Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1021: Not mediocre

When staying in the hotel's high-level conference room, the crew ’s creators are sitting at the table, looking at the remote large screen, a screenshot of the flashing comments, a special translator holding the infrared, pointing at each comment, translating Explain to everyone the real 'voice' from foreign audiences.

"Now I see comments on some websites in the United States, the number is ok, but after removing the number of Haomen fans, the overall number of comments is small. Fortunately, everyone is more satisfied with the role makeup photos. Let me read A few. "

"Well, this comment said that the character setting of the character is quite promising. Although he is a Chinese actor, he is willing to believe in MOUSE's vision. The actors he has selected will definitely perform better than the fixed makeup photos. . "

"It is said that these are a very popular group of actors in China. Acting should not be a problem. I think I should adapt to different skin colors and different languages. For the first time, I look forward to foreign film and television dramas. It feels quite interesting. "

"I'm curious why MOUSE must insist on all the content of Huaxia. There are so many unsolved mysteries in the world and so many legends that can be created. Even if it is some stories that have been rotten by everyone, I believe he can play new tricks. Seeing a group of Chinese actors is really not used to it, even if you mix Chinese and Western, don't you know how to take care of us? "

"I look forward to MOUSE's work."

The entire conference room was silent, and they were all eyesight. They really saw it. In the final analysis, it was the situation that everyone was worried about at first. The foreign audience still only recognized Chen Hao. These people were called stars in China and they were worried about too many stars. The TV dramas that have been made into several stars can be hit overseas. Their hits are so intuitive. They are not ignoring them, but they really don't know them.

After reading the two media's comments one after the other, Chen Hao tapped the table with his fingers: "Okay, just see this. It's the same, all the doubts will depend on the work to speak in the end. Starting tomorrow, everyone Enter the formal shooting state, there is no film, first adapt to the life of the desert island here, after all the filming is finished, we return to Yanjing to shoot indoor film, I want to say that outdoor film is probably the simplest and most comfortable When I arrive indoors, I don't worry if you can perform well, I worry if you can't carry your body. "

Except for Uncle Ge's drama, because of his body, there are special arrangements and adjustments every day, and everyone else is treated equally. Once the state of the madman enters, Chen Hao will show a image that everyone thinks is a devil. The kind of grumpy, but the aura released by himself is enough to make everyone dare not slack off.

On the first day of shooting the first scene, Sun Yan had a modest performance. It ca n’t be said that it ’s not good, but she ’s very loose. Her role is not a vase, and you ca n’t use words to describe what she is in a corner that others ca n’t see. This state, everything is shown in the picture, you are like a backdrop, who will look at you without looking at you, and when your role reverses in the end, it will be extraordinarily abrupt, and the audience will lack In the process of excessive mentality, I will feel particularly uncomfortable, and it is difficult to find a kind of refreshing feeling that I felt so long ago.

Chen Hao didn't say anything. From the scene crew to the big group of staff, to all the staff, in fact, one of the group shows did not perform well, it was not worth it once, and Sun Yan was not the absolute protagonist.

He didn't care about that, he just waved his hand: "Reset the scene, get back in place, and shoot again."

This sentence brought a lot of pressure to Sun Yan, and he was extremely proud of being hit by self-confidence in a field that he was good at, and his face was hard to see. He put it away in the first place. Deng Guolai came to hold her shoulders and explained to her in a low voice: "Hao Zi is such a person. You are not ignorant. If something is wrong with him, he will have the same attitude if he doesn't act well."

Sun Zheng nodded: "I understand that I can't get through this. You said, is this the gap between us and him, and I haven't fully realized the value of the remake of this show?"

Deng Chao didn't have to answer. He felt the same way. Chen Hao's brain circuit is long. Now they can't fully understand it, but when the reason for the remake comes out, you have to be convinced and introspect yourself. Really, as Sun Yan said, we are not focused enough, and we are 100% focused on a small place without details. A seemingly indifferent lens is inadvertent, but when ten or twenty similar lenses are piled up, there is a gap.

Chen Hao's crew members responded to the scene just now, handed a circle of cigarettes to the actors on the scene, did not want to explain anything else, but just told you a detail they didn't notice.

