completed a battle. The time-consuming "big immigration" activities, people who were originally regarded as supply stations by them, have now passed the Xicheng Border City Audit Office, settled in the Xicheng, and are expected to have the nationality of the Great Xia Dynasty.

I don't understand, I don't understand, they still have to march, as long as they enter the border of the Daxia Dynasty, the problem will be solved... right?

As the future of the Daning Dynasty and a military genius, the eldest prince learned the miracle of "Wangmei to quench thirst" without a teacher during this time. Bing: "Look, after crossing this line, we will reach the Great Xia Dynasty. After entering, there will be countless villages, and I will make up my mind about what I want in it. This time I can't help it. Once you’re full, let’s take a good look at the Daxia army…”

He sent out the brainwashing bag heartily, and watched with satisfaction as the soldiers shouted, their faces flushed with excitement, and then suddenly fell into doubt—he came to attack Daxia with his father four years ago, how could he Remember, at that time, it took several days to march before you could see the boundary monument? Only this time, the supply didn't stop in the middle, and there was less time to loot the tribe. So, is it still even?

This kind of thing... shouldn't be a big deal, right? When they have grabbed the things that should be robbed, it is not too late to move the boundary monument, anyway, sooner or later, this big summer is also theirs.

Then, the eldest prince began to suffer one after another, the heaviest and most continuous blows in his life.

Pioneer: "Report! I found a village in front of me, no one around, no defense!"

The eldest prince waved his sword: "Send the order, the whole army is ready, mount the horse, march quickly, rush!"

When we arrived at the village, we were really unprepared, because there were only less than ten families in the village, but it was really "empty." All the tables, chairs, pots and bowls were removed, and not even the bulky vat was left. In other words, in this village, except for the houses that could not be demolished, the fences were in decline and they were taken away.

The cake drawn at the beginning was too big, and at this time, the impact was even greater. Even the eldest prince, who had always been guaranteed his diet, had a lot of small emotions. What happened?

But no matter how tangled they are, they can only continue to move forward, deceiving themselves, this village must be abandoned, and the next, the next will keep people with food.

Pioneer: "Report! There is another village ahead, not small in scale. It is estimated that there are twenty or thirty families..."

The eldest prince was excited: "The order goes on, everyone will take their place!"

Of course, the ending was obvious. They carefully formed an encirclement and rushed in like tigers rushing in. It was really an empty plan. Could it be that something major happened internally in Xia? Why is there not a single village? Is this reasonable? So much land and houses, why don't you want them all?

Pioneer knelt down, his voice trembling: "Report, eldest prince, there is another village ahead..." This is the sixth time he has reported back. One of the two pioneer officers in front of him was dismissed and the other died. .

The eldest prince was exhausted and could never get food supplies. He had already asked them to start restraining their food. In the past, there was no such thing as a big mouthful of meat. It didn't exist at all. Now, if you can drink soup with meat, you have to It was the treatment of nobles and generals. He raised his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He couldn't laugh anymore. "Call a team of cavalry, go in and see." , it is estimated to start killing horses.

"From the order." Pioneer did not dare to refute, and immediately went to order someone to rush over. Although the soldiers had plenty of rest, the half-full state for the past few days really made them gradually lose their energy. Even the words to the eldest prince began to appear Hearing the suspicious voice, if he hadn't been found out and dragged him out to behead a few, he might have secretly made a scene.

This time, it was no different from any previous time. It was still easy to get in, and then to get out easily. There was nothing, and the army had to continue to be hungry.

At this point, this army that has traveled thousands of miles to loot the Great Xia Dynasty has already left the place of departure. The army has been traveling for more than a month. If there is no supply, I am afraid that it will be difficult to even claim to go back. situation.


"The war is about to begin." Pei Naochun put on his heavy armor long ago, and stood on the observation deck to look forward.

He has been racing against time. During this period of time, he has been absorbing foreigners. Even the surrounding towns have forced and threatened them, and moved them to the city. He intends to force Ning Chao's The army, have a good fight, this battle will never let them go back.

This incident caused a lot of complaints from the bottom. After all, since ancient times, the concept of relocating the land has made many residents outside the city rather be beaten to death than change their place, but their life outside is not only possible. He sacrificed his life in vain, and would also add food and grass to the army of the Ning Dynasty. Pei Naochun would never allow this kind of detrimental behavior to happen here. The tombs and plaques of the ancestors were all brought back.

