The West established S.H.I.E.L.D., and the East also has a S.H.I.E.L.D.!Wanzhongxia is the most outstanding existence in the Shenspear Bureau, especially Gu Yi also knows that there is a Monkey King in the Kunlun Mountains who is no less than him.

The era of [-] years ago was the era of mythology.The Jade Emperor of the East established the Heavenly Court, and gathered countless Qi practitioners to form the first god system that originated on the earth.

Then there is the Sun God System, the small God System established by the big monster wanted in the heavenly court.

When the Eastern Heavenly Court was established, both the North and the West began to have gods rising.Needless to say about the existence of Odin, in this era, the earth has become a planet sheltered by Odin's god system.

The Greek pantheon and the Roman pantheon have always been at war, and although the Greek pantheon eventually won, the Roman influence still exists.

These three major gods and several minor gods ruled the earth for tens of thousands of years.The origin earth of this era is actively developing towards the universe, but none of the gods have given up on the earth.

A planet incarnated by the head of a multiverse existence is enough to make those heavenly fathers and even sub-heavenly father gods in ancient times be moved.

Until three thousand years ago, a slave in Egypt awakened the abnormal gene lurking in his body.His name is Enshabanur, and he is also the last master of the southern pantheon.

He has the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, each of which is close to the sub-celestial father-level existence, that is, the existence close to the Omega-level mutant.

The southern pantheon was born the latest and reigned the shortest.Born as a slave, Nshabanur ruled brutally and horribly.

With the help of several other pantheons, Apocalypse was eventually overthrown by the mortals he ruled.

The southern god system was overthrown, and Apocalypse himself was sleeping in the pyramid under the protection of his four knights.

In the Marvel world, the origin earth has never been weak. On the contrary, as long as the civilizations in the entire universe are slightly higher, almost all of them know the horror of the origin earth.

A million-year-old war between the Eternals and the Eternals has only been fought in the star system.In the era of [-] years ago, the four major gods were the main gods, and countless small gods were supplemented. The open and secret battles between them basically radiated countless river systems.

Do not doubt that the origin earth was once really that powerful.After all, among those gods, the masters of every god system are the powerhouses of the Heavenly Father, and they have countless sub-Heavenly Fathers at any time.

Heavenly Father level, that translates to Immortal Dao as a real Immortal level.Even the sub-celestial father level is the strength of the first level of the gods, and this kind of strength traverses the stars.

Unfortunately, these are just the glory of the earth in ancient times.With the decline of the southern gods, after the era of [-] years ago, the abnormal people began to decline.

And as several gods became stronger, the friction between them became more and more intense... There is only one earth, and none of them want to give the existence of the earth to other gods. Tie.

This war has spread for more than [-] years of light. The southern pantheon was destroyed [-] years ago. Apocalypse Enshabanur himself fell into a deep sleep, waiting for the wake of the latecomers.

The Jade Emperor, the lord of the Eastern Heavenly Court, surpassed the Heavenly Father level and became a single cosmos level powerhouse. He took the entire Heavenly Court to a higher dimension of time and space.

The Western Olympus pantheon was defeated after the final battle with the northern pantheon, and Zeus took the Olympus pantheon to the earth and went to other dimensional universes as well.

The final winner of this pantheon battle was Odin. After completely ruling the earth, he continued to battle other special worlds in space.In the end, including Earth, he ruled a total of nine worlds.

These nine worlds do not represent only one planet, the nearby star field is also under the rule of Asgard.That's why the Rainbow Bridge seems to be able to reach anywhere...

According to Odin's statement, the nine worlds represent the nine star domains.Maybe some ancient civilizations will remember this covenant, but those new civilizations?

They didn't even know Asgard existed.

Odin arranged and combined the positions of the nine worlds to form the most familiar world tree system.Asgard is at the top of the world tree, and Earth is also known as Midgard.

This kind of world tree system can make Odin stronger at the greatest level.Although he is only a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, but with the power exerted by the earth as the core, his power has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people. .

Chapter 103

A thousand years ago, because the power of the earth was deprived and weakened.The Cosmic Deity Group visited Earth for the third time, but this time, they couldn't even enter the Earth.

The world tree system keeps the members of the cosmos gods out of the earth, and Odin even wears battle armor to face the cosmos gods!

