The Honkaiju family hates bells and whistles the most.

Of course, they also hate math, decimal points, yarn balls, noodles, complexity, change, replacement, infighting, cages, waste, dirty, bugs, solid colors, hate...

Such a creature can be said to be completely out of tune with academia.

But the Houkai do not hate scholars.

It's weird, but reasonable.

It is clear that the anthropologists are the enemies of the Honkai, and as the war unfolded, not only did they kill a large number of Honkaiju warriors, but even the Bloodboiled Chief and the Liyou Patriarch died in the hands of the anthropologists, at least in the Honkaiju. In his eyes, it was killed by anthropologists. According to the thinking of ordinary species, this is undoubtedly the hatred of the enemy of life and death.

But the Breakers don't see it that way.

Instead, they appreciate this powerful enemy even more!

In the eyes of the Honkaikai, the weak is sin, and the strong will be revered.

Today's academic circles can be regarded as the enemy in their eyes, not the bugs that cannot be cleared because of the orders of the ancients. They are proud of being able to fight this kind of enemy!

"Is that the X-Progress Academy of Science in academia?"

An army of tens of thousands of Honkaikers appeared more than 20 kilometers away from the X Progress Academy.

They looked at the towering airports and towers in the distance, as well as the city walls that were far taller and thicker than the previous two central colleges. The roaring flames under his feet were reduced to ruins, and he was suddenly proud.

More Honkaiju are still leading lava dogs out of the ancient aircraft, and the green grass where they passed suddenly turned yellow, and then turned to ashes.

The two great chiefs, Destruction and Fury, were also watching.

The two frowned slightly, puzzled.

There is no doubt that the two of them never found the celestial phenomenon of the Milky Way near this human city, and the power of the sun was not in the city. However, all the intelligence sources pointed out that the power of the sun in the academic world at this moment was the only one. in this city!

look at each other.

The two have a lot of doubts in their hearts, but it is really difficult to say more here.

After all, nominally, the two of them at the moment are the supreme leaders of this Honkaiju army, and they are jointly responsible for leading the war of the legion.

"Bring the battle flag."

Furious was the first to lose his temper, and shouted loudly at the Honkaikai entourage beside him.

Accompanied by a **** battle flag being carried over by two Honkai people, it roared furiously. In its hands, this astonishingly heavy battle flag turned into a javelin. With a sonic boom-like sound of breaking through the air, the **** battle flag roared furiously. The flag slid out a wonderful arc, and even slipped a white afterimage of air waves where it passed, falling towards the X Advance Academy of Sciences in the distance.

After doing all this, Fury wiped the blood stains in his hands on his face, and said with a wicked smile to the destruction on the side: "No matter what he does, he has already arrived, is it because he does not have the power of the sun not to fight! If you want Save your stamina, just go to the back and watch, one of me is enough, hahahahaha."


Destruction was quite unhappy with the act of rage, and snorted coldly, but didn't say much.

However, the other Honkaiju behind him seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and they roared with enthusiasm, looking like they were about to go berserk. The sound is earth-shattering.

next moment.

Countless lava dogs rushed towards the human city like a flood in the earth-shattering roar of the collapsed army, as if to completely drown the city.



Laylo, who was standing on the top of the tower, was slightly surprised at this moment.

"Isn't it that these Honkai people pay great attention to etiquette, and only fight from noon to dusk every day?"

"Maybe the leadership is different."

After Anlia responded in a low voice, she looked at the group of lava dogs that were rushing like a flood more than ten kilometers away, and sarcastically said in a low voice: "However, the war mode is still the same, it is still to release these beasts first to make way for them, Now that these beasts have come, then according to the information, it seems that those things should also appear in the next process."

As she said that, Anlia raised her face under the cloak slightly and looked at the blue sky where various protective shields were restricted and the aircraft were densely covered.


Accompanied by the light blue water waves appearing silently, the cylinder-shaped ancient aircraft, with the time and space technology that is unattainable in the academic world, appeared in the high altitude of the X Progress Academy of Sciences.

Seeing this, Anlia frowned slightly.

"The curvature reef that was temporarily arranged with so many resources really didn't work."

In order to deal with these ancient aircraft, the academic community even concentrated their efforts and arranged a circle of curvature reefs around the X Progress Academy of Sciences to try to interfere with these ancient aircraft.

But apparently, these curvature reefs didn't do the trick.

