Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 871: Turn your face ruthlessly (below)

When this army of more than 30 mature gray bean soldiers rushed into the range of Xingyuan Holy Mountain, the uproar caused was something that Lai Luo did not expect.

Every mature gray bean soldier, under the condition of full freedom, is strong enough to match any legendary creature. If the only flaw is wisdom.

This also gives the enemy the opportunity to defeat the strong.

However, when these gray bean soldiers acted in groups without fear of death, the powerful impact brought by them was enough to make up for their deficiencies in wisdom. They destroyed all the resistance forces along the way, and instinctively searched for the law with more abundant vitality. land.

There is no doubt that the land with the most abundant energy in the eye of the wind right now is near the Holy Mountain of Xingyuan.

In the violent explosion, although this batch of gray bean soldiers was quickly destroyed by the gathering of more star guards, and it is said that several dark gold-level star melters were even dispatched, but this gray bean soldier However, the soldier team completely destroyed the long-standing post-war victory of the Xingyuan Holy Mountain, and destroyed the arrogance and confidence of the tens of thousands of star melters in the core area of ​​this civilization.

Like dominoes.

In their eyes, the hesitation and panic that only existed in the remote areas of the star melters have now spread quietly in the Xingyuan Holy Mountain.

There are constant rumors that the gray bean soldiers in remote areas are gradually maturing, and soon they will be guided by their instincts to enjoy the last piece of gluttonous feast near the Holy Mountain of Xingyuan.

at the same time.

More than 20 scholars scattered all over Chaolian civilization returned to gather.

Lai Luo and Corleone did not expect that in less than a month, such a big change happened in Xingyuan Sacred Mountain. All kinds of hoarding materials and timely enjoyment incidents emerged one after another, which made the two of them couldn't help but recall it again. It's an unforgettable memory in academia.

"You should have seen it too."

Lai Luo's voice echoed deep in the room.

"Once the mature grey bean soldiers are gathered, they are almost two different species from the previous immature individual bean soldiers, so even a team with god-level creatures is so difficult to resist. Come down, relying on the advantage of several times the number of people to barely win, but if the number of this gray bean soldier army is replaced by three hundred, three thousand, thirty thousand..."

Lai Luo's words made everyone in the room feel extremely depressed.

They seem to have seen these terrifying plants, the doomsday scene raging in the academic circles of the wasteland, must not let that day appear!

Corleone glanced at Yuelian Anna.

Although it was only a brief moment of eye contact, the half-elf had already read the meaning of the old monster, and slowly said in the deep thoughtful depression of the crowd: "So, we must not let these monsters mature, we must take care of them. Before they mature, stop them from completing their final evolution, it's time to showdown with these star melters, you are all elites in academia, get ready."

It is more suitable for Yuelian Anna to say these words than Lai Luo. .

Because half of the people present were half-elves, these half-elves were undoubtedly much simpler compared to the various mentalities of academic anthropologists.

At this moment.

This dark gold-level star melter named Qixing came to the gathering place of scholars.

The melancholy on its face is hard to hide. At the time of crisis and turmoil in Xingyuan Sacred Mountain, these scholars suddenly returned to gather from various places, which itself revealed a trace of unusual meaning.

Lai Luo stood up to greet him.

Still with such an easy-going smile, Venus is like an old friend for many years, greeting all the scholars here enthusiastically.

"I don't know what happened, why are you all back?"

Venus star asked straight to the point.

It was Lai Luo who answered him, with a smile on his face as well.

"To tell the truth, I called them back this time. As for the reason... Through detailed comparison and calculation, we agreed that it is impossible to try to destroy so many gray bean soldiers at such a speed. Their maturity The speed is much faster than we imagined, and what happened a few days ago... just happened to correct our guess, so I was about to meet the esteemed Heavenly Star Saint again in person, and start the academic circle for the Grey Bean civilization. Backup plan."

"Backup plan?"

When Qi Xing heard the words, his eyes lit up.

In contrast, Corleone's face was hidden under the shadow of the large cloak, but the corners of his mouth revealed a cruel arc that was difficult to detect.



Lai Luo saw the Heavenly Star Saint again.

It was still this mysterious cave, and when he was still on the verge of dying, the Heavenly Star Saint, whose body was colorful and glazed, was stroking the huge melting pot in front of him with melancholy eyes, as if he was looking at his own child.

Laylo's arrival brought him back to his senses and sobered up from his memories.

After the attendant left, Lai Luo said straight to the point: "The state of the super-refining world is worse than I expected, the number of those gray beans is not only more, but also mature earlier, the gray bean team a few days ago should only be A small part of the gray beans that are constantly maturing in various places? Your guards should soon be unable to block the real situation of the super refining world. "

"I know the situation in the super refining world better than you!"

The Heavenly Star Saint was in a very bad mood, especially the straightforward words that the other party seemed to have taken off his clothes and completely exposed himself.

"Tell me, what are your plans?"

With a request from others, the words of the Heavenly Star Saint could not help softening, and he said with a hint of hope: "If the plan is indeed feasible, the Star Melting Clan will definitely cooperate!"

When Lai Luo heard the words, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That's great!"

He looked directly at the Heavenly Star Saint, and said calmly, word by word: "We must prevent these bean soldiers from entering the mature stage, even if we have to pay a very heavy price for this, this is our only chance, what do you think? ?"


Although puzzled, the Heavenly Star Saint responded instinctively.

"But how do you stop these bean soldiers from ripening?"

Laidlaw grinned unabashedly.

Just at this moment, Lai Luo's smile was so terrifying in the eyes of the Heavenly Star Saint, like a demon from the depths of the earth.

"It's very simple, completely destroy the supply of law and vitality they need, and cut off the nourishment for their growth! Jie Jie Jie Jie, although I don't know if the respected star melter family has other catastrophic weapons besides star-binding techniques, but this time However, the academic world has brought a batch of large-scale cataclysmic weapons for this evil gray bean civilization, which can do the work for the melters, and the power is enough to destroy the survival resources of all the habitats of these evil gray beans, so that the survival resources they depend on can survive. Before the environment provides them with maturity, they are reduced to a barren and dead land."

It seems to be saying a matter of course, saying that it is used to deal with the gray bean civilization, but in fact it is to destroy the foundation of the entire super refining civilization, and completely destroy the foundation of the star melter family!

If defeating the enemy is the cruel price of this mutual perdition, what is the future of the Starmelters?

For a civilization, revenge is only secondary, and survival is fundamental!


The Heavenly Star Saint looked at Lai Luo, at the other party's calm smile, unbelievable.

He quickly recovered.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Laidlaw still smiled harmlessly.

"As I said, scholars are not a cruel civilization that only knows how to completely destroy threat actors. Whether it's Gray Bean or your family of melters, there are a lot of things worth learning from the academic Gray Bean is too mysterious, and we haven't really uncovered the mystery, but Your Excellency's Star Melting Clan does possess the power that the academic world desires."

To be able to express the greed in his heart in front of the victim, and to speak out so recklessly and straightforwardly, the Heavenly Star Saint even felt a little emotional in his heart, has the moral etiquette of the super-refined civilization bound his development process?

"How much time do we have?"

Heavenly Star Saint asked.

"Now I only need to move a little bit, maybe in a quarter of an hour, or a star hour, in the next few months or years, everything in this great country will disappear completely, in order to deal with these horrible gray beans, this is also The price we have to pay, your respect, you should be able to understand our difficulties, right? We must do this in order to deal with our common enemy."

Laidlaw was just about to write on his face, Hurry up and hand over what I want.

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