No one knows the follow-up of this war, but that time, the cosmic god group failed to successfully enter the earth, and the god king Odin also began to become kind after that time.

Yes, be kind.

In that war against the celestial ancestor of the universe, he borrowed too much power from the earth.Although he successfully blocked the entry of the cosmos god ancestor, he was also seriously injured.

Every once in a while, Odin needs to fall into a long sleep.This is the Marvel world, where Odin sleeps forever, he needs 25 injuries.

Then came Hela's mutiny, and Odin strongly suppressed Hela.Until the cosmic god group failed to enter the earth, this is the second era of Marvel originating the earth.

The third era is the era in which the ancient people lived.

A thousand years ago, Odin drew too much power from the earth, causing the earth's spiritual civilization to fall into decline for a time.Qi practitioners from the east retreated to Mount Kunlun, and magicians from the west began to try to make the sage's stone.

In this era, the ancient one has risen.

He learned the eastern Qi-training civilization and the Western magician civilization. At that time, he was the most dazzling existence on the entire earth, especially after he obtained the inheritance of another multiverse-level god. The strength is increasing rapidly.

That multiverse-level god is called Weishandi, and it is a multiverse-level god composed of three single-universe universe-level ancient gods.

Gu Yi studied the book of Emperor Weishan, and in just a hundred years, not only did he create the system of mystic masters, but he even succeeded in becoming a father-level existence in this depleted era.

Odin met him, and Gu Yi studied magic in Asgard for a long time, and also left some secret techniques for Asgard.

Also in this era, another magician arose during the time when the Ancient One left Earth.

The aptitude of this magician is no worse than Gu. In the short time that Gu Yi left, he was already close to reaching the rank of Yatian's father.

It was also at that time that the magician strayed into a dark dimension.With the help of this dark dimension, the magician became a sub-tian father, but he was also permanently trapped in the dark dimension.

This is Dormammu!

Among Asgard, Odin tacitly acknowledged the identity of the ancient one as the spokesperson of the earth.The attitude towards the earth is also more and more responsible, although in his time, a sub-celestial father existence is not too conspicuous.

This is partly because of Odin's own peace after being injured.On the other hand, it was because of the Time Stone in Gu Yi's hand that the injured Odin could only speak properly.

The appearance of the Time Stone made Odin also raise his mind. He wanted to collect the Infinity Stones to recover his injuries, and also wanted to use the power of the Infinity Stones to become a stronger existence.

He asked the dwarf king to create an infinity glove, found the space gem, and found the reality gem.

It's just that when he was looking for the soul gem, when he learned that to get the soul gem, he had to give up the person he loved the most, the god king gave up.

The space gem was locked in the universe Rubik's Cube and was thrown on the earth by him, and the reality gem was also sent back to the original Nine Realms by him.

After Gu Yi returned to Earth, he began a long entanglement career with Dormammu.Dormammu has a whole dark dimension to support, and has grown to the weakest single cosmos-level god level in a few hundred years.

And Gu Yi, in the battles with Dormammu, slowly became a heavenly father-level existence.He guarded the earth, united all the mysterious forces on the earth and began to prevent Dormammu and the invasion of other dimensional universes.

It is worth mentioning that the tyrant also rose in this era!

Thanos, commonly known as Purple Potato Head, Director of the Cosmic Family Planning Office...

The planet he was born on is one of the satellites of Jupiter in the middle of the solar system, and it was also the planet where the Eternals settled after they fled.

It's just because the strong people on the other side of the earth come out in large numbers, so that the eternal clansmen who also live on the Titan star cannot get enough resources.The lack of resources, coupled with the ever-increasing population of the Eternals, eventually gave birth to a ruthless man like Thanos who destroyed his own planet with his own hands.

Of course, there is also the obscure operation of the goddess of death behind this.In the endless multiverse, almost every Thanos is bewitched by the goddess of death, and they slaughter in their own universe just to win the goddess of death's favor.

The era of the rise of Thanos was similar to that of the ancient one. Even he knew something about the ancient one, and he also knew that the star field he was in was one of the nine worlds that belonged to Asgard.

This is also part of the reason why he left the solar system and developed in other galaxies in the universe.Even before Gu Yi and Odin died, even though he knew that there were Infinity Stones on the earth, he did not go to the earth in person.

Odin's record in blocking the cosmos god ancestor by himself is too luxurious, and Dormammu, who fought against the ancient one, has heard of it even if it is Thanos. .