"This is also of course. Our space-time technology is not to mention superhumans. Even compared to those lighthouse-level civilizations, it is too primitive and rudimentary. How can such fragile dark corners be able to withstand real ocean-going ships."

Laylo was passing through the crystal ball, exploring the intelligence information in the command room.

He quickly changed the subject again: "However, it is not completely useless! At least when these ancient aircraft hit the rocks, we can get early warning."

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The ground-based anti-aircraft artillery bombarded intensively.

The result was the same as before, all anti-aircraft strikes were perfectly circumvented by these ancient aircraft by retreating into the curvature of space-time.

But what is different from the past is that the air defense power of the X Progress Academy of Sciences is far from being on a par with the previous two central academies. The air defense strikes have shown a continuous trend. Under the circumstance that the curvature reef has an insight into the shuttle trajectory of the ancient aircraft in advance, it is temporarily In between, it was difficult for these ancient aircraft to pierce through the many prohibitions of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences.

And taking this opportunity, the various academic aircraft parked above the academy suddenly rose to a higher altitude, and it seemed that they were going to try to compete technically with these ancient aircraft and collide with civilization and technology.

Of course, the academic world is not just out of these conventional aircraft!

A time-and-space fortress that was originally used for the battle of civilization has also gradually disappeared at a high altitude. It seems that it has been preparing for energy storage for a considerable period of time and has entered the curvature of time and space.

It actually intends to compete with these ancient aircraft in the curvature of time and space!

Not to mention that the space-time technology in academia is far from the ancient civilization, there is also a huge difference in terms of quantity and volume tonnage, so whether it is Lai Luo or An Liya, almost all high-level academics are all With a sigh, no one is optimistic about this technical collision.

Just a moment later.

The anti-aircraft firepower network of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences was scattered.

In this short period of time, these ancient aircraft released thousands of spherical aircraft with a diameter of meters. These aircraft only have melee capabilities. They cut and collide with academic aircraft through high-energy electro-optics. Their flight speed and turning angle , the hardness of the material, have already amazed and amazed the bigwigs of war technology in the academic world.

At this moment, the most intuitive impact is undoubtedly Yao Li, the president of the Fradick Academy of Sciences.

The queen of war opened her mouth wide, as if she had seen her childhood dream, witnessing the academic aircraft that kept falling from the sky under the blow of the ancient aircraft, and she was shocked.

At the same time, she secretly made up her mind that she must promote the popularization plan of trace element superconducting materials for superacademic aircraft as soon as possible.

If all the magic materials of the aircraft were all applied with the technology of the melters, coupled with the trace element superconductors from the black death civilization, the academic world might be at a disadvantage in air combat, but it would never be such a failure!


Along with the dark lightning generals, the forbidden defenses arranged by the academic world were easily torn apart, and the army of lava dogs had also arrived near the X Progress Academy of Sciences, and began to connect with the war weapons on the periphery of the academy.

At this moment, the war weapons stationed on the periphery of the academy, regardless of quantity or quality, are far from being on a par with the previous two central academies. Therefore, in the face of the frontal impact of the lava dogs, I have fully understood the remote control of the combat power and capabilities of these lava dogs. Scholars are not worried that these lava dogs will break through the outer defenses of war weapons.


Scholars clearly don't want to waste too many resources on these beasts.

After all, the vitality of these lava dogs is too tenacious, and the reproduction ability is also very exaggerated. As long as enough food is provided, it is completely possible to fight for war. It is a perfect fighting species that has been cultivated by the collapsed for thousands of years. .

And these weapons of war are all money...

As a result, the furious camouflage potion began to be widely used on the front lines of war crimes. What followed was the chaos within the Lava Dogs. The misguided Lava Dogs began to rush left and right, and some even began to bite each other.

Less than half an hourglass, these lava dogs suffered heavy casualties under the war weapons of scholars.

"Master, this is the battle flag launched by the Honkaiju!"

Outside the Several scholars moved a **** battle flag about ten meters in height through an anti-gravity device. In an instant, the whole room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Laidlaw glanced slightly, and he noticed the huge handprint on the metal flagpole.

This is apparently due to the enormous gripping power.

"No, it was thrown by them."


The scholar in charge of carrying the battle flag said in disbelief: "Impossible, this battle flag pole is made of high-density pure metal and weighs at least ten tons, and this soaked battle flag is not a mortal thing. The added weight is even more astonishing. Witnesses saw that it flew over from more than 20 kilometers away. If it was thrown manually, it would be terrifying!"

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