Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Vol 2 Chapter 979: Immortal 1

On the way back to the academic world, Laylo once again took out the information secretly given by McGana's clone.

Forget about other content, at least over the years, Lei Luo has some understanding of it, but only the intelligence information about the immortal makes him feel bad.

As the oldest creature in Stormwind Continent today, the time of birth and promotion of the Immortals is before the Primordial Ones. There is no doubt about this, but it is impossible to find out the specific years.

Secondly, the immortal can connect the thoughts of all tribes into one, and its form of existence is like a community of consciousness, which is also known to Lai Luo.


Judging from the information brought by McGana, the incomparably mysterious immortals also have some secrets that are not known to ordinary people.

If the immemorial clan is very mysterious in the eyes of the world because of its scarcity, then the immortal, as one of the three beacon-level civilizations of Stormwind Continent, is almost just a code name. People only know that it exists in Stormwind Continent, but it has no other habitat. any clues to the geographic coordinates.

As for the Stormwind Continental Council, their participation is also quite small, and only a few important meetings will appear.

According to the descriptions of those who have seen it, the ontology form of the immortal family is like a mass of mud that is constantly wriggling.

It is such a racial civilization, but McGana got a secret clue from the Kokai family.

They are collecting the crystals of the Nine Netherworlds!

And it's that kind of collection at any cost.

As for the reason, the ancients are also unknown, but they know that this species is very terrifying, probably because they discovered some secret effects of the crystal of the nine secluded, and as a result, countless civilizations have suffered annihilation.

And although there is no clear evidence, according to the secret biography of the top of the Honkai family, the mysterious death of the 32nd patriarch of the Honkai family and the two domain masters of the Central Civilization is probably the black hand behind the immortal family. The reason is the same Crystal of Nine Netherworld.

According to legend.

The ability of the immortal family is extremely strange.

It's highly contagious, it's like a virus, but it's not like the Black Death.

It can silently invade the host in the form of a single cell, and gradually attack and replace the host at the cellular level, so that the host has not even noticed the existence of the other party, and the body has been invaded by the other party and transformed into a new one. Immortal family.

It can also attack the host directly. As long as the skin touches, the immortal will fuse with the other party at the cellular level. After the two become one in an instant, they will gradually integrate the other party into themselves completely, and even their consciousness will be swallowed together. It is an extremely terrifying and painful process. The devoured almost consciously sees himself being fused by the other party. During this process, any organic matter of the devoured will not be wasted.

Although the object of this fusion is limited to creatures below the fourth level, it is still quite terrifying.

Those civilizations that were persecuted by the Immortals disappeared almost silently. This process is similar to the entire civilization experiencing a collective terror event. In the end, all the organisms of this civilization will be swallowed and merged by the Immortals. Was taken away, leaving only the complete empty shell of civilization relics.

Judging from the information returned by McGana, the immortal's hiding skills are quite superb, even more sophisticated than her.

That is to say, the immortals are likely to hide in Stormwind Continent at will in the form of a small civilization. Once they find an appropriate target or are attacked, they will become new victims and wait for the next target.

After Mr. Zero finished reading McGana's information again, Lai Luo looked solemn and put away the information.

"Pass my order that all those who participate in the Stormwind Continental Congress in the future must have a degree level above the Pioneer, and all those who have been resident in the Central Civilization must undergo a month of isolation and observation after returning to the academic world."

The assistant in charge of the recording hurriedly wrote down Laylo's words.

"Teacher, what happened?"

"No, I just learned about a very dangerous creature, and it is necessary to confirm as much as possible that this creature will not reach the academic world."

After Lei Luo said with a solemn expression, a dark stone appeared in his hand.

This stone was only the size of a cherry, and it looked unremarkable, with almost no energy fluctuations. Laylo took it to the laboratory silently.

This is just a small piece of Nine Serenity Crystals given by the Central Civilization!

It is said that the transformer technology of the central civilization is based on the crystal of the nine secluded that it has achieved today's achievements, and this is likely to involve the birth of native animals in the ancient times of this world.

Two years later.

Academia convened a secret meeting among high-level officials.

In addition to mentioning the content of the Stormwind Continental Congress, there was also a report on the investigation of the mysterious invaders by Bailan who touched the Curvature Reef in Middle-earth.

"According to the Hilmu people, this mysterious civilization, which has the ability to shape the power of ice into an insulator, has been heard from a marine civilization, but that marine civilization is only from a powerful civilization that escaped from a defeat. Knowing their existence, this is a mysterious civilization called the Ice Spring Giant on the vast and boundless sea."

Bai Lan's words caused Sicily to be alert.

"So, this is a catastrophe-level civilization that has mastered mature law weapon technology?"

Now that the academic world has just joined the Stormwind Continental Congress, it is really disturbing to hear this kind of news.

Joining the Stormwind Continent Council does not mean complete safety. More than half of the civilizations that were added at the beginning of the Council's establishment have been replaced, and this is the horror of the dark zero-sum war.


Bai Lan responded cautiously.

"Then what is the opponent's law weapon attack method?"

This is the topic that people are most concerned about.

Although the academic world is still in a relatively primary stage of catastrophic civilization, UU reading cannot ignore, ignore or purify various forms of law weapon strikes like those lighthouse-level civilizations. However, if you are prepared in advance, you can launch a targeted defense against the opponent's law weapon attack form. Although the consequences are still passive, at least it will not completely lose the possibility of counterattack after being attacked by the opponent in a short time.

"Ice Age."

However, Bai Lan's next answer made everyone present slightly startled, and then he looked strange, and his mood seemed to relax a lot.

You must know that the Wasteland has just experienced a little ice age that lasted for nearly a hundred years.

In the face of such catastrophes, the academic world can be regarded as having a certain degree of experience. If the Ice Spring Giant really attacks the academic world in this way, with the experience of the academic world, it should not be caught off guard. The worst outcome of this extinction.

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