Chapter 104

This is the origin of Marvel's origin Earth.The fact that so many heroes can be born on this planet naturally has its own reasons.

After Gu Yi felt the power similar to the Eastern Heavenly Court, his first thought was that the Heavenly Court that existed in the age of ancient myths was going to return to Earth!

"Odin God King!"

As the guardian of the earth, Gu just grabbed a part of the breath left by Peter Parker and shuttled directly between the spatial dimensions.After a few breaths, he actually crossed directly into the Golden Palace of Asgard!

"Ancient One Mage? Are you here for the strange fluctuations on Midgart?"

Odin seemed to have anticipated the arrival of the Ancient One, the one-eyed king sitting on his throne, holding Kungunir, a symbol of power and authority, in his hand.

"God King Odin is indeed unparalleled in wisdom. You also know that I only rose up recently the year before last. Although I have some understanding of the history of your era, I am only seeing flowers in the fog."

"I want to ask God King Odin, does the source of this power really come from that ancient heaven? Does the projection of their power back to Earth mean that they will return?"

Gu Yi stood in the golden palace hall, and he respected the existence of Odin.No matter what the attitude is, this one has always guarded the earth for countless years.

Such a feat deserves his respect.

"It's very similar to the aura of the Eastern Heavenly Court, but there is a difference in its origin. I can feel that the aura on Midgard is linked to an existence beyond the ordinary multiverse level in the Unknowable Domain' ~."

"In just a few thousand years, the Jade Emperor is not so easy to become a multiverse level, let alone a super-universe existence that exceeds the multiverse level."

Odin took the breath of Zhen Yuanzi from Gu Yi's hand, and after a while, the god king finally shook his head.

Three thousand years ago, he had a lot of dealings with the Eastern Heavenly Court, and he was even more aware of the strong players in the Eastern Heavenly Court.Although this power is similar to the Eastern Heavenly Court, it is obviously beyond the power imagined by the Eastern Heavenly Court.

"Is it Heaven in other parallel universes? They want to go back to the root?"

Gu Yi was silent for a while, then he raised his head again and raised another doubt of his own.He knows that the multiverse exists, and he even has a connection with the eternal gods among the five gods of creation.

The most important thing is that Wei Shandi, the source of white magic, is also an existence that transcends the multiverse and lives in an unknowable dimension.

"There is no such possibility. If you want to become a multiverse level, there must be only one heaven. Although this power is only a trace, it obviously transcends the boundaries of a single universe level."

"The most important thing is that the major gods of other multiverses are being slaughtered by Tianjin Wengxing. They do not have the ability to enter the origin universe, and they are not likely to have such power."

Odin shook his head, the multiverse had no special secrets about their existence.After reaching a certain level, basically all strong people will know that the universe is multi-dimensional, and the five gods of creation are not only the creation gods who originated the universe, but also the origin of the infinite universe under the realm of all gods.

The most important thing is that in the Marvel Universe, a single-universe-level existence wants to become a multiverse-level existence, and it needs to kill all its peers.

This is the only concept to know yourself.

"Tianjin Wengxing? I seem to have heard of his existence from other peers. Is the evil god of the sun? Will he threaten the origin earth?"

Gu Yi's attention was attracted by Tianjin Wengxing. He sat on the chair in the Golden Palace, and he wanted to chat with Odin.

"¨〃 He is part of the will of the Infinite God. It seems that the Infinite God is trying to separate himself from the concept of creation and become the key to the super-universe level."

"As for threatening the origin universe?"

"Yes! He will eventually kill the Origin Universe, but it will be very late. By that time, you and I have already left."

Odin took a deep look at Gu Yi. The coincidental death of these two guys, they naturally made an appointment to pursue a higher level together.

Ancient One Mage appointed Strange as the future Supreme Mage, and Odin also appointed Thor as the future (Good Zhaohao) God King.

These two old guys, who have guarded their world for so many years, also want to go to the realm of gods and take a look.

"When will Thor go to Earth?"

Gu Yi listened to Odin's words, and was silent for a while, then seemed to have figured out something, and turned his eyes to Odin.

"For a period of time, I asked him to fight in Jotunheim, the kingdom of the frost giants. His performance this time was a little disappointing, and he needs to go to the earth to hone it. Then you can help me watch him."

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