Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2379: Lingering!


He punched out, the fist print was so aggressive, he even shattered the time compass above his head, and the vast Shengwei around him shattered, and the chaotic rules of Yin and Yang around him disappeared. Too.

They also appeared in the Arctic Mountain Peak, surrounded by the roaring wind, Jin Se still sitting in the spring in front of them.

"Asshole, that was the blindfold method just now? We were tricked by the blindfold method?"

The faces of Zilei son and giant axe also instantly became very ugly.

How could they not understand this time?

The so-called Yin-Yang Tai Chi map and the so-called years compass are all fake, and Jin Se did not urge the power of these two extreme imperial soldiers at all. All these are Jin Se's blind eyes!

The eyes of Zilei son and giant axe looked at Jin Se instantly filled with badness.

Although Hu Feng was also very angry, but when he came into contact with Jin Se's smiling eyes, he could not help but immediately bowed down to Jin Se directly.

"Hu Feng, see your master!"

What if Jin Se lied to them? They have surrendered their natal souls, and now life and death are between Jin Se's thoughts. At this time, when he is angry and questioning Jin Se, it is tantamount to finding death!

Zilei son and giant axe saw Hu Feng's movements, also thought of this, his eyes became dim, and he knelt down towards Jinse.

"Zi Lei, see your master!"

"Great axe, meet the master!"

Jinse's eyes contained an unspeakable pressure, and he stayed for a while on Hu Feng, Zilei Gongzi and Giant Axe, until their backs sweated and their hearts were so disturbed that they moved away.

"Very good! The three of you are really smart. Whether I lied to you or not, but the lives of the three of you are now in my hands! Retreat, just protect me from the Arctic Mountains, I want to heal! "

Jin Se said lightly.


Hu Feng, Zilei Gongzi and Juxu were all forgiving. They quickly and respectfully saluted and turned to plunder down the Arctic Mountains.


The three Hu Feng had just left, and Jin Se's face suddenly turned pale, and a spit of blood spewed out, staining the spring in front of him.

Just now Jinse strongly supported, ignited a trace of the strength of the Yin-Yang Taiji diagram and the compass of the years, creating the illusion that forced the three men of Hu Feng to surrender their natal destiny. She was also betting, but she won by betting.

But Jin Se's current state is very bad, and the battle with the King of Burning Heaven, especially the last hand of world destruction, has caused her great damage.

If it weren't for the Yin-Yang Taiji figure, she noticed the Arctic Mountains where the yin and yang intersect, allowing her to absorb part of the yin and yang forces and restore a trace of vitality, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to mobilize two pieces of divine imperial soldiers.

"Brother Ling Xiao, you can rest assured that Jinse will soon take you home!"

Jin Se looked at the compass of the years, still sleeping in the Ling Xiao, a soft smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then continued to sit in the spring water and began to heal.

The Arctic Mountain is the center of the extremely northern waters.

The endless coldness of the extremely northern seas is gathered here. It was originally a very cloudy place, but after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, the cathode generates sun, so there is a ray of vitality.

The arctic mountains and the intersection of yin and yang form this yin and yang sacred spring, which is an accumulation of hundreds of millions of years in the extremely north sea area, but it has not been discovered because of inaccessibility.

Today, this yin and yang holy spring just happens to be Jinse's best healing treasure.

As Jinse continued to refine the power of Yin and Yang, Jinse's injury began to gradually improve.

The Yin-Yang Shengquan is a treasure of healing, and with Jin Se's body and Yin-Yang Tai Chi figure, a super soldier, her injury recovered quickly.

The majestic power of Yin and Yang is contained in the Yin and Yang Shengquan, which is the pure energy accumulated in the extremely north sea for countless years. Now it is swallowed and refined by Jinse, which not only makes her injury improve quickly, but also allows her to repair Because it began to rush forward.

As the so-called break and stand up, this time Jinser's serious injury has become the opportunity and character of Jinse!

Under the nourishment of Yin-Yang Shengquan, Jin Se's understanding of Yin-Yang Avenue is getting deeper and deeper.

A few days later, when Jin Se opened his eyes, two yin and yang lights shot out, causing the void to tremble slightly.

The Yin-Yang Shengquan has been completely refined by her, and Jin Se’s cultivation is completely stabilized in the later stage of the Saint Realm. It is only one step away from the completion!

"Brother Ling Xiao!"

Jin Se did not check the changes in herself, but she saw that Ling Xiao in the compass of the years had changed a little.


Jin Se also turned into a streamer, into the compass of time.

The paradise in the compass of the years was shrouded in purple light, and the law of Dao was intertwined throughout his body, dense and dense, even forming his meridians and blood vessels, so that his flesh became a part of the law of Dao. .

Ling Xiao's flesh is getting stronger and stronger, so Jin Se is a bit caught off guard. She can detect that a strange change is taking place in Ling Xiao's flesh, becoming stronger and stronger.

This change is naturally excellent, but Jin Se can perceive that Ling Xiao's primordial spirit is still very weak. Compared with his physical body, it is like a fire candle and the sun, and it can't be compared at all.

If this trend continues, I am afraid that it will not take long, and there will still be the kind of situation where the source of life is burning.

This situation made Jin Se feel extremely intractable.

She didn't know exactly where Ling Xiao's flesh would reach, but if this continued, it would also be a crisis for Ling Xiao.

"Did you have to do double cultivation again?"

Jinse's cheeks were flushed showed an infinite coyness.

She is the Taishang Dao body, and her balance of yin and yang is perfect, and Ling Xiao is now a manifestation of the imbalance of yin and yang. Through double cultivation, she can strengthen Ling Xiao’s primordial spirit, resolve the strong yang power in his body, and form the power of yin to nourish. Ling Xiao's Yuanshen, this is indeed the best way.

Jin Se did not hesitate. Her life had already been connected with Ling Xiao. After so many things, they had regarded each other as the most important person in their lives.

Jin Se slowly faded off her dress and hugged Ling Xiao gently. She could feel Ling Xiao’s chest was thick, her heart was strong, her life was very powerful. Although she hadn’t awakened, she was just The time is up.

When Ling Xiao's Yuanshen gradually recovers, he can control his powerful and perverted body, and he can wake up.

The red lips face each other, a pair of loved ones are entangled together, and the boundless spring is revealed in the compass of the years...(https:)

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