Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2411: Whereabouts of Demons!

After all, Taiyi is a character hundreds of millions of years ago. Even if there is a difference in time flow rate from Heavenly Prison Realm, it has been countless years in this world, and it has been extremely difficult to save it.

However, from these books, Ling Xiao can still see many real thoughts he wants.

This is indeed a forgotten world.

There is no heaven, earth and aura in this world, and the lifespan of human beings is mostly only 50 to 60 years, and it is extremely rare to live to be 80 years old.

Before Tai Yi came to this world, the world seemed to be a world of rumao drinking blood. It was just a savages tribe. It was Tai Yi who passed down civilization, taught the Quartet, created the path of martial arts, and even left words.

So Tai Yi, who is honored as a saint in this world, is also the supreme god, the immortal god!

Tai Yi has created a path of martial arts such as acquired, congenital, guru, and broken void. According to legend, the cultivation of broken void can break the barrier of space, leave this world, and enter into the realm of God.

But where is the realm of the gods, no one knows.

These books helped Ling Xiao a lot, let him recognize the truth of this world, and knew Tai Yi's ideas and superb martial knowledge.

"Taiyi is really a talent of heaven and earth! Without heaven and earth aura, he can open up a road to heaven through his life. If this person does not die, there may be hope to prove that there is no God!"

Ling Xiao exclaimed in his heart.

Although it was only a few words, although it was only a half-claw, but he let him see the fabulous charm of Tai Yi that billions of years ago!

Even Ling Xiao had to admire it.

Ling Xiao left the Musashi Building.

He has found the answer he wants, no matter what secrets are hidden in this world, he must first have enough strength.

No matter what he will encounter after the broken void, he will first reach the realm of broken void.

The five martial arts recorded in Taiyi Zhengong are extremely powerful, and they have a strong reference for Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao is ready to break through to the guru realm first, and then succeed in practicing these five martial arts. Sword world, explore the secrets of this world.

Ling Xiao spent three days in the Musashi Building, and then came to a cliff in Houshan.

In front of you is the sea of ​​clouds, and the peaks in front of it are like stalagmites. The bright sunlight falls on the sea of ​​clouds, which dyes the sea of ​​clouds into pure gold.

Ling Xiao Pan sits on the cliff, facing the east, the sun has just risen out from under the sea of ​​clouds, blooming a tremendous light!

A slightly undetectable purple airflow came from the first ray of sunlight and instantly integrated into Ling Xiao's body.


The innate real energy in Ling Xiao's body seemed to be boiling. Walking around Zhou Tian in his body, it exuded a roaring sound like thunder, shaking his skin and muscles, leaving him covered with a light layer. Purple gas.

Ling Xiao's cultivation practice has now reached the consummation of the congenital realm, and the true energy in the body is unparalleled, just like the big rivers and rivers.

And the guru needs to understand the world and understand the true meaning of martial arts in order to be able to integrate one's learning into the realm of guru!

Ling Xiao is just like that, sitting on the edge of the cliff, her eyes calm and deep, watching the sunrise and sunset quietly, watching the clouds and clouds, as if sitting on a cloud.

And his innate real energy seemed to be boiling, and it gradually calmed down, and the ancient wells did not wave.

"You said that Ling Xiao was sitting on the cliff of Houshan after coming out of Musang Building? Could it be that he wanted to break into the Grandmaster Realm?!"

After hearing Qin Yao's report, Qin Feng couldn't help but startled, and his eyes were shocked.

"Break through to the Grandmaster's realm? Shouldn't it be so fast? Every Grandmaster needs to experience countless years to integrate the martial arts and understand the nature of the world to achieve a generation of Grandmaster! Ling Xiao is only 18 years old!"

There was also an incredible look in Qin Yao's eyes.

"Nothing is impossible! Have you forgotten that he broke through from the day after tomorrow, and opened up the matter of 108 gods all over his body? I think his talent is better than that of the unparalleled son!"

Qin Feng said scorching eyes.

"If Ling Xiao can break through the guru, our Tai Yi door will certainly be able to take another step. This Ling Xiao is really our Tai Yi door's great savior..."

Qin Yao's face also showed a look of extreme surprise.

"Good! So from today, no one will be allowed to disturb Ling Xiao's cultivation, even Zhou Tong and I will not work! You can take someone around and don't let anyone influence him!"

Qin Feng said seriously.

"Yes, Dad! But Dad, according to the disciples in the door, some people under the mountain are spying on me for a few days, as if they are demons!"

Qin Yao nodded, but her voice turned, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes.

"The demons? What are they trying to do?"

Qin Feng's expression also became dignified. Before Gao Sheng wanted to **** the Tai Yi Mantra, he was already disturbed in his heart, and now there is a demonic person around Tai Yi Gate, let him smell a trace Dangerous breath.

"Yaoyao, I will take care of this matter! You will protect Lingxiao!"

Qin Feng thought about it and said to Qin Yao.

"Yes, dad!"

Qin Yao nodded, then turned and left.

"Magic, why do you have to get the Tai Yi Mantra? Is it that place... what happened?"

Qin Feng's brows were closed, and he was extremely puzzled and puzzled.

Today's Tai Yi Mantra, only the first volume is left, but at most it is able to break through to the guru's realm. Although it is very precious, it is not a big deal for the demon. I heard that the deity now has a complete virtual sky nerve, That is the supreme magical power that reaches the realm of broken void.

Qin Feng could feel that this must be something that he didn't know.

In the next few Under the arrangement of Qin Feng, the entire Taiyi Gate started to become alert. Some innate strongmen patrolled Taiyi Peak and wanted to catch those infested demons, but But he emptied.

Just when Qin Feng felt that he was too cautious, a stern cry rang through the entire Taiyi door!


The two disciples guarding under the mountain were torn to pieces directly, and blood mist was flying.

"Hahaha...Today, Taiyi will be destroyed!"

A cruel and cold voice sounded, which shocked the entire Taiyi door instantly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Nine Dao's powerful figures stand in the sky, and all of them exude terrible real energy fluctuations. They all stare coldly and fiercely, staring at Taiyi, like a fierce beast that chooses and eats. (https:)

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