Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2837: 3000 days penalty!

The three remaining Tianzun ancestors left by the nineth Emperor Que were all in shock and anger.

The puppet idol is said to be the image of Lei Di.

After countless years of blessings in faith, which contains the power of Lei Di’s avenue, and gradually becomes spiritual, it has become the patron saint of the Ninefold Emperor Que and one of the most powerful cards.

The God of Thunder Emperor cooperated with the Nine Heavy Heaven Penalty, and once killed many powerful emperors and powerful men!

And now it seems that the Lei Di statue seems to have no choice but Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao is still aware of the origin of the heaven penalty in the Lei Di statue, as Ling Xiao runs the Tianpu secret technique, Ling Xiao's atmosphere is mysterious. It seems that there is a strange connection between the image of Lei Di and vaguely.

The three ancestors of Heavenly Heaven all know the origin between the Lei Di Statue and the Heavenly Penalty Secret Technique. If Ling Xiao controls the Lei Di Statue with the Heavenly Penalty Secret Technique, then the Ninefold Emperor Que will really be caught in a thousand disasters. Ground.

"Never let Ling Xiao control Lei Di Statue!"

"You must kill Ling Xiao anyway! He is not dead, it is the end of my Nineth Emperor Que!"

"Let the Heavenly Penalty Army be dispatched, and while only he broke in, the lone army went deeper, and even if it blew one by one, it would kill Ling Xiao completely!"


The three heavenly ancestors were intertwined with each other in their thoughts, and their eyes were full of cold killing intentions.


As the three great ancestors urged the French seal, condensed runes, and the Ninefold Emperor Que above the void, as if to open an ancient portal, in a flash of hundreds of millions of rays of light, gorgeous and dazzling, containing incomparable Mysterious breath.

A very powerful figure rushed out of that ancient portal, his breath was very cold, his eyes were very cold, and his whole body exuded monstrous grief.

All three thousand figures, all dressed in black armor, surrounded by a horrible and blazing thunder, seemed to be a culprit coming out of hell.

Heavenly penalty!

The most powerful background of the Nineth Emperor Que, every powerful player of the Heavenly Penalty Army, possesses the cultivation of the Holy King Realm, and his breath is terrifying.

Moreover, the Heavenly Penalty Army is extremely loyal to the Ninefold Emperor Que, and he is not afraid of death. Each of them is a battle-hardened person. Like a puppet, the terror is extremely extreme.

The Heavenly Penalty Army is the genius strongman that the Ninefold Emperor Que searched from among the heavens and the world. He has been training in the mysterious realm of the Ninefold Emperor Que from a very young age. With the most powerful mystery skills, the strength is tremendous.

According to legend, at the beginning, there were a total of 30 million punishment troops, but in the end, only 3,000 soldiers were left!

Every strong punishment of the natural punishment army must kill each other, killing a blood path from tens of thousands of strong fighters, and finally become a real strong punishment of the natural punishment army.

After three thousand days of punishment, as soon as he appeared in the Nineth Emperor's Que, it was like a terrifying storm that seemed to be able to overthrow everything. It was extremely powerful, and it was also mixed with extremely rich magic energy.

"Huh? Three thousand strong kings of the Holy King, and the soul of the army has been condensed. Is such a strong magical energy, is it the strong one cultivated by the nineth emperor Que in the demon world?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his expression slightly dignified.

These three thousand days of punishment, the pressure on Ling Xiao is even more terrifying than the pressure of the Lei Emperor's statue. There is a crazy fighting intention that sweeps through the heavens and the world, and does not die for hundreds of battles.

"Heavenly Punisher, attack!"

A ancestral ancestor of the Ninefold Emperor Que, holding a Heavenly Penalty Knife, suddenly shouted.


The Sky Penalty Knife bloomed with fiery dazzling brilliance, and the endless Thunder intertwined in the void, as if forming a purple banner, flying in the air in front of the three thousand Sky Penalty, Silver Snake Electric Dance, Thunder Dragon Roaring, terrifying momentum.

The eyes of the three-thousand-day punishment army instantly turned blood red.

At the next moment, the eyes of the 3,000-day penalty force fell on Ling Xiao's body.


Thousands of Heavenly Punishment strongmen attacked at the same time. They held purple spears in their hands. Their spears were fiercely dazzling, intertwined with each other, and a terrifying thunder force broke out.

Three Thousand Days Penalty, that is, Thousand Thousand Kings!

Three thousand holy kings attacked at the same time, what a horrible sight?

The sky is full of fierce thunder, and a dreadful spear bursts across the void, containing the vast laws of the avenue, and the force of great destruction seems to be able to tear everything apart.

Even a Tianzun strongman, standing in front of three thousand days of punishment, faced with such a terrifying power, would be torn to pieces instantly, without any escape.

The 3,000-day penalty forces hit at the same time, and the horror power erupted has even surpassed the emperor and the strong!

"Good job!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were full of warfare, and the powerful pressure made his whole blood boil.

He didn't sacrifice any Jidao Emperor soldiers, and in the face of the three-thousand-day penalty, he just punched out!

One person contends with one army!

Under the sky of thunder, Ling Xiao stood up, the fiery fist bursting in the void, the youth's spirit and sharpness were undoubtedly revealed at this moment, and it became the most magnificent picture. !


Chaos light blooms, Ling Xiao's fist seal seems to open up a vast world, the evolution and destruction of civilization, the reincarnation and the rise and fall of the era, all emerged in this fist, as if it encompassed the world. The world, at the same time, also incorporated the attack of three thousand days of penalty forces into it.


The Void suddenly shattered, and a series of dense cracks appeared, and the terrible Void turbulent flow seemed to strangle all vitality.

Rao is the nineth emperor Que. The space here is extremely solid, with the blessings of the ancestors of the past ancestors, and the godless formation, but it still broke in the face of this terrorist attack.

Endless thunderstorms are sweeping all Thirty-six Taikoo Thunder Mountains are submerged by the terrifying thunder.


The Ninefold Heavenly Punishment burst into a dazzling brilliance, and a rune of enchantments rose up, protecting all the buildings of the Nineth Emperor Que.

If it were not for the protection of the God Array, I am afraid that under this blow, the entire Ninefold Emperor Que will be turned into ruins!

"Three thousand days of punishment, so terrible? Ling Xiao is probably not an opponent of three thousand days of punishment?"

Someone exclaimed, his face pale.

Despite the blockade of the Nine Heavens Penalty, the horrible fluctuations pervaded them, making them extremely palpitated and full of horror in their eyes.

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