Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1005: World-class ambitions


water park.

Large playground.

Scenic area of ​​the ancient city.

Studio City Scenic Area.

The vigorous development of tourism is a specific manifestation of the increase in people's income. Tian Ge and Uncle Ge thought of Chen Hao's thoughts. He wants to build a large-scale reality shooting base. Once the scale is large enough, once the impact of the film The force is strong enough, once several consecutive large-scale real-life shooting locations are connected together, what is it?

That is a tourist area that belongs to this TV series. It is suitable for tourists to visit and even experience some of the items in the series, such as some characteristic underground passages, characteristic boats, and special props.

The large investment in the early stage makes everything realistic, and in the later stage, these real landscapes can be used to form the tourism industry's income.

How much money travel makes, everyone knows that this is no longer a TV drama project, but a project of a large tourism and entertainment business circle. Just by thinking about it, you can know how much this project will be. From the income of the tourism industry to the business income, to the income of the business circle after the formation of the system, and the production and sales of peripheral goods, each will be accompanied by huge profits. Tian Ge can also understand why Chen Hao In the late stage of the script discussion, several craftsmen and professional design talents were added. He wanted to keep improving all possible props, and when selling the surroundings, although there was no way to add special effects to the drama That magical effect can be played in your hand or placed at home. Everyone knows that this is a serious thing, not plastic or foam or aluminum.

Do one big thing, one thing that can leave a deep mark on the times. No one can resist such a thing, even a man like Uncle Ge who basically has no desire in the industry, will inevitably become emotional with this huge plan. At the small steel cannon film and television base in Haikou, Although it is also good, but the works of He Xiaogang Cannon have limited the development here, you can only see some scenes and props for filming here, and Chen Hao ’s plan is larger and more systematic. Of course, all of this has A necessary premise is that he can truly make the show well-known. Once he has truly achieved world-class status, it will not be his own achievement.

Thinking of Chen Hao shooting the country "Awesome, My Country" with unprecedented success, thinking of the background behind him, Uncle Ge was once again shocked by his ambitions, this guy's play is not the last success of a city and a place , But to promote the entire system to the whole world, so that this place will become a well-known tourist spot in the world.

Brother Tian has already taken out the maps of Yanjing and Modu and spread them directly on the ground, looking at it looking for a piece of land that he thinks might be drawn out.

Chen Hao smiled at Tian Brother. It was indeed the elite of the mall. As soon as he opened his mouth, he thought of his ultimate plan. It seemed that there was no way for him to have a small idea in his heart. He wanted to go to the northeast to find his hometown first. Go to a cheap place to get a piece together, then develop slowly, wait until the film is famous, wait until the entire tourist city develops, and then attract international tourists, the country can only provide support. In response, Chen Hao also knew that anyone who believes that he can succeed will think of the final international strategy, which means that this place can never choose a place below the first-tier cities, only the periphery of the big city, As long as it is within 80 kilometers, it is within the scope of the city tourism label.

"I'm a little dizzy. Go back to sleep. I will think about Uncle Li's story with Xiao Gang." Uncle Ge was really dizzy. He just came to take a role. He didn't expect to get so big in the end. He You have to digest it all and make sure you have a better attitude for this performance.

The result is that the next day, Chen Hao did not have the opportunity to find a second and third actor. In the early morning, almost all heroes appeared early, even if it was decadent with no rest, Each one widened his eyes, and the light radiating from those eyes really looked like the hungry big wolf saw the little white rabbit and sheep.

Chen Hao smiled: "Brothers, don't take it anyway, I have made a lot of money, and I also enjoyed the taste of living in a bright and upright material life, but it is just a new drama. Let ’s continue to play together."

Someone came over and stretched out his hands, holding his neck in a pose, and finally was laughed at, and pointed at Chen Hao and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Your boy dare to speak blunt words, brother, a few, given the performance of Hao Zi, we should Punish him. "

"Hey, what punish me ..."

The words behind Chen Hao have not yet been said, and everyone at the scene has echoed in unison: "Yes, punishment."

Chen Hao raised his hands to show his surrender. Such a "collective opinion" is irresistible. He can sit with a group of people with golden spoons and joke like many years old friends. He is used to it now and knows that this Is to show success.