The population gradually increased, and infrastructure construction was also organized. In the world he traveled before, he had a lot of experience in building houses, and it played a role now. He organized the soldiers under him and the people who moved in. He started the construction plan of the resettlement houses in the Great Xia Dynasty, and built a batch of square-shaped houses with two or three floors that did not conform to the aesthetics of the current dynasty. Although they are not very beautiful, they are spacious and spacious, which is very suitable for people to live in. A large number of people, both in and out of the city, are basically self-sufficient, even if the city gates are closed for half a month or two months, they can still live.

"Father." Pei Yuzhuo's voice sounded. She stood a little behind Pei Naochun. She was wearing a piece of light armor that had been modified according to the size, with a sword hanging from her waist and a red ying spear in her hand. , standing upright, even if he is slender, he is not too tall, but he does not know where a mighty aura comes from.

"This time, it's not like the previous times, it's a real war." Pei Naochun said softly without turning his head.

"I know." She replied immediately, without the slightest wavering in her voice.

In the few years she came to Xicheng, she did not stop for a moment. In the beginning, she became her father's valet, obediently following behind, listening to his arrangements for the whole city. In fact, at that time, Pei Naochun did The matter is not only the management of the army, but the management of an entire town. If you hear it from the clerk, he must say that he has the heart of Sima Zhao, and everyone knows that he is taking the power of the local magistrate!

But you must know that this frontier has long been the world of the Pei family. The management of several generations is enough to describe the name into the land. In addition, the Great Xia Dynasty did not pay attention to the frontier. The population is insufficient, the economy is declining, and the culture is backward. Even if someone discovers such a trend, they will be silent, and they will not know anything.

The client, Pei Naochun, is not pretending to be stupid. He is just preparing with both hands. He does not have the loyalty to the emperor in his bones. For him, the people he can see with his own eyes, and the daughters and mothers around him are more important. Some, he had no interest and didn't want to continue mixing in the rebirth fight in the capital. He just wanted to quietly watch the fight between them end, but if he ascended the throne, it would be the tyrannical prince or the incompetent third prince. , I am afraid that half of the Great Xia Dynasty has perished. In fact, even the second prince is just a guard.

If one day... he also wants to use the power he can use to protect his daughter a bright life, even if he is accused by thousands of people.

Pei Yuzhuo suddenly said hesitantly: "Father, do you want to tell grandma." Last year, Mrs. Pei fell ill, and Pei Naochun used this reason to bring her mother and everyone from Peijiazhuang to the frontier. Currently living in the general's mansion in the west city, if the prince is still above the court, he will definitely jump up and shout that he has the heart of rebellion, but the capital, because of the sudden emergence of the third prince, has fallen into another level. Chaos, the prince has not been reinstated yet, and power has been divided by more than half, how can he be reconciled, he has to start stumbling each other in private and fight.

"Okay." Pei Naochun only responded with a good sentence. In fact, the Ning Chao troops thought that they had entered the boundary monument without a sound, and the news had come back. He had instructed all the soldiers to prepare, and all infrastructure construction was suspended. , The entire border, where there are Pei's troops, has entered a wartime state.

Pei Yuzhuo looked at his father's back and was speechless for a long time. His father assigned her the female soldiers in the Pei family's army. Of course, although she was the daughter of the general, she was only a deputy general of the female army. Although Ning Chao did not invade, this was not the case. It doesn't mean that the surrounding area is peaceful, just expelling the tribes that occasionally patrol, or lurking on the border of Daning to rescue the tribe's people, it is enough to work hard. In addition, the people in the barracks are also sent one after another. Go out to explore, draw maps, and now the maps other than the boundary monument, except for those inside Ning Chao, have been hung in the camp and are being studied and studied.

She had thought that when her father promised her to go to the battlefield, he would hide her identity and gender, or let her come out in men's clothing, but she never thought that her father had disclosed this matter to everyone in the military camp on the first day, and said very seriously: " If my daughter is talented in the military, then after I leave one day, the Pei family army will be inherited by her." She thought that everyone would refute, but everyone just said a few words about worrying about swords and swords, so they didn't argue any more. It is normal for women to inherit the power of their fathers when they go to war.

Here, she feels equality and respect. The daughters of almost every household are "showing their faces", walking on the street without any strange eyes, and some women have even become the pillars of the family, watching the store and running the house, Omnipotent, walking on the street, if someone dares to take a look, there is a more sturdy woman who dares to chase him halfway with a kitchen knife and a long stick, and has to send him to the yamen.

