Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1015: Fixed angle

In the afternoon, Lu Yu took a keen interest in a huge and simple factory building. Several high-power air conditioners stood in it. The coldest and highest wind speed was turned on. After entering, he still felt a little hot.

"It's all about the construction of large-scale props in this phase. We are working together at the same time. After the infrastructure construction over there, the props can be installed and debugged inside." Chen Hao introduced to Chen Luyu.

Lu Yu showed a touch of surprise, and was very happy in her heart. She didn't pretend to be aware of this adult sentiment sent by others.

"Isn't this your trade secret?"

"That's right, it's nothing, I'm not afraid that others will know."

Confidence is that you know what my creativity is, you know what I want to do, and you have no way to imitate me.

First of all, this type of tomb robbing adventure is not new in the world. It can even be said that it has been badly shot. When "The Lost" must not be hidden from the inside, many people have questioned such a large type. Chen Hao was able to What's different in the filming is the same in China. It's related to "Grave Robbery" and "Ghost Blowing Lamp" has been moved to the big screen more than once. You Hao Zi is not a cold-fried rice player. Why go to this muddy water?

You do n’t need to guess the subject matter, I do n’t have any secrets at all. Although the script is confidential, the construction site is not confidential at this time. Nearly all workers who know it are aware of it. I have never thought about keeping it confidential. Let me show you what you can do.

The film "Lu Yu has an appointment" recorded two pictures of large props, and even took a closer look at the filming. One is a few meters square, and the other is a lot of audiences who like similar subjects. Know the same props in the hand-a precision compass.

The former may be an important prop, but its usage rate will certainly not be so high that it takes seven digits to build, and every detail is improved without any fools. It is close. The engineer showed the prop to the show team. When Lu Yu followed Chen Hao and a photographer to experience it inside, he knew that everything was fake, or let Lu Yu send a scared scream.

After the gear rotates, the spikes that appear in the space similar to the elevator will sparkle and make you feel that if you really touch it, you will be stabbed. Even more scary is the back. It is clear that what you are stepping on is hard ground, which suddenly becomes soft, and you will have the feeling that you are sinking your feet and sinking into it. This is not an illusion. When you lower your head, you will scream. Because it was true, and with a little slippery attachment, Lu Yu screamed again and grabbed Chen Hao's arm.

"This future experience is to forbid the amusement projects under the age of sixteen. Special effects will be added to the movie to add more features."

Lu Yu is also very poor at the moment and can dare to play like this. Chen Hao is definitely the first person in the world, even the original "Star Wars" and the countless large IP brand industry chains later rely on the expansion after success. He is now developing the project and the surroundings of the brand industry at the same time, how confident he can be to do this.

After coming out of that space, Chen Hao took Lu Yu to look at a compass that weighs about three pounds but has seven or eight variations. From the material to the workmanship, even a layman like Lu Yu who made a movie knows the general Movie actors use props that are by no means so sophisticated.

"The cost of two billion yuan, I now have some concepts." This is Lu Yu's summary, from the heart of the words, without any intention of program effects.

"Even if the surroundings cannot be developed, all this is what I want to do. I don't want everything in the film to be accumulated by special effects. There must always be something that we can handle ourselves."

In these words, Chen Hao didn't say to the camera, but just said a word to her personally when sending away Lu Yu. Tomorrow morning, he will accept an exclusive interview with "Hollywood Reporter" magazine. In the afternoon, he will also give "Lu Yu" There are about three hours to make a supplementary visit to these pictures taken today.

After the show was broadcast, the effect was surprisingly good. Regardless of whether the project could be successful in the end, Chen Hao's attitude made him win a lot of points. Some things can be used for shows and some things can't be done anyway. , Such a large construction site is located there, you can go and inspect it anytime, anywhere.

There will always be some curious people, and there will always be some media who want to explore the secrets. They don't care if you are a show or not, I just go to see it.

The site has received a large number of media for several days in a row. In the face of some enthusiastic audiences, the site has also organized several visits. You ca n’t just let one or two people in. You can organize dozens of people. Allocate a helmet and visit the site after entering the site.

