Shangguan Yunyi nodded gently, and immediately tore the space, with the curtain cloud purple and Yi Yu disappeared here.


The breeze at night is a bit cold. I don't know if it is cold or the person's heart is cold.

Renovation stood in the ice cave, watching the repair lying quietly on the ice bed: "Hey! Why have I been looking for so long, and I have not found your soul? Do you really..." Very hoarse, the throat seems to be plugged by a mass of cotton, and it is terribly unbearable.

The repairs slightly closed the eyes of the two generations, and the long feathers shivered a few times before they opened their eyes: "Purple! It’s time, it’s time for me to shoot, you... ready Is it?" After repairing this sentence, it disappeared into the ice cave.

When he reappeared, he sat high in the main room of the temple, and he was domineering. He looked at the people below coldly: "Training! Your four repairs have surpassed the true God. Then you should know your next task."

"The big master! Under the genus know." Xia Da respectful answer.

"Send three thousand people to go, the deity wants them to die." There is no fluctuation in the tone of the repair, it seems to say something that is irrelevant, but it makes people feel that the hair is awe-inspiring, there is a feeling of death.

Shuai responded: "Yes."

"Go down and execute the order immediately." After repairing the cold, he left the place.

When the repairs are gone, the people below are also leaving, but their legs are soft. Every time they see repairs, they will fear and tremble.

"Repair two! You are going to mobilize people."

"Repair three! Go and prepare things."

"Choose four! You go out with me."

Xiu Da told him that the four brothers were hateful for the death of the repair. If they were not met with a group of people, they would not be terrible, and it was the end of a fly ash.

This time the big master gave them the task, this is simply the biggest chance for their revenge.


Next to a canyon, the creek flows quietly, the sun shines, and the creek is filled with golden water ripples that look so beautiful.

"Nanny! Hey! Or you go back to the aunt of Yunzi! I am going to find the soul of the grass."

Cher's heart discounted his own small abacus, driving the Shangguan Qingqing and the cold.

When I heard it, I felt a little doubt in my heart: "Snow! You are still young, how can you and your mother-in-law ask you to look for it alone, and find me and your mother to look for it."

Shangguan Qingqing also said: "Yes, Cher! How can you and your mother-in-law ask you to look for it alone? Then, your cultivation is not very high. If you encounter a bad person?"

Cold snow: "..." What should I do? How can we let Yan and Niang agree?

"Hey! Nianga! Uncle Uncle saved me before, so let me do something for him! And Yun Zi aunt they need you now." Han Xue thought, and said: "My current repair is Although not high, I don't have to eat or sleep, so you don't have to worry about me."

"No, I still don't trust."

Han Ming and Shangguan Qingqing did not think about it, and once again decisively refused the cold snow.

Their daughter is only ten years old, and she has never been involved in the world. What if she encounters a bad person?

The cold snow undoubtedly inherited the kindness and simplicity of Shangguan Qingqing.

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