Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2792: God Realm is boiling!


The blazing light is dazzling, the origin of the avenue is like a chain of order, intertwined into a gorgeous net, and a middle-aged man in black robe is blocked in it.

In the chaotic void, an old man with white hair was sitting on the plate, looking like a young girl with a hair and a stern face, as if there was a circle of reincarnation flashing in his eyes, revealing the vicissitudes of wisdom.

The middle-aged man in black robe is the master of the reincarnation temple, Qin Wuji, the master of reincarnation!

Qin Wou-ki looked at what happened in the temple of reincarnation, but he could only watch Ling Xiao's prestige, even severing Qi Rongtianzun, and abolishing Qin Jiesheng and Yufengtianzun because he was reincarnate Patriarch was trapped in the reincarnation heaven!

Reincarnation ancestors, the strongest in the reincarnation temple!

When Qin Wuji was a child, samsara ancestors were already samsara ancestors. No one knows how old samsara ancestors are. There are even people who speculate that he is a living fossil during the period of the Nine Emperors of the human race.

Qin Wuji has always been extremely afraid of the reincarnation ancestors. It was only when he took the last step and broke through to the realm of the emperor that he eliminated the fear of reincarnation ancestors.

And Xue Wei is the disciple of samsara!

Therefore, Xue Wei has always had a very transcendent position in the reincarnation temple.

For the past two hundred years, the ancestor of reincarnation has been traveling through the heavens and the world, not in the **** realm, so Qin Wuji dare to do something to force Xuewei to marry Qin Jiesheng!

Because he confessed, even if the ancestor came back, he was not afraid of the ancestor.

But now it seems that he still far underestimated the strength of samsara.

The reincarnation ancestor appeared quietly in the reincarnation heaven, and imprisoned him so that he could only watch everything outside, but he could not intervene.

Qin Wuji's eyes were full of extremely angry looks, and the killing intention of Ling Xiao in his heart was also extremely extreme!

"Qin Wuji, you also saw it! I did not help Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao still made the feat of even slaughtering the Eight Heavenly Sovereigns! After this battle, his reputation would probably be heard throughout the whole God Realm! The Son of Heaven, a child of luck in an era, if you are an enemy with him, you will die without regret, I am afraid that the Temple of Reincarnation will also be plunged into a land of nowhere!"

The reincarnation ancestor said lightly, his expression was very calm.

"Famous God Realm? Hahaha... Patriarch, in my opinion, Ling Xiao will die after this battle! He offended the Chinese, offended the nineth emperor Que, offended the time and space heaven and other major immortal holy places, you Do you think these immortal holy places will let him go? Ling Xiao is already enemies all over the world, no matter whether he is a son of heaven or not, he will definitely die!"

Qin Wuji sneered.

"Qin Wuji, do you really think that these immortal holy places can kill Ling Xiao?"

The reincarnation ancestor asked quietly.

"Why not? Old things, you should know better than me. Under Emperor Realm, all ants are ants, even Tianzun is ants! If those eight heavenly venoms stand in front of me, I can shoot them all! The major immortal holy places At the same time, it is not the Eight Heavenly Kings, maybe there will be the Eight Great Emperors! What will he use to resist?"

Qin Wuji said coldly.

"So, are you sure you want to be an enemy with Ling Xiao?"

Reincarnation Patriarch sighed softly.

"Yes! He dared to make me reincarnate the temple on the wedding day of Xue Wei and extinction, let me reincarnate the temple! I also killed Ku Rongtianzun, and abolished Yufeng Tianzun and Qin Zhisheng, this hatred is not Report, my reincarnation shrine will become the laughing stock of the whole **** realm!"

Qin Wuji's eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

He is determined to kill Ling Xiao!

"Then have you thought about it? If Ling Xiao survived again under your siege, what would it mean?"

The reincarnation ancestor said slowly.

Qin Wuji was shocked, but there was still a firm look in his eyes and said: "Impossible! Don't say that he is only the cultivation of Heavenly Realm, even if he breaks into the realm of the emperor, under the siege of many immortal holy places, He will certainly die!"

"Qin Wuji, let me answer it for you! If Ling Xiao did not die, then you can't bear the consequences, and you can't bear the reincarnation temple! By that time, I am afraid that the whole God Realm will set off a stormy blood, those so-called immortal holy places, I'm afraid really It’s going to be erased!"

The reincarnation ancestor said slowly.

"Impossible! What if he is the Son of Heaven? He has offended so many immortal holy places, and he will never survive this time!"

Qin Wuji's face was very determined.

"Qin Wuji, I can stop you for a while, but I can't stop you forever! How about this? I don't stop you from killing Ling Xiao, but you can't take any one of the reincarnation temples, you can only go by yourself! The era of catastrophe is approaching, and the reincarnation temple cannot stand tossing!"

The reincarnation ancestor said helplessly.

"Good! Old things, I promise to never take away any one of the reincarnation temple. I will let you see that your idea is wrong. Only I can lead the reincarnation temple to strength and glory!"

Qin Meisheng agreed without hesitation, and his eyes were full of bright and sharp colors.

"In this case, you can do it yourself!"

Reincarnation ancestor nodded and waved his sleeves, all the chains of order that imprisoned Qin's death suddenly disappeared.

Qin Miesheng glanced at the samsara ancestor, without a word, turned and left the samsara.

"Qin Wuji, do you really think I don't know, are you plotting the heavenly luck on Ling Xiao's body? But you don't understand that if the Son of Heaven is so good to kill, is he still the Son of Heaven?"

The reincarnation ancestor looked at the disappearing direction of Qin Jiesheng and said to himself.


There was a dazzling light of reincarnation around him, and the mist was filled, and his whole person disappeared silently in this chaotic space.


Ling Xiao took Xue Wei and left the reincarnation temple.

The whole reincarnation shrine was silent, no one dared to stop it, and everyone looked at Ling Xiao's eyes full of deep awe.

Even those holy kings and old monsters who have lived for countless could not help but marvel.

And Ling Xiao made a rebellious reincarnation of the temple, snatched the fairy of Snow Wei, and even chopped off the eight Heavenly Venerables, abolished Qin Jiesheng and Yufeng Tianzun's things, and soon spread throughout the entire God Realm.

The news of that war was like having wings. In a very short period of time, it spread to the whole world of God, making everyone boiled and shocked.

In particular, when many people heard this news for the first time, they did not believe it, thinking that someone was deliberately rumoring.

But as more and more detailed news came out, all the people really took a breath.

Ling Xiao, really slaughtered the Eight Heavenly Venerables!

God Realm, boiling! ()

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