As for the age of marriage, this is quite arbitrary. If you see the right eye, you will find a matchmaker to tie the knot. If you see the wrong eye, you will live alone and set up a female household. The children go back to take care of them and inherit the family business.

These are all caused by the special circumstances of the frontier. In the years of war, most of the males have to join the army, have a daughter, and be able to stay with them for a long time. On the contrary, it is a good thing, and there are no big families - really People from big families have already moved to Kyoto and Jiangnan, and people from small families are not so particular about it.

This is obviously not the same as in Kyoto, but she lives very comfortably. When she wants to go out, she can go outside and have a look, dance with guns and sticks, and it is by no means maverick, unless she really comes up with a wall-climbing, Fornicating, basically she will not be accused of having a bad reputation. She still doesn't understand what freedom is, but she just feels that being here is extraordinarily happy.

She even thought that if she could stay here forever, she would guard the frontier for her father, guard these lovely people, and then live the life she wanted without worrying about ruining the Pei family's reputation or getting old , must become the vassal of other men, how lucky?

Some time ago, she received a letter from Kyoto. The letter was sent by her uncle's cousin. She was three years older than Pei Yuzhuo. She was already engaged and married. Maybe no one could speak. , she said all her worries and worries, the prince who married her had two maids in the family who had passed the Ming Road, and just waiting for her to nod, she became a serious concubine; The prince, concubine and mother-in-law looked down on the uncle's family who made a fortune by women, pointing and hiding needles in the cotton; there was also her husband's younger brother who was still in the house, and she was eyeing the position of the prince, and she wanted to find a wife with a higher status than her. ... In short, she was very bitter, and at the end of the letter, she did not forget to leave a beautiful wish——

"Yu Zhuo, you have a straightforward nature and don't like to deal with these things, but you have to learn the art of housekeeping, otherwise, it will be too late to crawl. General Pei and Madam Pei dote on you very much. If you can, please Let them help you see each other more. If a woman's life is not met, her life will be ruined. Remember to remember. Also, when will you return to Kyoto, we will meet again then, by the way, you I’ve been in Xicheng for many years, so I’d better go back to the capital earlier, there aren’t many good men, I’ll help you arrange for a few flower viewing parties, so that I can leave an impression in front of the ladies.”

Seeing these words, Pei Yuzhuo felt a chill in her heart. She knew that every word her cousin said was for her, and she was sincere, but what she saw on the letter was actually full of "eating people" The meaning is that her cousin is especially good at painting. The flower and bird paintings she sold anonymously have even been praised by the head of the academy. If a man is a man, he can already rely on this painting and calligraphy. Master, but when the incident happened to my cousin, I was told by my aunt that she was going to leave the cabinet in a few years, so how could she leak calligraphy and painting? Or is there only recognition left now?

It is precisely because of her concern for her that her cousin would honestly persuade her to return to Beijing, and she would say the words that she never met and ruined her life when she met some wives with unmarried men at home, but... And why? How powerful is the back house, how can it trap one woman after another, and make them accept their fate and believe in it? Even if she was an old aunt who never married, so what?

Which girl is not pregnant? But if she wants to live such a life after getting married, the price of this pregnancy is too high, and she can't help but be afraid of getting married.

Pei Yuzhuo had a hesitant talk with her father. She was worried that she would make her grandma angry by saying these words. After being silent for a while, her father suddenly spoke up. In the light, my father's eyes were bright, filled with determination, Pei Yuzhuo knew that she believed it.


This war, later known as the West City War, was more like the fireworks released in the dark night sky, and it was left in the history with a dazzling sparkle, because the name Pei Yuzhuo was engraved on the history books for the first time.

Rarely windless weather, but the grass that sprouted under the head has been trampled to and fro, all messy, there are many things on the ground, blood, broken weapons, clothes, anyone can see that there must be a game. huge dispute.

"General!" Several overlapping shouts sounded at the same time. Many soldiers looked back and saw that it was Pei Naochun. He had just taken off the half-torn armor on his upper body, and the marks of the machete were directly broken. The armor entered the body, and a bloodstain was continuously seeping out. Anyone who looked at it would know that it was a terrifying scar.

The soldier in charge of the medical treatment has hurried over and is treating the wound for Pei Naochun. Pei Naochun passed down a basic wound treatment method. It's not that he doesn't want to teach more, it's just the world in his memory. He studied internal medicine instead of surgery, and he was not that professional when dealing with this kind of wound treatment. The purified alcohol was sprinkled directly, which stimulated even his first-class pain-bearing ability. He raised his brows, clenched his fists, and closed his eyes.

