Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2847: Chinese heritage!


Above the void, it was as if two torrents collided together, and a blazing light burst out in no time!

Many powerful men under Ling Xiao killed him, their bodies were full of grief, their eyes were extremely cold, and they were crazy into the Chinese ancestral land.

The Chinese, the Wuxing Tianzong, the Tianjuzong and the time and space Tianmen are naturally unwilling to sit back and die, so they are also desperately trying to get up.

There is not much difference between the two parties, whether it is the Heavenly Strong or the Sage Strong. Therefore, as soon as they collide, an earth-shattering **** battle erupts in an instant.

A saint fell, the blazing divine light filled with blood and rain, like the battlefield of Shura, it looked very scary.

Ling Xiao was very cold and indifferent, and Hengkong rushed towards Huatian!


In his palm, the Heaven Penalty Knife emerged, containing vast and unparalleled power, lingering around the purple lightning, incomparably overbearing and fierce, and the sky rushed towards Huatian!


Hua Tianchong's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of extremely angry killing intent and fear.

He knew the horror of Ling Xiao, even if he broke into the realm of Heavenly Venerable, but if he really fought, he might not be Ling Xiao's opponent!


Hua Tianchong's legs glowed with bright light, and the void around him was trembling slightly. At the next moment, his entire person disappeared directly into the void, and then reappeared beyond the limit.

The pair of worn boots above his legs glowed with a strange light, as if they could penetrate the void, and they were so strange that they even broke through the lock of the day penalty knife.

"Ji Dao Imperial Soldier? No! It's a crippled Ji Dao Imperial Soldier!"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed finely, and his eyes fell on Hua Tianchong's legs.

The pair of worn boots appeared black all over, looking tattered, filled with an ancient breath of fluctuations, when urged by Hua Tianchong, there was a faint exquisite Emperor Wei dive out, extremely strange.

Ling Xiao discovered that the pair of boots turned out to be incomplete imperial imperial soldiers, and it seemed that most of his power was lost.

However, such a crippled Ji Dao Emperor was able to escape the lock of the Sky Penalty Knife, which made Ling Xiao also have a lot of interest in this pair of boots.

"Ling Xiao, you are so arrogant!"

Hua Tianchong's face was extremely cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent!


The fiery ray of light rose in his palm, and from the sleeves of his sleeves, two puppets, all black and six feet tall, flew out of the ancient waves, and there were many traces of swords.

The two puppets were like stone men, extremely rough, and their faces were very vague, but they exuded a very fierce atmosphere. As soon as they appeared, they opened their blood-red eyes and turned towards Lingxiao. Pushed!

"Puppet of Heavenly Realm?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and the two black puppets exploded into a fighting power comparable to the heavenly realm, and they looked unstoppable and extremely strong.

However, although these two puppets are strong, they are still far worse than the Lei Di statues that Ling Xiao encountered in the Nineth Emperor Que!


The fierce sword light was vertical and horizontal, Ling Xiao took the sky penalty knife and fell down. The sword was sharp and unmatched, and immediately cut on the two black puppets.

The two black puppets were all trembling violently, and then Ling Xiao flew out directly.

"Hua Tianchong, is this your Chinese heritage? If only this is the case, then you can die!"

Ling Xiao said indifferently, the sound exploded in the void like thunder.

The puppet of the Heavenly Realm, although it looks extremely strong, but it can not pose any threat to Ling Xiao. When he just flew up, he was cut off by Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao's fierce lightning rose around him, striding toward Huatian, and the four sides of the sky were trembling violently.

A peerless murderous intention bloomed, and Hua Tianchong was completely locked down, so that Hua Tianchong's face could not help changing greatly.

"Ling Xiao, you forced me!"

Hua Tian said sharply, a look of extreme madness in his eyes.


He jumped into the sky in an instant, and his body was trembling violently, and the pores around his body suddenly sprayed a blazing blood, and the endless blood gas surged, as if the blood in his body had completely boiled.

"The descendants Huatian Chong only summoned the ancestors to come down with their own blood, and beheaded and murdered by the Chinese!"

Hua Tianchong's extremely harsh voice sounded in the void, causing the Sifang Sky Dome to tremble violently.


As his voice fell, the blazing divine light bloomed in an instant, endless blood gathered in the void, the sky was shaking, the wind was surging, and an ancient and terrifying wave spread from the center of the Chinese.

boom! boom! boom!

Like the sound of a heartbeat, every heartbeat is extremely clear, echoing between heaven and earth, so that everyone can't help but boil the blood, and the hearts are terrified, one by one, showing a very shocked look, all raised their heads, Staring over the Chinese ancestral land.

Endless blood gathering, purple divine light condensed a very mysterious figure, that figure does not look clear, a little vague, but it exudes an invincible momentum swept through the sky!

"This is... the real body of the Emperor Tiandu?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and there was also a trace of surprise in his eyes.

This figure in the void looks somewhat similar to the true body of the Emperor Tiandu in the Twelve Capitals, but it is not exactly the same.

The figure in front of me is more ancient, and the breath is more terrifying and powerful. Although it is similar to the real bodies of the Emperor Tiandu, it seems to be essentially different.

Is there another great emperor among the Chinese?

Ling Xiao's heart was trembling, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, but it was too late to think at this moment, because the purple figure had locked him up.

More terrifying than the real body of the emperor!

Just like an ancient emperor came, the breath alone makes people feel irresistible.

Ling Xiao felt that the Quartet's void was repelling him, and his whole person became extremely small, like a flat boat in a storm, as if it would be completely destroyed at any time.

Although Ling Xiao's face is pale, her eyes have become brighter and sharper than ever before, and there is an extremely horrible atmosphere fluctuation all over her!


Ling Xiao suddenly screamed, and the blazing light around him rose like a lightning, and a fierce fist print burst into a mighty burst!

The era of life and death, chaos pervades, the void of the Quartet, the vast fist of the fist seems to be able to destroy all vitality, and the figure in the void is completely enveloped!

(End of this chapter)

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