Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1398: Dissolving Couple Relationship 1

1398: Word Stacks Level 1398 Answers

In fact, it can be deleted directly, not only the couple is lifted, but the friend is also deleted.

She thought about it, but there was such a **** resentment in her heart.

She gave him another chance. If he didn't want to be lifted, he would take the initiative to talk to her, come and ask her, and apologize to her.

Otherwise she deletes his friend.

After finishing the application, she locked the screen and closed the book in front of her.

Lie down and look at the ceiling. I haven't fallen asleep for a long time.

Later, when did she fall asleep, she did not know, and had many dreams overnight.

Dreaming that Zhang Jingyu rejected her application to terminate the relationship, came over to apologize to her, and sent her a number of 520 transfers.

She was in a dream with Zhang Jingyu, and was woken up by the doctor and nurse.

It was a dream, and she was annoyed and lost.

The annoyed doctor and nurse interrupted her dream, and all that happened was just a dream.

The doctor rounded his body temperature, asked some routine questions, and left.

Gu Nianjia leaned on the bed, her head was drowsy, and she obviously did not sleep well.

After sending the doctor away, Song Changlin returned to the bed and looked into Gu Nianjia's eyes and asked, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Dark circles and bags under the eyes are obviously not sleeping well.

Gu Nianjia shook her head and denied, "No, I slept well."

She smiled and said, twisting her neck.

Prove that she slept well and was trembling.

Song Changlin didn't say anything, smiled, and then changed the topic, "Your brother and your sister-in-law will come in a while."

Gu Nianjia remembered it last night. Lin Yiqian said that he would pick her up today, and she said "Oh".

Lower your eyes.

Yesterday I really missed home, I really wanted to go home.

But I really want to go back today, and she didn't know what it was like.

Song Changlin asked, "Would you like me to take care of you?"

Gu Nianjia didn't look at him and shook her head gently, "No need."

It's very spiritless.

Song Changlin said, "Huh?"

Gu Nianjia looked up and smiled at Shang Songlin's confused eyes. "You still go to the company. If my mother knows that you don't go to the company because of taking care of me, you must blame me."

When it comes to Song Changwen, she didn't even want to go back.

I don't want to go back in this life. Will she be in a hurry and regret it?

can you?

how could be?

In her mind, this daughter may be a mistake. She only has her brother and her niece Song Feifei in her heart.

Song Changlin knew what Gu Nianjia was suddenly sad about. He reached out and put it on Gu Nianjia's head, rubbing gently, "Jia Jia."

The sound is mild.

Gu Nianjia looked up, "Ah?"

Song Changlin bent her lips and smiled slightly at her, "I was there anytime."

Gu Nianjia's heart warmed, and she couldn't help but reach out and hug Song Changlin. "Xiao, it's nice to have you these years."

From small to large, if there was no such person who always gave her warmth and hope when she was injured and lost, what would happen to her now?

Will definitely approach the dark and dark corner slowly and never get out again.

The more she thinks about it, the more she cherishes Song Changlin, the more afraid she will be alienated from Song Changlin in the future, and the more she will be someone to share Song Changlin's affection and affection.

It's like every time he brings beautiful Lin Yiqian to his home to do homework together.

Just as Song Feifei gloated in her ears and said that Song Changlin eloped with Lin Yiqian, and no one wanted to ignore her anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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