Pei Yuzhuo also had blood stains on her face, but it was not hers, but the enemy's. She was in the front position, and when she heard about her father's injury, she immediately drove her horse back, jumped off her horse, and stood in front of her father: "General ." On the battlefield, there are no fathers and daughters, only superiors to inferiors.

"I'm fine, it's a minor injury." Pei Naochun's eyes were a little dizzy. He knew that this was due to a lot of blood loss, but it was still within the controllable range. This battle was more peaceful than expected, but also more than expected. To be tragic.

The peace lies in the fact that the West City has stabilized, and even the surrounding border cities have not been robbed or broken in the past, but the tragedy is that the army prepared by the people of Ning Chao who have been dormant for four years cannot be underestimated. The eldest prince is indeed very talented in military affairs. Even if they don't have enough food and grass, they can fight with extra ruthlessness. Most of them are cavalry, and their equipment is also very good. .

It was at this time in my last life that the crown prince and the second prince came, and at the same time they brought a group of guard soldiers - to put it a bit harsher, if it wasn't for that time, the emperor was afraid that his two precious sons would both die, so he sent a pile of food, grass and weapons. , Soldier, even if the second prince is not captured, the West City will not be able to resist for long. In this life, the two princes are still in the capital, and they have no time to come. It depends on Pei Naochun's preparations over the past few years. The most violent first shock.

After a few days of **** battles, Ning Chao had filled the ravine with human life and stone and wood. Pei Naochun was unwilling to move the battlefield inside. Life-changing battle.

As I said earlier, in the past four years, Pei Naochun has secretly recruited a lot of soldiers. Although these soldiers have undergone the most rigorous training, they have never been on the battlefield or seen blood, but the people of Ning Dynasty are different. Now, they are going crazy, and the surrounding tribes are all killed. All of them have been killed and raised from their blood. Even if there are fewer people, they will not lose at all.

What Pei Naochun did was very simple. He took the lead and rushed ahead with a large number of other soldiers surnamed Pei. This impulse was also the best way to boost morale. Of course, this was also because Daxia didn't pay attention to generals. Soldiers, the money allocated is very small, and they don't have enough cavalry. If they take small soldiers to the front, they will simply be forced to die. On the contrary, it is the Pei family. Most of them are good at equestrian.

He didn't know how many people he had killed, and there was blood in his eyes. Who would want to be a butcher? It's just that the nature of war is like this. If they retreat, the people behind them will die. Killing is the way to stop killing.

Pei Naochun was like a meat grinder on the battlefield. The sharp point directly stabbed the aggressive Ning Chao army. With the entry of the Pei family's own troops, Ning Chao's cavalry began to retreat. The prince finally couldn't hold back, and he rode out. He was bloody, but he had a noble status and was guarded and didn't come forward, but he was still brooding about Pei Naochun. He still remembered that four years ago, he rode a horse to drive When he arrived, he gave his father a blow, and the two fought again like old enemies in the chaos.

People in frontiers are tall and strong, and their strength is even more gifted. They wield a big knife with force, and that force can cut people down in the middle. They were born on horseback since they were young, even if they don't need any saddle and reins, they can handle it. Take care of your horses, and the eldest prince is the best among them. The two golden-handled swords are swung by the wind with the smell of blood.

But Pei Naochun is not false. He has enough martial arts. After he came, he continued to practice. With a long spear, he was extremely dexterous and shuttled repeatedly. It was just that he had spent too much energy in killing the enemy before. It's not like this eldest prince, who recharges his energy and concentrates only on killing him.

The two went back and forth for dozens of tricks, and finally each found a gap between each other. Pei Naochun was slashed in the chest, and the eldest prince was shot directly by him. He was injured, and then the two were pulled apart by the sharp-eyed soldiers and guarded to the back. Pei Naochun didn't rest, but continued to command. It was not until now that Ning Chao's army had been defeated and fled, he was unable to shake and began to treat.

"It's not over yet, you can't let them go back." Pei Naochun was very attentive and continued to instruct. After he was transferred from the frontier in his previous life, it was the eldest prince who broke three cities in a row and almost took the Daxia Dynasty to the frontier. It wasn't later that King Ning's heart became too big, and he wanted him to bring a few little princes out to see. Otherwise, the other party may really be able to subvert the Xia Dynasty and break into the Central Plains, "You go first, I will arrive later."

