Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2350: Jinse, kill Ling Xiao!


Rao is incomparably sturdy in the channel of the demon world, but under the collision of this extremely imperial soldier of the years compass, it also broke apart.


Taiyuan's eyes flashed, he didn't expect Ling Xiao to rescue the red dust enchantment so quickly, and then suddenly broke the Demon Channel directly.

The Demon Channel was broken, revealing a vast and bright starry sky.

In front of Ling Xiao, there is an ancient and vast world, just like a huge ball in chaos, vomiting vast chaotic energy, more and more vast and vast.

Ling Xiao's heart was shocked, and he immediately understood that the world in front of him is the Devil Realm!

Although he broke the channel of the demon world and did not directly enter the demon world, he still came to the edge of the demon world.

"Jin Se, do you remember who I am? Are you controlled by the demons?"

Ling Xiao looked at Jin Se and asked anxiously, not even taking care of Taiyuan beside him!

Although Taiyuan is a strong king of the Holy King, but with a wordless book and a compass guard of the years, Ling Xiao did not put Taiyuan in his eyes. He is now anxious to know what happened to Jinse.

"Of course she knows who you are, Ling Xiao! But she is now a disciple of this seat, and naturally everything she does is to be loyal to this seat!"

A crisp voice sounded in the void.

Ling Xiao suddenly looked up, seeing the bright starlight gathering in the distance, bright and colorful, gorgeous and dazzling, a little girl in a red dress wandering from the depths of the starry sky, looks like a powdered jade, lingering and mysterious.

However, her body exudes endless emotions and desires, and even turns into a world as if it were a substance. Countless creatures worship him and manifest all kinds of scenes.

Although she seems to be just a little girl, she has an indifferent look, and she has a peerless look of the world.

"I have seen you!"

"See you, Lord!"

After seeing the little girl in red, Jinse and Taiyuan both respectfully performed a courtesy.

"Who are you? Did you control Jinse?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were like a blade, sweeping the little girl in red walking towards him.

For some reason, Ling Xiao felt a deadly threat from this little girl in red, which was thousands of times more powerful than the threat of a strong king like Taiyuan.

An instant of 120,000 vigilance was born in his heart!

"The Seven Loves and Six Desire Heavenly Venerables! I have no control over Jinse, I just passed on to her Seven Loves and Six Desires. A good young man like her, who is going to practice what is too ignorant of love? It's really a mortal thing!"

The little girl in red smiled indifferently, her eyes moved, sweeping Ling Xiao's whole body, even revealing thousands of styles, as if there were countless temperaments converging on her, Ling Xiao was a little confused for a moment.

Suddenly, a deadly threat emerged in Ling Xiao's heart!


The little girl in red directly shot Ling Xiao.

She clapped her hands, her small white hands as light as jade fluttered, and printed on Ling Xiao's chest. Ling Xiao felt that his body seemed to be imprisoned in an instant, even thinking was stagnant, and she could only watch. Looked at the palm.


Wu Zi Tian Shu and the Year Compass felt the danger that Ling Xiao encountered, and they all broke out the strongest power, wanting to break the power that imprisoned Ling Xiao.

But before the power was completely wiped out, the red girl's palm was placed on Ling Xiao's chest.


Like being hit by an ancient god, Ling Xiao felt an unparalleled divine power pouring into his body, just like the endless waves, superimposed thousands of times of power, and instantly his A huge blood hole was shot in the chest!


Ling Xiao's mouth spouted blood, and his face instantly became extremely pale, and the whole person flew out directly!

Faced with the palm of the little girl in red, he didn't even have the slightest resistance, even the wordless book and the compass of the time were too late to sacrifice.

Moreover, Ling Xiao felt a strange power spreading across his chest. Although he was strong and unmatched, he had a strong source of life and was able to regenerate blood. He almost had an undead body, but for the little girl in red This power has no effect.

"Seven Loves and Six Desire Tianzun? It's not that easy to kill me!"

Ling Xiao drank a cold voice, his eyes showing a hint of madness.


In his body, there was a vast sound of dragon chanting, which caused the starry sky to violently oscillate, and the stars were dazzling, as if instantly establishing a strange connection with Ling Xiao's body hole, the vast stars Force poured into his body, quickly repairing his injuries.

The Wu Zi Tian Shu and the Year Compass were instantly stimulated by Ling Xiao to have the most powerful power, floating in the galaxy, ready to launch a thunder blow to the little girl in red.

Ling Xiao can feel the horror of seven emotions and six desires for Heavenly Venerable, even if there are extremely imperial soldiers in hand, there is no way to make up for it. The gap between them is really too big.

Seven Loves and Six Desire Heaven Sovereign is already standing in the extreme realm of the holy way. It is only half a step away from the legendary emperor. There is a big difference between Ling Xiao and her.

So Ling Xiao is already desperately desperate, even if he is dead, he will pull the seven loves and six desires to pay his life together!

"Kill you? If I wanted to kill you, you were dead just now! Do you really think that a great imperial soldier can make up the gap between you and me? You said that a child with an axe can beat an empty handed one. Strong man? Really naive!"

The little girl in red smiled indifferently, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

Her eyes fell on Jin Se, said lightly: "Jin Se, kill him!"

Ling Xiao shuddered in his heart, and his eyes fell on Jin Se instantly.

I saw Jin Se's expression calm. After hearing the little girl in red, he seemed to have no hesitation, but nodded and said, "Yes, Supreme! But Supreme, I am not her opponent, I can't kill her. !"

Jin Se's voice was very cold, full of unimaginable calmness.

Speaking of this, Jin Se is still only a half-sacred cultivation practice, and has not yet proven to be holy. Even the Holy King can't kill Ling Xiao, and she is naturally not Ling Xiao's opponent.

"You have Taiyuan to help you, this seat will help you stop his wordless heavenly book and years compass, and lend you seven love and six desire swords for If you can’t kill him, then you can die Now!"

The little girl in red said lightly, the voice was full of relentless fluctuations.


The little girl in the red dress flew an ancient sword flowing with seven-color light in an instant, exuding a vast red dust atmosphere, as if it could seduce the deepest desire in the heart of the person, strange and incomparable.

This is the lifeblood of the little girl in red, comparable to the seven emotions and six desire swords of the quasi-imperial soldier!

Although the Seven Love and Six Desire Swords are not Ji Dao Emperors, to some extent, their lethality is not weaker than that of the Ji Dao Emperors, and even Ling Xiao feels the danger of the Seven Emotions and Six Desire Swords.

"Yes, respect! Jinse must not insult the mission!"

Jinse respectfully took the Seven Loves and Six Desires of Swordsmanship, and then slowly raised his head to look at Ling Xiao's eyes, revealing a strong murderous intention and a sharp edge!

(End of this chapter)

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