"This film is not easy to communicate with the United States. The main actor's status as an actor registered with the Hollywood Actors' Union seems to be nothing. If we produce this level, there will be no flexibility in the film. You do n’t have to talk about it. It ’s definitely impossible to talk about. Everyone has to register. All the shooting must be done in accordance with the requirements there. There is nothing else. The most terrible thing is the use of mass actors. ”

"In order to protect privacy, in order to protect various copyrights, and establish the authority of legal provisions, everyone in Hollywood knows any group show that appears in the camera, even if it is a picture of a long or two hundred people sliding across the banquet hall. The people appearing in it must also be registered actors, not on-site staff or onlookers who are willing to help; TV shows appear in the episode. In addition to what you made and shot, the rest are in addition to the weather forecast. In addition, you cannot broadcast anything, otherwise you will have to pay for the copyright of your broadcast. Our film this time has a lot of pressure, and it will be difficult for the crew to register all group performances with the Hollywood Actors Union. To this end, the crew invited many Chinese-American actors to make guest appearances, reaching one-third of the group performances we used, and this matter was finally discussed. "

After Chen Hao's remarks, everyone suddenly realized that there were some differences in the shooting today, and they felt that something was wrong, but they didn't find the source of the error. At this time, when Chen Hao said this, everyone got together In front of the monitor, go and watch the two scenes just passed by.

It's all a group play. The plane crashed and landed a problem, which is equivalent to a major accident. Not everyone died on the plane. There were some dead people, and there were quite a few group shows.

After seeing the footage, everyone was sure what was wrong?

What's wrong is the group performance near the camera. Each one is very professional. It doesn't seem like everyone is shooting perfunctory performances without group performances. Chen Hao also buried this one in advance for everyone. Pit, he knew exactly when it would be useful.

In addition to the normal camera, there are fixed cameras that secretly record the pictures outside the normal camera. Those very wide-angle pictures, the pictures of non-main actors in the center of the picture, also recorded many group actors here. The real state of a performance.

Standing up and down, there are more marginal group performances in the pictures taken by the hidden cameras. In fact, they are the crew of the crew. They temporarily change clothes and make up the number of people. Among them, there are people who perform dreams. In order to get closer to film and television drama shooting, I would rather be a crew member to accumulate experience and participate in the production of film and television drama, and try to play some roles in some small opportunities.

The proportion of these people is a lot worse than the number of Chinese actors registered in the Actors Union over Hollywood. When the group performance suddenly achieved a high level of performance, the main actors felt that even though they were not paying attention to them, Obviously, I felt something wrong. There was something about Sun Yan just now. Everyone didn't turn their attention to it. Now when I turn around and look at the picture on the monitor, all of them are thoughtless and don't talk anymore. No wonder just now After looking at the monitor, Chen Hao would have such a big reaction.

When mediocrity is hidden among most people, it is occasionally ignored; when you think that mediocrity is suddenly suppressed to a lower level among more people ~ ~ mediocrity becomes poor. Sun Yi's performance just now seemed very mediocre in the group performance. After the overall picture was felt, as a director, he had his own overall arrangements for the characters and the plot. He could not tolerate such pictures.

Replaced with ordinary domestic high-quality TV series, this one has definitely been, and replaced with those ordinary TV series, this director will shout a good one, but in "Lost", mediocrity is not allowed, all their actors have done each The details will be prepared to be enlarged, but I didn't expect that it would be enlarged to such an extent-the group performances can come to the starring to bring great pressure. These people in the presence have almost never felt similar.

"Director, I'm ready."

Sun Ying and Chen Hao also knew each other long ago. When Chen Hao just debuted, he entered the relationship between Li Chen and Fan Bingbing who were running men. After several familiarizations, he also visited Sun Ye and Deng Chao's home in Modu.

At that time, the elder brother and elder sister, now also the name of elder brother and elder sister, did not change the slightest attitude. As Sun Yan, facing Chen Hao, this was the third attitude change. The director shouted that it was true. Convinced orally.

Chen Hao was in great red and purple, the two sides met again, and they had to talk to each other to listen to his wind direction. This was the first change in relationship attitude. Then came Chen Hao's best supporting actor Oscar, Cannes filmmaker and domestic After the awards of film awards, there are already some places where Sun Yi needs to ask Chen Hao for acting.

This is the third time that Sun Huan has recognized with heart that he has to follow this director who is much younger than himself, really learn something, break the barrier of his current performance, and take it to the next level.

More than her?

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