Internationally, I have also paid much attention to Chen Hao ’s grand plan. A 200-million-dollar TV series is also a big deal in Hollywood. After the new issue of the Hollywood Reporter magazine is published, more people are surprised by Chen Hao. The bigger work behind it shows value at the construction sites around Yanjing. Professionals know that the production cost of 200 million is not enough at first sight. It is just a phase one building, according to the exquisiteness presented by Chen Hao at the moment. , 200 million are not necessarily able to hit it.

When they knew that Chen Hao was going to build a tourist business circle, they felt his inner strength and confidence in this "lost" plan. People who threw money were so confident. As an audience, haven't we Are you confident?

The effects of the two interviews came out, two hundred million, or even more investment. Whether it was an investor or a producer, how could it be possible to do such a crazy thing without a script that was so powerful that they would forget it.

At the same time, these two interviews also brought more investors to the entire project. There are projects in which the country participates, and several major companies have invested hundreds of millions of dollars. People who were still on the sidelines before regretted it, and now want to participate in it. The price you need to pay is more than doubled before. In the past, 50 million yuan was thrown in and you can splash a little splash. Now 50 million yuan is thrown in. A little ripple will make you feel that it is not worth it. You need to make the whole The proportion of large projects making money doubled, and you invested 50 million in the distribution share that you can get to barely be able to meet the return on investment.

Tiange's company here is totally a posture you can't come to, no matter who you are, now the volume of this project is no longer anyone who wants to touch it, you have to invest in us Welcome, now there are only these shares. If you invest one billion for one billion projects, you can basically get a share of about 5% even if it is not bad. At this point, I won't talk to you at all. One week changes the share. Now You don't invest. After half a month, maybe you can only get a 4% profit share.

I do n’t have time to deal with these things every day. Tian Ge just gives face to investors, making people think that it ’s the boss who comes to talk to you. Otherwise, it ’s just to inform the other party about the issue and just send a vice president to do it.

More often, Tian Brother followed Jing Tianlin and stayed at the nodes of each project. He even ran back to the project department downstairs for a little time, went to the conference room, and watched Chen Hao and the crew discuss the script, talk to The actors went to chat.

This group of people is actually not suitable for busy. Rarely busy is a bit uncomfortable. When you watch Chen Hao, it becomes the best way for them to relax. One by one drinking red wine, some like cigar smoking. Cigars, at the beginning, everyone was still a little accustomed to each other. After a long time, everyone became familiar. A group of people led by Huang Bo and Sun Honglei felt the strength of Chen Hao. They not only watched, but also came to cheer. Now, this group of people exists in the legend on weekdays. Those so-called young people who are very famous in the entertainment industry can't even get on the table in front of them. Such a group of people can follow you in a project to catch up After eating together, I did n’t have any amazing racks while chatting, occasionally a little joke ~ ~ everyone can afford it.

The potential influence of such a group of people on the entire project is very large. All those who come to participate not only want to become famous, but also to expand their social circle. Here you make the next person, and for your future Your career path will have great benefits.


"let's start."

With the order of Chen Hao, the actor plans to be officially released.

The first batch of the main actors in the first season of "Lost" also officially met with the opening of the actor intensive training program this time.

Uncle Ge, Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Sun Yi, Zhao Liying, Hu Jun, Wang Qianyuan, Liao Fan, plus Chen Hao, this is the main member of the first season of the first season, and the rest also show some faces, but the play is not heavy People like Sun Honglei, Li Bingbing, etc., do n’t need training when they have n’t played yet, but many actors who have been determined to participate in the show try to free up their time as much as possible, come and watch the training program .

The roles have also been settled. After several rounds of script discussions, it's finally time for the characters to start making makeup. The actors also got their own complete scripts, and they waited for three days until they assembled again. Everyone's face expressions have changed, without the previous ease, it seems very dignified.

The depth of each character, the part that can be developed for each character, makes them full of warfare, and each one is full of heart. I do n’t know how good the performance is, the performance is not good, then It's a complete shame.

Nearly all of the opponents' dramas have no detailed descriptions. There is only a simple white stroke, which is this white stroke, which makes each of them feel great pressure.

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