Each of the nuclei is similar, almost the same size, silver-white beads glittering, thirty-eight beads, even the city line, plus the darkness here, highlights the beauty of these thirty-eight beads.

It is like a ray in the universe, a city of stars.

Shangguan Yunyi stared at the thirty-eight beads indifferently, and had no expression on his face: "Tell the emperor the answer."

There was no sound in the air for a long time, Shangguan Yunyi did not say anything, still standing there coldly, he in the darkness, really like the Rakshasa of hell, all of them are full of fierce and bloodthirsty atmosphere.

"Do you know what price you will pay?"

I don't know how long it took, and a very nice voice was introduced into the mind of Shangguan Yunyi.

"There is no price that the Emperor can't afford."

Shangguan Yunyi's back is on the back, the domineering side leaks, the natural king's breath, calculated in front of these thirty-eight emperors, did not lose a little bit of discouragement, but he is the real emperor.

"Everything has a cause and effect. If you want to be her, you have to live a life."

The voice of another person thinks again, the tone is very weak, the waves are not shocked, and the protection is talking about an insignificant thing.


Shangguan Yunyi’s coldness denied this answer.

"Oh!" A voice suddenly chuckled. "You can't even reluctantly want to know the answer?"

Shangguan Yunyi indifferently scanned the thirty-eight primes: "Is this Emperor afraid of this?" Shangguan Yunyi’s face leaked a disdainful expression: "The Emperor will never leave her alone."

The person who loves, the one who survives, is the most painful. How can he let his gimmick live forever in a world without him?

This is the cruelest thing. Instead of this, he would rather go with him.

"Tell us the thoughts in your heart, and we will naturally tell you the answer."

This time, thirty-eight prime nuclear colleagues made a sound.

Shangguan Yunyi’s brows are always picking up, and his face is always a cold expression: “I’ll say it, don’t say it.”

"..." The emperor, this ... is still so arrogant?


The curtain cloud purple is the darling of heaven. It is the treasure of heaven. I really don’t know the blessings that she has cultivated in the past few days. How can God be so good to her?

The peculiar nucleus in the body is turning wildly, and the speed is so fast that I don’t know what to describe.

Aura continued to flow into her body, and soon after the curtain cloud purple went to Shangguan Yunyi, it entered an unheard of world.

"here is……?"

Curtain Yun Zi looked at the infinite starry sky and wondered a bit about trying to catch his head.

"What's the situation? Where is my place?" The curtain cloud looked depressed, surrounded by the infinite universe, heard the sound of the starry sky of the universe, let her feel the scalp cast a numb: "No... right?"

Curtain Yun Zi looked at his feet.


"Do you want to be so scary?"

The curtain cloud purple was shocked by a cold sweat. She floated in the air, which is the same as the soul, and the body has no weight.

The sound that belongs to the universe is constantly floating in the mind and clouds.

There are countless nebulae, where the planet and stars are born. The curtain cloud purple is very fond of astronomy. In the 21st world, she has a special telescope in her villa and looks at the distant starry sky. Because that feeling is wonderful.

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