Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2811: Lingxiao fights the emperor!


In the chaos of the void, Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation are far away, and the whole body exudes a blazing light, sweeping away the chaos of the surrounding void.

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold and his body was exudes extremely powerful fighting intentions, his body was full of blood and blood, and the purple qi was filled, and various strange scenes condensed around his body.

This is not the first time Ling Xiao has faced the emperor and the powerful.

Two hundred years ago, Ling Xiao had a battle with Yuanlou Mojun in the Demon Realm, but at that time the gap between him and Yuanlou Mojun was too great. Not the opponent of Yuanlou Mojun.

Even if he blew up the Wordless Book, he failed to kill Yuanlou Mojun in the end.

Ling Xiao understands how terrifying the emperor who controls the power of the origin is like the master of the opposite samsara. The whole body is filled with a circle of mysterious light, as if the heavens and the world are all integrated into the samsara, mysterious and terror.

That is the source of reincarnation!

The Lord of Reincarnation broke through the realm of the emperor with the source of reincarnation, and the strength is even more extreme.

So he didn't take many Tianzun strong men's eyes into consideration.

Heavenly Venerable is the sacred path, while the Emperor is without a realm of God. The two seem to differ only by one realm, but they are very different.

"Ling Xiao, you can do it! Let me see the true strength of you, the Son of Heaven, or you won't have any chance if you wait for me!"

The Lord of Reincarnation said indifferently.

"Since that is the case, I'm welcome!"

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and the blazing light of the whole body rose in an instant, and Ling Kong punched toward the Lord of Reincarnation!

Purple Qi is 30,000 miles in length and breadth, as if a round of purple sun is rising, intertwined with Ling Xiao's majestic power of blood, terrified to the extreme.

This is pure physical power, and also a powerful force endowed by Hongmeng's immortal body. With a punch, the strange scene of almost Hongmeng's development and the destruction of heaven and earth is broken, so that the heavenly strong can't resist.

"Come well!"

The Lord of Reincarnation sneered, radiating a blazing glow all around him, a powerful diva spreading out, whizzing, as if he could crush the sky and break the chaos. Come.


Two sturdy fist prints collided together, and a blazing flash of light erupted in an instant, sweeping towards all around.

The turbulent turbulence of Lingxiao and the reincarnation of the reincarnation's body shattered.

Both Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation were shocked and stepped back.

"Is the realm of the emperor, with the power of the original source to temper the body? The strong man whose physical body is far beyond the realm of heaven, this is the body of the emperor!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were superb, and he thought secretly in his heart.

His physical strength is unmatched. If he just faced a Heavenly Venerate, he could directly bomb him, but the Lord of Reincarnation was equally divided with him.

Ling Xiao can feel that the Lord of Reincarnation should have just tempered the flesh with the source of reincarnation. The flesh contains a strong source of power, which makes his flesh strong and unmatched, and contains some immortal qualities.

The legendary great emperor really has an immortal body that can cross chaos with his body, break through time and space, destroy the world and I will not destroy.

It turned out that all this started from the realm of the emperor!

Ling Xiao seemed to have obtained some kind of verification from the body of the reincarnation master. His eyes became brighter and brighter, without any hesitation at all, and Lingkong punched at the reincarnation master.

"Damn! How could he have such a strong physical body? It is far better than the Tianzun strong person, and even better than my physical body. There are too many secrets in this Son of Heaven!"

The eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation flashed, but his heart was a little shocked.

The punch just appeared to be evenly divided, but the viscera of the reincarnation's viscera has suffered some trauma, and his body is full of blood and blood. He has just broken through to the realm of the emperor, not long after. Short, the flesh and bones have been refined, and the organs have not been completely refined.

The emperor's rebirth is itself a process of returning to the congenital, and the body is tempered with the power of the original source and transformed into the body of the original source.

If the tempering is completely completed and the body of the origin is condensed, not only can more of the origin's power be exploded, but also the whole body of Vajra, eternal immortality, incomparable firmness, cannot be broken by ordinary external forces.

It was because of the condensed source body and the immortality of the flesh that the Yuanlou Mojun was able to escape his life under the self-explosion of Wu Zi Tian Shu.

Although the Lord of Reincarnation was shocked, the fighting intention in his heart was also inspired. The fiery light of the whole body was vertical and horizontal, and the light of the circle of reincarnation diffused, condensed in his palm and transformed into a powerful group. Reincarnation punches, killing towards Ling Xiao!

boom! boom! boom!

In the chaos of the void, the Divine Light interweaves, the runes rise, the chain of order blocks the Quartet, and the fistful fist erupts like a mountain tsunami.

The confrontation between Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation seems to be a constant collision between two ancient gods. Each blow explodes the power waves that destroy the world, sweeping the void and chaos, and destroying the chaotic void.

Temple of War.

Liu Baiyi waved his hand to condense a huge light curtain in the void, and capture the breath of Ling Xiao and the reincarnation master with the Heavenly Emperor Seal, showing the scene of their war in the chaos of the void.

Everyone is watching this battle.

The battle between Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation seems to be related to the survival of the Temple of War and the Eight Super Powers.

"Ling Xiao is so alone against the Lord of Reincarnation, is it too risky? After all, the emperor and the powerful mastered the roots of the road, and condensed the powerful of the emperor. I don't think we need a fair war, so many. The Ji Dao imperial soldiers are sacrificed at the same time, and they can directly kill the reincarnation master!"

There was a trace of worry in Zhan Feng Tianzun's eyes.

"Ancestor, don't worry! Although I don't know what adventures and virtues Ling Xiao has had in the past two hundred but I know this guy best! This guy is very insidious, and if he is not absolutely sure, he will not May fight against the Lord of Reincarnation!

Since he chose to fight against the Lord of Reincarnation, it shows that he has absolute confidence and self-confidence. This guy just wants to pretend to be under the eyes of everyone, and hit the faces of the eight super powers! Imagine, when Ling Xiao completed Tu Dijun's feat, how shocking should it be? "

Bailong Ma smiled, all over his face, I knew him very well.

"White Dragon Horse, is your skin tickling again? Do you dare to say that Ling Xiao is insidious? He also said that Ling Xiao pretends to be forced? When he kills the reincarnation master, I think it will break your leg!"

The old goat sneered. ()

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