Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2866: Don't look away!

At this moment, the four emperors are somewhat muscular.

The murderous spirits boiled among their eyes, the vast body of Diwei rose, and at the same time a powerful source of power broke out.

The four great emperors and emperors, all of them performed the magic without gods, broke out the Xeon attack, and wanted to bomb Ling Xiao directly!


Suddenly, Ling Xiao gave up the Demon Emperor, the Underworld Emperor and the Zombie Emperor directly, and went crazy towards the Immortal Emperor!

"Heavenly Emperor Prison Law!"

Ling Xiao shouted, the vast light of the whole body rose, and the phantom of an emperor emerged, as if to suppress **** and sweep across the sky.

Ling Xiao shot towards the fairy emperor, the palm imprint is like a vast hell, to suppress the fairy emperor directly.

"court death!"

The emperor of the fairy clan was furious, and the murderous spirit was boiling in his eyes, and a fiery fairy sword bloomed, striking Ling Xiao's eyebrow across the sky.

But Ling Xiao seemed unheard of. He didn't take care of that fairy sword and had no defense at all. It was like lightning, which shortened the distance from the fairy emperor and killed him in the sky.


Ling Xiao's eyebrows were filled with blood, but it seemed to be blocked by something. That fairy sword didn't penetrate Ling Xiao's eyebrows. It just made Ling Xiao tremble and coughed out some blood in his mouth.

And Ling Xiao also killed the immortal emperor in front of him, and the unmatched fisted immortal emperor retreated.

The huge imprint of the palm fell, just like the ancient emperor suppressed the heavens, so that the emperor of the clan can't help but change his face!

The Demon Emperor, the Underworld Emperor and the Zombie Emperor all changed their faces. They felt the determined killing intention in Ling Xiao's heart and rushed to rescue the Immortal Emperor.

If they were really under their eyelids, and Ling Xiao killed the fairy emperor, then they might be completely reduced to laughter.

Moreover, the lips died, and the four emperors joined forces to gain the upper hand, suppressing Ling Xiao, and absolutely cannot let this state be broken by Ling Xiao!


The demon emperor bloomed a vast source of darkness, just like a black sea surging.

In the eyes of the emperor of the Nether tribe, there is a black and white light beam intertwined, just like the chain of order gods, silently penetrating the void, winding around Ling Xiao.

The eyes of the zombie clan emperor are full of cruelty, their shots are extremely simple and rude, and huge fist prints burst out. In a flash, thousands of fist prints fell down and enveloped Ling Xiao.


The immortal emperor radiated an unmatched immortal light all over his body, and he spit in the mouth, and suddenly an immortal sword-like hole pierced the void, containing vast immortal emperor dignity, condensed the mixed element, and directly collided with that palm print Together!


Ling Xiao's palm print instantly shattered, and the fairy sword fell into the air, leaving a trace of blood visible on Ling Xiao's body directly, making Ling Xiao's body flesh and blood blurred and coughing up blood instantly. Retreat!

"Not enough!"

The fairy emperor sneered, his eyes cold and unmatched.


At this moment, the Emperor of the Nether Tribe killed, and the chain of black and white order was directly wrapped around Ling Xiao's body. At the same time, the fist print of the zombie emperor's sky was also bombarded on Ling Xiao's body!

puff! puff! puff!

Ling Xiao was shocked all over the body, his mouth was spurting blood, and his breath suddenly became weak. Rao was his powerful body, but under such a fierce attack by the zombie clan emperor, he was let him fly directly !

The direction in which Ling Xiao was flying was the position of the Demon Emperor!

"Ling Xiao, you can die!"

The Demon Emperor sneered with a sneer, grabbed Ling Xiao, and grabbed Ling Xiao directly in the palm of his hand. At the same time, the vast darkness came from the source, drowning Ling Xiao directly.

The demon emperor wants to turn Ling Xiao into a dark part, and then he can directly consume Ling Xiao's flesh and blood spirit.

Even, the heavenly luck in Ling Xiao's body!


Just as the vast dark source in the Demon Emperor's body was shrouded towards Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao burst into a sudden and terrifying devouring force around him.

The mystery of light and darkness was urged by Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao's whole body seemed to form a mysterious shadow of Taiji, where light and darkness were intertwined, and at the same time they could transform into each other.

That vast source of darkness turned into a majestic source of power in a flash and was swallowed into the body by Ling Xiao.

Where is there a trace of panic in Ling Xiao's eyes? There is only a deep sarcasm!

"not good!"

The demon emperor jumped in the heart, and suddenly felt bad, and the palm of his hand was thin, and he wanted to fly Ling Xiao away!


Ling Xiao sneered with a sneer, and in the blink of an eye, his menstrual period was urged by him, and a mysterious years and a long river came across the sky.

The Demon Emperor shuddered, and the whole figure seemed to be still, and instantly became immobile.

However, with the cultivation of the Demon Emperor, Ling Xiao's display of menstruation is only a time to trap him for a breath.

But one breathing time is enough!

I saw Ling Xiao's hands sealed, light and darkness intertwined, and instantly turned into a black and white singular light ball, and then Ling Xiao was not hesitated into the eyebrows of the Demon Emperor!

"No! Stop Lingxiao!"

The three emperors all reacted at the moment, and all of them were so angry that they wanted to come to rescue the demon emperor.

But it is too late!

I saw that the eyes of the Demon Emperor were full of incredible panic. The black and white light an instant, there was an infinite amount of light. The indestructible Yuanshen of the Demon Emperor, like Burned in general, suddenly burst into a fly ash!

The demon emperor fell instantly, leaving only an empty shell!


Ling Xiao, without any hesitation, reached the extreme speed, grabbed the corpse of the demon emperor, and while engulfing the secret technique, began to devour the majestic flesh and blood of the demon emperor, and rushed out of the encirclement through the direction of the demon emperor. , To the two great emperors who are besieging the sloppy emperor!

"Damn! How did he do it?"

The faces of the fairy emperor, the emperor of the Ming clan, and the emperor of the zombie clan are extremely ugly, and their eyes are full of horror.

Ling Xiao's shot is too weird.

Using the period of time in the field of time, the demon emperor is imprisoned for a breathing time, and then an inexplicable light ball makes the undead emperor of the demon emperor burn into ashes?

Isn't this a child's play?

What they did not know was that Ling Xiao had already thought of a way to deal with him after he noticed that the demon emperor was a dark demons.

The dark source and the light source of the Dark Demon Sect's cultivation are incompatible with water and fire. Without the light-dark occult technique, it is impossible to realize the power of light-dark fusion.

Ling Xiao learned about the life gate of the Dark Demon Sect by availing Dark Ling Xiao, and then condensed a group of light and dark fusion power with light and dark mystery, and penetrated into the life gate of the demon emperor.

As a result, the primordial spirit of the demon emperor, like a cooking oil, is directly fried!

This kind of death method is somewhat inexplicable, and it is also very suffocated, but it really happened in front of the three emperors, so that they are all a little hairy.


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