Shangguan Qian Qian was momentarily stunned. She had never thought that Little Sheng would come to his side and say something like that, and not only that, he had also asked him to save Ouyang Jin. If she had that kind of skill, would she have shamelessly asked Ouyang Jin for the method to cure his poison?

"Explain yourself."

Shangguan Qian looked at the door, and saw that Yi Shan was also standing there with a curious look on her face, but she was still paying attention to what was going on outside, and she heaved a sigh of relief, telling Little Sheng to sit down and explain everything slowly.

Little Sheng was still standing respectfully at the side, lifting his head to glance at Shangguan Qian, but refused to sit down no matter what he did.

Judging from his appearance, he probably didn't know what Ouyang Jin had said to him. He was probably right. If that was the case, she didn't want anyone else to know about it.

Shangguan Qian also did not insist, but sat down and poured himself a cup of green tea, sipping on it and not being in a hurry to speak.

Seeing her so relaxed, Little Sheng stopped thinking and finally opened his mouth. "The blood poison in the Imperial Advisor's body can only be cured by a woman with extreme yin."

"So you've already found out who I am from?"

Shangguan Qian'er stopped drinking his water and turned to look at him calmly, his eyes full of threat. She had not expected that he would be able to get a good grasp on him so easily, and yet she had not noticed it at all.

Originally, he had not thought highly of Shangguan Qian, but now, he had no choice but to lower his head. After all, she was the only one who could save Ouyang Jin.

"Princess, don't be so anxious to anger this servant. This is also …" "True …"

Shangguan Qian did not care about his hesitation, instead he said directly, "Tell me, how do you want to save me? Besides, even the Imperial Advisors would not know if you came to look for me, right?"

At this time, even though the tea was fresh in his mouth, it had become extremely bitter. Shangguan Qian furrowed his brow, then placed the cup down and started scrutinizing Little Sheng, who was standing by the side with his head lowered.

Facing such a gaze, even though Little Sheng was following behind Ouyang Jin and had seen all sorts of people, he still felt an invisible pressure press on his shoulders.

Swallowing her saliva, she said somewhat helplessly, "Princess, at this moment Little Sheng is making her own decision. It's just because …" "The Imperial Advisor is sick again, and if there's no cure, I'm afraid …"

After a long while, Shangguan Qian finally walked out of his words, his face filled with disbelief. "What did you say?"

She had only met Ouyang Jin four hours ago, how could he be so fast? He didn't even give her the slightest indication that he was sick.

Little Sheng couldn't help but raise his hand to wipe away the sweat on his face. Only now did he feel that he had never seen Shangguan Qian clearly before, that beneath that innocent and innocent exterior was actually an extremely intelligent and astute person. The key was that at this point, he actually felt an inexplicable pressure.

"The illness that happened just now, Imperial Advisor, I'm afraid it might be …"

Shangguan Qian suddenly stood up from his seat, both hands on the table, he did not want to fall, but his face was full of undisguised nervousness. "Since that's the case, why are you still standing here, why aren't you rushing over?"

At the mention of Ouyang Jin's illness, Shangguan Qian couldn't care about anything else. He hadn't thought about how many people would underestimate him if he went to the Imperial Advisor's palace.

Thinking of the scene when Ouyang Jin fell sick, Shangguan Qian couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. However, the moment his hand touched the door, he immediately sobered up.

He turned to face Little Sheng and asked, "What is the permanent method that you spoke of?"

His expression was as calm as still water. There was no trace of panic at all. It was so obvious that there was no trace of panic at all. This caused Little Sheng and Yi Shan to be stunned for a moment.

"This, I must …"

"Princess, Prince Shang Guanmo has something for you to personally open."

The respectful voice of the palace maid was heard from outside the door, but Shangguan Qian's brow furrowed for a moment. He glanced at Little Sheng in his room and gave a look to Yi Shan, before opening the door and walking out with a smile.

After that, it was time for the conversation between Yisan and the palace maid. After a while, when everything was quiet again, they walked in with a sandalwood box in their hands.

At this point, Shangguan Qian had a serious look on his face. He had not expected so much, and with so many things pressing down on his one after another, she was in a passive state. At this point, she had to start learning to take the initiative.

Thinking of this, she felt that she really shouldn't have done so. At least, she was usually calm and collected. At this point in time, there was nothing left. It was all because of that Ouyang Jin.

She involuntarily touched the warm jade in her sleeve. That warmth instantly spread to her limbs and bones, but it did not transmit to her already numb heart.

After a long while, he said to Little Sheng who was by his side, "I will go over later. At this time, I still need to ask that you be careful to go back."

Little Sheng clearly hadn't expected such a drastic change, but at this moment, he didn't say anything and only replied respectfully, "Yes."

Watching Little Sheng carefully leave, Shangguan Qian only lightly averted his gaze before saying to Yi Shan, "I'm afraid the sky is going to change, do you want to find a chance to leave the palace?"

She knew very well that within a few days, something big would happen and she would definitely be deeply involved. However, she really didn't want to involve the innocent Yishan as well.

"Am I afraid?"

