Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1224: Too many love rivals 4

Chapter 1224 Too Many Love Enemies 4

Gu Nianjia, Gu Nianjia, beware of this!

She stared at Song Changlin's face with a quiver, silent for a long time, and Song Changlin frowned in doubt.

His frowning movement interrupted Gu Nianjia's thoughts. She kept looking away from his face, then said with a smile: "Always talk in the future."

Song Changlin asked: "Are you worried that I won't hurt you so much in the future?"

In one word, Gu Nianjia's heart was worried.

No matter what her feelings for her are, normal or abnormal, what she is worried about is whether she will not hurt her in the future.

Gu Nianjia did not deny her daring, and looked into Song Changlin's eyes seriously, asking: "Will you?"

After looking up, expectantly looked at Song Changlin.

There was a smile on the corner of Song Changlin's mouth, and his voice was still faint. "You asked this question before."

Gu Nianjia also remembered her asking, his answer was that he would always like her.

But that never made her feel insecure.

Gu Nianjia looked at Song Changlin's gentle and handsome face, and his emotions surged upward, unable to control, stepped forward to Song Changlin, raised his hands and hugged him from his waist.

How many more hugs in the future?

Song Changlin froze for a moment, then raised his hands, and touched Gu Nianjia's back and head as usual.

Gently move with care.

Jiang Mo's voice suddenly came from behind him, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Gu Nianjia quickly released Song Changlin, stepped back, and looked out the door.

Zhang Jingyu and Jiang Mo followed one another, and in his eyes, there was still a picture of Gu Nianjia and Song Changlin hugging together.

He froze.

Gu Nianjia's hug just now was very guilty, not only for Song Changlin, but also for Jiang Mo and Zhang Jingyu.

I'm afraid that any one of them can see her abnormal thoughts about Song Changlin.

She pretended to say to them in a normal tone: "You go outside and wait, I'll take the dishes."

Then turned to serve.

Song Changlin later said, "I help."

Gu Nianjia shook her head. "No, you sit outside, you sit."

Pushing Song Changlin out of the kitchen, she closed the kitchen door immediately, and turned and leaned against the door.

The tip of the nose was sour, and I didn't know where the grievance came from. Tears could not stop coming from the lacrimal glands, and my eyes were hazy.

No, no, can't cry.

She held her breath, held back that strong acid, and then slowly raised her head, exhaling slowly, and quickly opened the water faucet on the other side of the pool, holding cold water in her hands, and vigorously splashed her eyes.

The sound of rushing water occupied her hearing, and no opening door was heard. The tall figure of the man behind her was unaware of her.


Familiar voice, familiar title.

Gu Nianjia's heart warmed up, and she responded instinctively, "Ah?"

Then he turned his head, looked behind him, and looked at Zhang Jingyu.

Zhang Jingyu was still fresh and simple at noon, elegant and elegant, with her hands in her trousers pockets, and a warm smile on her lips.

Gu Nianjia knew that her eyes must be a little red, and she did not dare to look at Zhang Jingyu's eyes.

She lowered her eyes, blamefully, "Isn't it to let you wash your hands and get ready to eat? Why not be obedient."

Then she went to the liquefied gas stove and held up a dish.

Zhang Jingyu said lightly behind her, "You haven't told me."

(End of this chapter)

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