This time the eldest prince is here, and he must not be let back.

"General, the last general invites the battle." Pei Yuzhuo suddenly stood up with a firm gaze, she was indeed very talented, whether it was martial arts or riding, she was outstanding.

"No!" The lieutenant said immediately, with a nervous expression, for fear that something would happen to Pei Yuzhuo. Although Ning Chao was defeated, it was not that he did not have the strength to fight. Pei Yuzhuo didn't put his hands down, but just stared at the sitting there, his face motionless. Pale Pei Naochun.

"Can you do it?" Pei Naochun looked at her daughter, a war had made her mature suddenly. In later generations, she should still be a child at her age, but in this era, some girls of this age have already After getting married, they only waited two years to get married, and some teenagers became the head of the family.

"The last general can issue a military order, and he will definitely bring back the head of the eldest prince!" She did not hesitate for a moment, it was not self-righteous, but after evaluating her ability, she firmly believed that she could do it.

"..." Pei Naochun was silent, and after a while, he nodded, "Go, order two cavalry together, make sure to destroy the Ning army." Some people around subconsciously wanted to stop, but because it was Pei Naochun who said If you choose silence

"Yes!" When Pei Yuzhuo heard his father's words, he immediately jumped on the horse and wanted to call someone at the front. It took a lot of work for him. If he was late, he was afraid that Ning Chaoren would have already run away.

"When you come back, I will celebrate for your father for you." Pei Naochun suddenly opened his mouth and looked at his daughter. He had told her many times and hoped that she would believe him. At the same time, he also believed that her daughter could do everything.

Pei Yuzhuo had already mounted the horse, she paused, nodded, and then rode the horse away.

Pei Naochun didn't gamble with his daughter's life, but if it was him, he would go too. What reason did he use to stop his daughter? Because she is a woman, or because she is his only daughter? You know, in addition to being Pei Naochun's daughter, she is also a member of Pei's family.

Furthermore, he has already given his daughter the best armor and weapons, and the surrounding soldiers have been taking care of his daughter for him. No one can guarantee that he will not be injured, but there is no problem in coming back alive.

The rest is left to Yu Zhuo himself.


"The eldest prince, are you all right!" The pioneer officer was so anxious that the chest of the eldest prince's armor was torn open, and blood was still oozing from the top of the armor. Because he was on the horse, the wound was always torn.

"It's alright." The eldest prince's expression was grim. He could see that his hands were covered in blood. Fortunately, he still had the goggles and golden armor, otherwise he would have died at that time. At that time, he clearly saw that he also gave Pei Nao. Chun Yidao, I don't know if the other party is dead, if he is dead, when he returns to the capital, he should drink two cups to celebrate! They had heard from the villagers many years ago that Pei Naochun had only one daughter and no son. After his death, the Pei family army would be useless, so what's the use? At that time, it will be the world of their Daning Dynasty.

"The chasing troops are coming!" There were soldiers watching the enemy's situation behind them, and the cavalry rushed over in a panic. It was very urgent that the soldiers of Ning Chao, who were just about to slow down a little, accelerated again, but it was not only people who had to rest, but also horses. To rest, their horses have long been unable to run.

As soon as the eldest prince accelerated, he felt the pain of the wound on his chest: "Damn, why is this Pei family army so haunted!" He had an ominous premonition, and he always felt that this time the army of the Great Xia Dynasty was different. Not only want to drive them away, but also want them to die! Who is leading the team? If it is the generals that Pei Naochun brought, it is not enough to prove it, I am afraid that it is himself, then it is estimated that he will never die!

Soon, they were left behind, and the infantry without their horses were the first to catch up. They ran forward desperately, just wanting to save their lives, but after the cavalry passed, they fell to the ground one by one. , maybe at the last moment of their lives, they will also think of their family members, just like the soldiers and people of the Great Xia Dynasty who once died under their swords.

The eldest prince glanced back and saw that the army was getting closer and closer. His pupils shrank subconsciously. The man in the lead was very strange. He had never seen it before. Compared to the horse, he looked very thin. You can see that she is using a gun, and it is a crowd of people: "Who is that?"

The soldiers next to him also looked back, sweat all over their heads, and they also didn't recognize the man, but they noticed that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and urged nervously: "Prince, let's hurry up, let's hurry up. !"

"It's too late." The eldest prince has already realized that they may not be able to escape. Since they can't escape, let's fight! He issued an order to ask many soldiers to turn around and set up to meet the enemy, looking at the approaching enemy, he held

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