"You have a dinner at noon."

"Okay, no problem. The company canteen is free to order. What you want to eat is enough. It is also responsible for packaging."

"Don't talk, eat the cafeteria and just want to send us, no way."

Chen Hao smiled mysteriously: "Big beautiful lady to accompany, OK."

Everyone present here is called a quick one, and it ’s not that I have n’t eaten or seen it before. There are never fewer women who want to be there. The beautiful lady at noon will accompany her to eat. Just think about it, Jing Tianlin With a smile: "Your boy really missed the chance."

Chen Hao: "It's all a family. In the future, you need to take care of you on various occasions, so don't let our own female compatriots be bullied."

One morning time passed quickly. Everyone gathered in front of Chen Hao's office and squeezed their heads together. On the sketch on the table, they outlined their ideas. A plan that will become a huge life and entertainment business district is gradually coming. After they were born, they were all very excited. This time, not only did they make money, but even if they made a name, even their parents could share a piece of cake here.

No one asked Chen Hao how confident you were that the show would be successful. They believed it, but there was a price to believing in it, and it was a price not to transfer their will.

It is a good thing to get things done well in advance. You can make a lot of arrangements in advance, but you also need to make this happen. At present, the entire plan is based on the unprecedented success of "Lost". In terms of Chen Hao's record, this should be No problem, but the thing that is not completely settled is risk, and the risk cost is borne by everyone. Once the risk appears and the price is paid, in the end Chen Hao will become the biggest scapegoat. A huge plan fails, and the losses are not only the previous ones. There is still the future of some people. Even if it is not completely lost, it will be delayed for at least three or five years. The cost is too large for them. For three or five years, it may be more than one step.

Young people have an adventurous spirit and the idea of ​​being able to go for a fight. Now Chen Hao's record has reduced the probability of this adventure to a very low level. Moreover, the amount of advancement in this matter can be reduced without paying too much. It is done at a high cost. For example, you only need to choose the location and place it in a place that is good enough, spacious, and sufficient for future development. And so, with so many people working together, their parents will see the huge implications. Foreground, everyone will work hard to push it a bit, it is not difficult, so when everyone agrees, I find that the pressure on this matter is not great. If there is, the little pressure is also concentrated on Chen Hao alone. .

In view of this, when eating at noon, let a group of beauty stars accompany things, Jing Tianlin agreed.

This is not a dinner party. Female artists will be unwilling. This is a great opportunity for them to show their faces in front of this group of Yanjing fans, as Chen Hao said. I am my own sister, I do n’t ask you to help me ~ ~ But if you encounter it on some occasions, you should take care of it. Huaxia is a society with face and human status. If you are a female artist, if you know some big people, you do n’t need to know what is your relationship. The outside world ca n’t figure out what your relationship is, at least it will save female artists. unnecessary trouble.

Tian Ge personally asked the vice president in charge of the artist to inform him that there was Chen Hao in Tian Ge. There was no psychological pressure on the people who came. Xiao Di met with these people more than once. Everyone greets, including Jing Tianlin, everyone gives face. When facing Xiaodi, they are very kind and greet with a touch of politeness. I ca n’t see any difference in this week. Today, Jiang Shuying Zhou Dongyu, Gulin Nazha, and others are here, and this attitude clearly distinguishes between high and low relatives.

The company's main anchor, now also known as Chen Er and Jiang Meiyan in the circle, have just returned from the crew of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography" and were called by the company.

The absence of white wine at lunch was cold beer, which in itself gave a question mark to the true meaning of the meal, and also caused many female artists to put down their internal resistance and precautions. During the meal, they were very important because they received important information. Rejoicing.

When we ate, we were still talking about the "Lost" drama, but this group of people was not talking about the script, but what big scenes should be shot with real scenes, and what standards of real scene construction must meet, it must not simply cooperate The crude production of shooting is also higher than the quality of general scenic spots, and the investment must be relatively large. How to invest is the most suitable, how to invest in stocks, and how to loan is suitable. They are talking about this, and they fall in the ears of Jiang Shuying and others. In China, it is more and more important to the show. With the attitude, trying to compete for the roles in it has become their current task.

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