Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2858: Battlestar Demon King!

Ling Xiao inherited the Lei Emperor's Scripture, and took charge of the Heavenly Penalty Knife, which could explode the nature of the Heaven Penalty Knife.

Xing Mojun's face changed, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes. The horror of the sword from the punishment of the Heavenly Penalty made him dare not take it hard and could not help moving away.

The star demon monarch is different from the reincarnation master. He has clearly understood the origin of the Dao, and tempered the body with the power of the origin to form the body of the origin. The physical body is powerful and unmatched. The general attack has no effect at all on him.

But the Heavenly Penalty Knife contains the source of Heavenly Penalty, but it is the Ji Dao Emperor. Under the urging of Ling Xiao at this moment, it seems to be able to destroy everything, so that the Star Demon King does not dare to resist.


The killer flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and suddenly screamed in his mouth.


The compass rose brightly in the past years, rising up in the air, floating directly above the star demon king.

A long river of time spreads out, containing the vast power of time, like a mysterious field of time, covering the demon king.

The years and the long river seemed to freeze, and the surrounding voids were still, and spread towards the body of the star demon king.

"No! This is the compass of years? Are you... Ling Xiao?"

Star Demon King was shocked, his eyes were full of shock, and exclaimed.


He apparently recognized the compass of the years and the identity of Ling Xiao, but at this moment he had no time to think about it, the radiant glow of his body rose, and the vast Diwei burst out, wanting to break through the restraint of the compass of the years.


Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold, as if he didn't want to respond to the star demon king at all. The Sky Penalty Sword once again blazed out a fierce light. As the knife light fell, the surrounding voids were annihilated, like a horror appeared. The black hole fell towards the star demon king.

Lei Didong slash!

This is the atheism in the Lei Di Jing, Ling Xiao urges the compass and the day penalty knife at the same time, just to kill the demon king as soon as possible!

After all, the three demon kings are trapped in the large array of Zhou Tianxing, and there are probably powerful prying eyes around them. They must solve these three demon kings with thunder, which cannot affect Jiang Yuyang's breakthrough.

Moreover, the demon monarch is the weakest of the three demon monarchs, even though it is stronger than the reincarnation master, it is not much stronger.

Ling Xiao picks up the soft persimmon and wants to kill the Xingmojun first!

"Go away!"

Star Demon King roared loudly, his horrifying magic light rose, and a mad look appeared in his eyes.

He felt a strong killing intention from Ling Xiao's eyes. At the same time, the years compass and the sky punishment knife also made him feel a deadly threat, and the body was cold all over, making his heart startled and angry.

Only the cultivation of Tian Zunjing, the son of the chosen **** in this legend, has such a terrible combat power?


Star Demon King's body seemed to set off a magic light storm, and scattered the static area of ​​the surrounding time for some time. The whole person tried hard to escape.

But the day penalty knife has fallen!

Star Demon King glowed blazing starlight all over his body, the divine light was shining in the palm of his hand, and the power of the star instantly condensed into a silver war gun, crystal clear like crystal, and greeted it toward the day penalty knife.


The Heavenly Penalty Knife, with its unmatched sword intention, came out vastly and directly, chopping directly on the silver war gun. Without any accident, the silver war gun was cut off directly.

The turbulent thunder, containing vast heavenly coercion, directly fell towards the star demon king!


I saw the blood bloom in the void, an arm of the star demon flew out of the air instantly, and was cut down by the sky penalty knife.

"Ling Xiao, you **** it!"

Xing Mo Jun's eyes are full of crazy killing intentions.

The fiery light of his whole body rose, the might of the emperor sprayed thinly, and the black magic light swept the four sides like a storm.

In the black magic light, black meteorites suddenly appeared, exuding a thick and ancient atmosphere, mysterious.

"Wanjie Meteorite, destroy!"

As the star demon screamed, all the meteorites around him suddenly suppressed towards Lingxiao.

The black meteorites converged with each other like a black storm, but each meteorite was incomparably thick, as if to be able to break everything, as if the mountains were suppressed towards Lingxiao.


Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold, the sky was slashed with a punishment knife, and the blade was fiercely dazzling, and shattered a meteorite.

However, the powerful anti-seismic force contained in it made Ling Xiao's arms a little numb. Even the Heavenly Penalty Knife, the extremely emperor soldier, was extremely difficult to cut the meteorite, showing the solidity and abnormality of the meteorite.

Ling Xiao only discovered at that time that the meteorites were turned into pure star origins, and contained a star core, which is not only a powerful imperial technique, but also a powerful treasure.

The mighty meteorite came out of the sky, as if to want to completely bury Ling Xiao in it.

"I'm afraid you forgot, this is Zhou Tianxing formation!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, with a trace of sarcasm in her eyes.


Xing Mojun's face could not help changing.


At this moment, the fierce starlight gathered around, and a chain of Taoist gods rose, as if there were 360 ​​supreme stars emerged, and at the same time, the chain of 3.6 Taoist gods hung down, intertwined in the void, Just like a large net of stars, it immediately stopped before those meteorites!

The killing intent of Ling Xiao's eyes was pervasive, and the sky penalty knife rose in the sky. The accompanying fierce thunder, suddenly fell towards the star demon king.

Xing Mojun's face was extremely ugly, and the vast power of his star's origin exploded, but he found that in the Zhou Tianxing formation, his power of origin was greatly suppressed, resulting in his The combat power is greatly reduced.

What's more troublesome is that, the large network of stars formed by the chain of order gods, not only trapped his meteorite, but even enveloped him.

boom! boom! boom!

Star Demon King's incomparable embarrassment blasted out several punches, and the black fist prints were fierce and unmatched, just like stars coming out of the sky.

But the Heavenly Penalty Knife blossomed into a fierce sword, and a blade of light traversed the void, smashing all the fist marks of the Star Demon King.

In the end, the star demon unavoidable, the star net in the back, and the sky punishment knife in front, as if he had fallen into a desperate situation! !

"Ling Xiao, I remember you!"

Star Demon King's eyes showed a very fleshy look, and stared at Ling Xiao fiercely. A black stone rune appeared in the palm of his hand. It looked simple and mysterious, and a bright fairy light bloomed from it. .

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