Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2359: Reinvent the emperor!

Jinse saw Ling Xiao's eyes, full of nostalgia, reluctance, anticipation and blessings, which made her heartbroken and unable to breathe.

"Jin Se, you must live well..."

Ling Xiao's voice still echoed in her ears, making her whole trance.


The compasses of the years spilled out the crystal light, forming a mysterious time boundary, protecting Jinse in it, and did not suffer any harm.

Jin Se staggered, his face full of grief, pale face, the whole person began to tremble.

"Brother Ling Xiao, why don't you wait for me? I remembered it, I remembered it all... Why did you leave me alone..."

Jin Se sobbed softly, but his voice was completely covered by a huge voice.

Wuzitian is the treasure of chaos. In the past, Ling Xiao could only borrow the power of Wuzitian a little. It was impossible for Wuzitian to explode.

But Ling Xiao got the Twelve Days Gong Mystery and condensed the Taoist fruits with the Twelve Days Gong Mystery. After proving the sanctification, Wu Zitian and Ling Xiao were completely integrated into one, and he was completely mastered, just Is a part of his body.

So Ling Xiao was able to let Wu Zitian explode, not even Yuanlou Devil.


The self-explosion of Wordless Sky is more terrifying and shocking than the explosion of the sun. A huge black hole directly appeared in the vast starry sky. The endless divine light radiated towards the surroundings, so that the starry sky was swept away. Whether it is the stars, the sun, or the meteorite, they are all turned into powder.

Time and space are distorted, the law of the Dao breaks down, and chaos permeates, as if it were the world!

This horrible self-detonation is enough to completely wipe out all matter, even the saint has no slight accident.

"Brother Ling Xiao, you will definitely not die. We have come over so many difficulties. There is no suffering in this world that can defeat you..."

Jin Se muttered to himself, tears came down again.

She recalled all the past, what Ling Xiao and she experienced after she lost her memory, both regretted and sad, her voice trembling gently, as if she was firming something, as if persuading herself.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, a powerful sound of breaking the air moved from the void, exuding an unpredictable breath.

Liu Baiyi, Hunyuanzi, Lord of Reincarnation Hall and Master of Extinction arrived, as did Zhao Ritian, Xue Wei and Feng Qingyang.

"Jin Se, are you okay?"

As soon as the Extinct Master saw Jinse, there was a trace of concern in his eyes, and he came to Jinse and asked.

Jin Se is her personal disciple, she is naturally very satisfied with this disciple of Jin Se, Jin Se not only has a super-Tao body, but also has a very high attainment above the Tai Sang Wang Dao Road, which is regarded by the extinct Taoist. For the future successors of Taishang Taoist Palace, it is natural that there is no room for loss.

Jin Se shook his head, did not speak, his eyes kept staring at the place where Yuanlou Mojun and Ling Xiao exploded, looking forward to the miracle.

"Sister Jinse, where is he, young master?"

Xue Wei's face was slightly pale, but she looked at Jin Se and asked.

She also saw the horrible big bang in front of her and that incomparably huge black hole, as if thinking of something, her body staggered.

Jin Se's eyes fell on Xue Wei's body, and he looked at it seriously for a while, and said sadly: "Brother Ling Xiao urged Wu Xiaotian to explode in order to save me, and wanted to die with Yuanlou Demon..."

Jin Se's words were not finished, and Xue Wei's face was no longer bloody. He suddenly looked at the terrifying vortex of divine light in the distance, and suddenly everything understood.

"Master will definitely be fine! Master will not die, he..."

Xue Wei's voice was hoarse, and at the end she couldn't speak, and her beautiful eyes instantly turned red.

She stood silently beside Jin Se, and like Jin Se, her eyes fell on the distant starry sky, looking forward to a miracle.

"Yuanlou Demon King? Damn it! How could he appear here?"

Liu Baiyi's expression was also extremely dignified, and his eyes showed a very angry look.

Yuanlou Demon King is also well-known in the Devil Realm, extremely fierce and powerful, and his hands are also contaminated with the blood of the human race. His name is enough to stop children from crying at night.

Even the faces of Hunyuanzi, Lord of Reincarnation, and Lord of Extinction have changed.

A peerless emperor, and such a peerless powerful war, Ling Xiao is still possible to survive?

"Why is that **** Ling Xiao so reckless? Why didn't you wait for me to come? What about the emperor, I really want to see how strong the so-called Yuanlou Demon King is!"

Zhao Ritian's eyes also showed an extremely anxious look.

The mystery of Wuzitian and the strong public are very clear, and they understand how powerful Wuyitian will explode. From the chaotic starry sky black hole in front of you, and the endless chaotic law of the avenue, it can be seen that it is enough to destroy and annihilate All power!


At the same time There are also several powerful breaths coming out of the Devil Realm, and there is a monstrous magic light on his body, and the eyes are full of cruel and cold looks.

Those figures are also powerful and powerful in the Holy King Realm!

The holy king of the devil and the holy king of the human race faced each other under the starry sky, but they were all extremely restrained, and there was no war. Just after cold eyes, the eyes fell on the divine light storm in the distance. .

Soon, the horror wave that Wu Zitian exploded slowly began to dissipate.

In the void, the divine light spread out, leaving only an extremely huge black hole, and then began to shrink slowly. Under the inertia of the world, the space was gradually restored.


At this moment, a figure quickly swept out of the black hole and appeared in front of everyone.

"Yuanlou Demon King?!"

Liu Baiyi and others were all struck by their eyes. They didn't even think that Yuanlou Mojun hadn't died. Under such a terrible self-destruction in Wu Zitian, he still survived.

But Yuanlou Demon King looked extremely miserable at the moment, and his arms were all turned into powder, and there were dense cracks on his body. The small half of the body seemed to be cut directly by the knife, and the flesh had reached the edge of destruction.

His breath is also extremely weak, a shield full of cracks floating above his head, his eyes full of horror.

"Where is Brother Ling Xiao?"


Both Jinse and Xuewei asked in unison. Their eyes fell behind the Yuanlou demon king, where the horrible black hole disappeared completely, and returned to a dark starry sky. The body suddenly began to tremble violently, and his face was pale. Paper, almost fainting.

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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