Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2900: 3-color fairy fire!

As the stonehide fell, everyone's eyes were attracted. Although they hadn't seen the treasure, they were very patient.

In the whole Dzizibeiyuan, only the voice of Shishi Jieshi remains clear and audible.


Suddenly, Jie Shi's hands shook slightly, and suddenly a bright fairy light spewed out from the fairy stone.

"The treasure is solved!"

Someone exclaimed.

Suddenly everyone's eyes were looking towards Feixian Stone.

The interior of Feixian Stone reveals a milky white light, which looks like crystal clear and jade-like, and is white and flawless.

In an instant, a strong fragrance spreads out, so that everyone is energized by the smell, feels comfortable, and all the limbs and bones are warm and surging, uncomfortable.

"This is... this is... the legendary source of life?!"

Someone said with trembling, eyes full of excitement.

"What? Lifestone?"

Everyone was shocked. These four words seemed to have some magic power, so that their breathing became extremely rapid.

"The source of life?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved.

"Master, the source of life is an extremely precious treasure of heaven and earth, and it is also a treasure of extreme Tao. Not only can it be used to refine the imperial soldiers, but it also contains the majestic source of life, which can enhance the life of the strong. From the origin, there is a better chance to learn from the origin of life! According to legend, if the source stone of life is enough, it can even allow the great emperor to live another epoch!"

Skybiter is also extremely excited, passing on to Ling Xiaodao.

"What is the value of the source stone of life?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"The source stone of life is extremely precious. A pound of source stone is worth tens of millions of fairy crystals, and it is still priceless! This piece of source stone is at least a few tens of pounds, hiss... Black cloud son is so lucky! "

Skybiter sucked in a cool air.

Dozens of catty life stones, that is hundreds of millions of fairy crystals!

The final return of the fairy stone purchased by 900,000 is hundreds of times!

Even if the black cloud son is rich and wealthy, but at the moment his face is already showing a flushing color.


Xie Wushuang's eyes flashed, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

At this moment, Feixian Stone was also completely unraveled. Among them was a human-sized life source stone, which looked crystal clear and dazzling, just like white jade.

But everyone suddenly discovered that among the source rocks of life, there is a strange insect, which looks like a cricket and an ant. The whole body is as dark as ink, with wings on its back, and it looks as thin as a cicada's wings, and it is lifelike.

But there was a trace of death gas emanating from the insect's body.

That insect is dead!

"This source of life stone has been abolished! The true source of life, the source of life is restrained, it is impossible to reveal any breath of life, but just that life source, I am afraid that is the last breath of life stone!

I am guessing that this insect has entered the life source stone and engulfed a large amount of life source stone, which eventually led to the exhaustion of the life source in the life source stone, and the insect died in the life source for some reason. Among the stones! What a pity, if it is a complete source of life, it is indeed extremely precious! "

Xie Wushuang explained.

It turned out that the source of life in this source of life stone has been completely leaked!

If this Feixian stone really solves the complete source stone of life, dozens of pounds of source stone of life, I am afraid that even Xianjun will be disturbed, or even fought.

But now, an abandoned source of life is of little value.

Hei Yunzi's face instantly became very ugly.

It is the so-called thought of heaven and hell.

Master Black Cloud has just experienced the feeling of falling from heaven to hell. Hundreds of millions of fairy crystals are missing. The feeling is extremely uncomfortable, and my heart is about to break.

"No problem, no problem!"

Master Heiyun grinned reluctantly, but the smile seemed more uncomfortable than crying.

"Even if the source of life is leaked, is the source stone of life very precious? Is there also the insect in the source stone of life, is it a wild and alien species?"

Someone asked doubtfully.

"The life source stone without the source of life, is a good-looking stone, maybe worth dozens of fairy crystals! As for the insect, I haven't known how many years it has been dead, what use is it even if it is a wild and alien species?"

The Shijiajie Shishi shook his head now.

At the moment, everyone looked at the black cloud son's eyes, full of sympathy.

If it is a complete source of life, I am afraid that it will cause a sensation in the ancient fairy city, and the black cloud son will also get a lot of wealth.

Now, everything is missing!

Heiyunzi also lost 900,000 fairy crystals.

"What a thrill!"

Someone couldn't help bursting a rude word.

The last moment thought it was a treasure, but the next moment it was discovered that Feixian stone was abolished!

At this moment, even the Shijiajie Jieshi was very fortunate. Fortunately, Heiyunzi had bought Feixianshi.

"Continue to undo the stone!"

Xie Wushuang said lightly.

She saw the extremely uncomfortable look of Master Black Cloud and was not good at saying anything. She could only continue to dissolve the stone, hoping to divert everyone's attention.

The three fairy stones selected by Xie Wushuang were placed on the stone platform by the Shi family's lithographers to begin the lithography.

The three fairy stones are not big, only the size of the washbasin. They look strange, and surround the fairy light like a rockery.

Soon, the first fairy stone was released!

"Huh? It turned out to be a superb fairy? And a defensive fairy?"

Someone exclaimed, and his attention was attracted by a small round shield in the void.

The small round shield exudes a dazzling fairy light, just like a turtle shell. It looks quaint and mysterious, without any damage, but it is an indispensable fairy.

And it is an ancient fairy!

The best artifacts are already rare, not to mention defensive artifacts. This small round shield can sell at least millions of fairy crystals!

"carry on!"

Xie Wushuang looked requested to continue to solve the stone.

As if it were a super defensive fairy, she didn't see it in her eyes.

Soon, two other fairy stones were also released.

This time there was no such good luck. One of the other two fairy stones, one of which was completely dismantled, contained nothing, and the other fairy stone contained a bizarre tricolor flame.

The three-color flame exudes a dazzling fairy light, looks very simple, floating in the void, suddenly let the surrounding temperature begin to rise.

"Three-color immortal fire? Not bad. If this three-color immortal fire evolves to the extreme, it can even evolve into nine-color immortal fire, burning into the sky and omnipotent! At least it can be worth millions of immortals. Now!"

Someone said in surprise, recognizing the origin of the three-color flame.

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