Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2930: Myth is born!

"Despicable! Mother-in-law, when did you teach?"

Xue Wei was extremely anxious and said to the old lady beside her.

At this moment, she felt that her strength was so weak that he couldn't even get in the battle in front of her. I am afraid that aftermath would be enough to kill her completely.

She can only pin her hopes on the palm.

"The Sacred Girl is at ease, and the palm taught that he will shoot for him, to ensure that he will not die, and he will naturally shoot at the critical moment! I think this kid's life is very hard, it will not be so easy to die!"

The old lady comforted Xuewei.

On the other side, Feng Qingyang looked at Jinse curiously: "Sister Jinse, why don't you worry at all? Didn't you see that Brother Ling Xiao was about to be killed by those nine bastards?"

"With these nine ants, he can't kill him!"

Jin Se said calmly, but there was no slight worry.

"How are you so sure?"

Feng Qingyang asked.

"Ling Xiao is sanctified in flesh and is the Son of Heaven. How can it be so easy to lose to their hands? Not to mention, don't forget that Ling Xiao still has Wordless Heavenly Book on his body, he didn't even use Wordless Heavenly Book. It!"

Jin Se said slowly.

"Wu Zi Tian Shu? I have forgotten this! I know, it must be Brother Ling Xiao playing a pig and eating a tiger. At this time, I don't know what bad water is holding in my stomach!"

Feng Qingyang suddenly realized the Tao.


The king's fierce golden war rifle came across the sky like a golden lightning, and the speed was reaching the extreme. Ling Xiao was hit hard, as if there was no way to resist it, and the golden war rifle penetrated the body instantly.

There was blood in his eyes, and he coughed up blood in his mouth too, and his expression seemed to be scattered.

"go to hell!"

Hua Qiu and others also shouted at the same time, eight golden war guns pierced the sky, also penetrated Ling Xiao's body, even his eyebrows were penetrated by a golden war gun, as if like He was crucified in the void.

Ling Xiao's breath of life instantly became extremely weak.

"Should this guy die? Strangely, why is he useless without a word?"

Hua Qiu asked Ling Xiao with some doubts.

"Wordless Book? Not good!"

After hearing the words of Hua Qiu, King Tian couldn't help but startled, and his eyes showed a very dignified look.


Almost immediately after the voices of Huaqiu and King Tian fell, the originally weak breath of life, Ling Xiao, was shocked in an instant, and an extremely terrifying wave spewed out of his body.

The bright and vast colorful sky spread out, and at the same time, a wave of power that swallowed everything came from Ling Xiao's body.

His eyebrows were gorgeous and splendid, and the wordless Tianshu suddenly rose in the air, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, floating on top of Ling Xiao's head.


Wu Zi Tian Shu seems to contain layers of space, mysterious and powerful. After the appearance of Wu Zi Tian Shu, Jue Tianjie was directly broken by Wu Zi Tian Shu, and Ling Xiao also escaped from Wu Zi Tian Shu.

The nine golden war guns inserted in Ling Xiao's body, at this moment, came a crisp sound, and suddenly burst into pieces, directly swallowed by Ling Xiao's body.

The sound of a mountain calling tsunami came from Ling Xiao's body, like a surging wave. The vast sense of Dao spread out, so that the laws of the surrounding roads were all trembling and then rushing towards him.


A wave of breakthroughs came from Ling Xiao's body, the vast laws of the Dao Avenue rose, and the Dao's divine sound intertwined, like the singing of the ancient ancestors, and like the Dao sound passed by the Emperor of Heaven.

"Thank you guys anyway, I haven't made a breakthrough so fast without you!"

Ling Xiao slowly opened her eyes, and her calm eyes fell on the Nine Heavenly Kings, which seemed to contain some mockery.

"What?! How could you break through? Are you dying?"

Hua Qiu was shocked, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

"Good intentions! Good means! Break through the pressure of nine of us. You have to say that Ling Xiao is really brave enough! But even if you break through? Doomed to change your ending!"

King Tian stared at Ling Xiao coldly and said, his eyes showed a fierce fierce killing opportunity.


However, his voice just fell, Ling Xiao's eyebrows burst into a bright beam of light, the mysterious primitive spirit floated out, surrounded by golden lotus, turned into a vast engulfing vortex, began to devour the chaotic energy around.

Another powerful breakthrough wave broke out from Ling Xiao's body!

"The sanctification of the law...the sanctification of the primal god... how is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked instantly.

Before, Ling Xiao's physical sanctification made everyone very shocked. It felt like he saw the legendary peerless person, but he didn't expect that within a short time, the law of the Dao in Ling Xiao's body was complete, and he was actually fighting the nine kings. In the process, a breakthrough!

The sanctification of the law is the most common way of preaching, but with the sanctification of Ling Xiao's flesh, it naturally becomes unusual.

Not to mention that the Lingshen Yuanshen is perfect now, and at the same time breakthrough, Yuanshen sanctified!


The vast divine power pervaded, and there was a fierce thunder above the sky dome, filled with vast flames, like the heavenly punishment appeared.

This is a holy robbery, but it is not an ordinary holy robbery. It is like a annihilation of the world.

If Ling Xiao passed this holy robbery, I am afraid that it will become the realm of the Three Saints!

"Must stop him!"

The Nine Heavenly Kings looked at each other, and they all saw the color of taboo in their respective eyes, and at the same time, a powerful cultivation force broke out, just like the nine dazzling suns, killing them toward Lingxiao!

"The sanctification of the flesh, the sanctification of the law, the sanctification of the primordial spirit... This Lingxiao is too awe-inspiring? He is far from the legendary four holy ways, but only the sanctification of the heart is his heart. Is it successful?"

There was a sudden thought in someone's heart, and a thought suddenly appeared.

"It should not be possible! I have never heard of Ling Xiao's strengths in his heart and mind, and he can achieve the Three Genius, if he again believes in sanctification, isn't he destined to set foot on the peak and prove his way to emperor? That's too difficult!"

Someone shook his head.


As if to confirm their words, Ling Xiao sprayed out the vast law of the great road around him, and the eyebrow and heart **** sat in the void to swallow the chaos. And the breath of air slowly formed a mysterious world around him.

The world was a bit illusory at the beginning, but it soon became real!

"That's... the heart world?! The heart is sanctified... Is it true that he really wants to preach the Four Saints?"

Someone exclaimed in a loud voice, and the sound was still shaking.

He seems to have witnessed the birth of a myth! ()

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