It was as if Yi Shan had heard something interesting, and she could only smile as she watched the sunset that filled the sky, that color of blood, and her heart throbbed uncontrollably. If she was not afraid at all, it would definitely be fake, but she wanted to help Shangguan Qian, this girl so strong that it made one's heart ache, and, in the palace, she was closer to him.

Hearing her words, Shangguan Qian also did not try to persuade his further, instead ordering them to be more careful in everything they did.

After that, he returned to his room to rest. It could be said that he didn't have much rest last night. As a weak girl who didn't have any martial arts, it was naturally unbearable for him.

As for Little Sheng's method of radical cure, she also needed to take her time. If it was really a simple method, he definitely wouldn't be in such a difficult situation, and Ouyang Jin also wouldn't purposefully hide it from her. And this method of detoxifying the poison, perhaps he would have to sacrifice something.

In fact, no matter how difficult it was, as long as Ouyang Jin opened his mouth, he would agree to it no matter what. He never thought that in his cold state, he would actually be so worried for a person, afraid that that person would get hurt, afraid that he would be in pain, even surpassing him.

He could not help but take out the warm jade. Even in the dark room, it was still suffused with a soft light. He could not help but feel a warmth in his heart as he carefully wiped it.

When she woke up again, it was already the latter half of the night. Worried about the blood poison in Ouyang Jin's body, she brought Yi Shan out of the house. Shangguan Qian had been very careful along the way. Guard soldiers, that little bit of martial arts, it was not enough at all.

Shangguan Qian looked at the yawning Yi Shan, and couldn't help feeling a pang of guilt in his heart, but he did not say anything to express his gratitude. That was because once he said it, it was of no use at all, and it actually made them feel estranged from each other.

When the two of them arrived at the door of Ouyang Jin's room, they did not see any trace of Little Sheng. Shangguan Qian was a little worried, logically speaking, Little Sheng would not leave Ouyang Jin's side at this time. Could it be that Ouyang Jin had already passed through the dangerous period?

After hesitating for a moment, Shangguan Qian finally opened the door. Ouyang Jin was happy and quiet, there weren't many guards around his residence, but no one dared to visit him late at night.

He and Shangguan Qian were both persistent people, and they knew what the result would be, yet they still did not turn back. Perhaps, once they decided on something, they would not stop until they had achieved their goal.

The room was dark, Shangguan Qian was just an ordinary person, of course, he couldn't compare to Ouyang Jin. As it turned out, he had already noticed them when they had just arrived, but he still remained seated on his chair, watching Shangguan Qian groping his way through the darkness.

What happened today, he only found out later. He did not expect Little Sheng to ignore his orders and still go to Qian'Er. Furthermore, Little Sheng actually revealed his big plan and threatened her with it.

Even though his heart was cold and indifferent, he was still unable to remain indifferent in the face of Shangguan Qian's fearless adoration and admiration. He knew his body very well. Moreover, it was his big plan to take every step into account. But even so, he did not want her to be injured, nor did he want his to be injured.

Looking at Li Fengyi caressing her hair today, the rage at the bottom of his heart almost made him attack. That was genuine jealousy, knowing full well that Shangguan Qian did not like Li Fengyi, and yet knowing that Li Fengyi was not sincere towards her. However, he could not tolerate being touched by anyone, not even such a simple action.

At that time, he immediately understood that he was probably possessed, and it was also because of Shangguan Qian.

However, so what if she liked him? He couldn't give her a future, and she deserved to have someone she liked more. And he, with such a sick body and the mission that pressured him to the point where he almost couldn't breathe, they really didn't have any results.

"Ouyang Jin?"

He accidentally bumped into a pillar, and did not dare to rashly continue forward. Instead, he stayed where he was, calling out to him.

It was a pity that the room was still silent. She could even hear her own breathing. She let out a small sigh and realized that her sigh could be heard clearly in the darkness.

"Ouyang Jin, I know you're in the room. Every time I come, I can feel your presence. I've only come to take a look at your illness. After all, I'm a princess, so of course I wouldn't be so restrained." "Bind you."

Shangguan Qian herself had not realised how much helplessness was in her voice. At this point, all she was concerned about was the blood poison from Ouyang Jin, as well as the inexplicable fear of the dark night.

She was afraid of the dark and had a pleasant time. When she was ten years old, because of her mischievousness, she hid in a cold palace, only to fall into a well covered in withered grass. There was no water there, but there was the skeleton of a dead person.

She had hidden her presence from the guards and the palace maids, so she had disappeared. Although the other palace ladies were looking for her, no one had expected her to fall into a dry well.

The first day, she just cried as hard as she could, and when she saw the broken bones in her clothes, she just cried as hard as she could, knowing that the next day, she wouldn't even have the strength to cry.

At that time, even though she was young, she knew one thing. She mustn't fall asleep, otherwise, it was highly likely that she wouldn't wake up.

The well was not very deep, only a child of ten years old could not climb up. Moreover, facing a skeleton all day, even if he did not know anything, he would still be afraid.

Three days and two nights, that was how she came here. At the bottom of this dark well, she accompanied a skeleton as she knew that her father had started to search the palace without restraint, and only then was she found by a guard.

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