Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1031: Let's accompany the boss

Outside the Lost City of New Year's Eve, it is very deserted.

Although the light snow drifting slowly is not romantic, it is not suitable to run into this deserted place for romance. On Wangfujing Street, Sanlitun, and Nanluogu Lane, this light snow will disperse the crowded heat to bring everyone a little more. Cool.

When night fell, first a private car came to the outside of the lost city. Sporadic snowflakes would cover the road leading to it with a thin layer of snow clothes. If it were not for the arrival of these private cars, this one The road can no longer see a little rut.

There are tourist buses here every day. They depart here in Yanjiao. There is no congestion in the urban area. Even if there are not many passengers, the driver is willing to run this route. It is only the last day of the year-end. As a result, the arrival of several groups of students caused the tour bus to decide to work overtime. This overtime means that all twenty cars worked overtime.

There are also taxis and minibuses. The roads that were not even equipped with street lights for more than ten kilometers suddenly became lively.

The wild dogs on the road sighed that at this time, why did the quiet road become lively all of a sudden, was it because of their sleep, or was this cold already invading their brains, causing them to have hallucinations?

The security strength of the lost city is sufficient. Everyone has partnered to establish a security company. The training base is here. The external business is in Yanjing. It is an experience for the company to provide security to the lost city on weekdays. Training.

At the gate, four security guards are in the concierge and are preparing to eat with a lighter. They have to say that they like the work here. On a cold night, you can have a drink or two. This treatment will not be available at any company.

The arrival of several private cars in the front caught their attention. The lights were on and the car did not turn off. The people coming down from the car quickly gathered to smoke and chat. What are they doing here?

The four security personnel kept the next person in the house at any time ready to contact the inside. The other three put on thick cotton coats and took a flashlight to check out the situation. At the same time, as far as possible, the tourist bus came over. The drivers are also very familiar, and the security of morning and evening shifts will take their cars if they want to enter the city.

"What's wrong today, isn't it saying that no one will be in the afternoon? Why did you leave the car at night?" The three security guards didn't rush to ask the driver of the private car, stood in place, watching the tourist bus stop, and each other He also asked the other party to confirm that he had heard what he said.

"Yeah, why are they here again. Alas, so many people."

Several buses parked in a large, large parking lot outside the gate of the Lost City. The doors opened and the lights in the car turned on. Through the front windshield, the car was full of people and was getting off in an orderly manner.

"We are closed and we are not offering any tours today." A security guard stepped forward and said loudly.

"Let's accompany the boss for New Year's Eve!"

The first six buses arrived, more than 200 people came down, and fans rushed in the private car taxi, surrounded by the light of the car's headlights, the expressions on each face, if Chen Hao at this moment Standing here, even if he is a hard-hearted person, his inner defense line will be broken immediately.

He De He Neng, has such a group of fans who support themselves.

Two boxes of cargo came over, and in front of it was a Mercedes-Benz Big G 4X4, and a woman wearing a long white down jacket was enthusiastically gathered from these fans: "Ya."

Qi Ya, Lele ID name, Yaer, Super Gold Collar, CEO of a listed company, is still single, and years have not left any traces of her passing. In the fan meeting of Haomen, she is already the honorary vice president. She has no time to specifically manage the affairs of the fan meeting. She holds a title and is the eldest sister everyone respects. This year's New Year, she brought two boxes of goods. Fireworks, with everyone, accompanied Chen Hao New Year.

The news of Chen Hao's research on the script in the Lost City tonight is what Qi Ya has confirmed after he has confirmed it.

As soon as Anbao passed the news to the notice, Chen Hao, who was about to go to the cafeteria for a meal, hesitated after getting the news. The car roared at the gate at the fastest speed, and watched more and more fans arrived. It took more than ten seconds to make a mistake, and then I wanted to let security open the door and welcome everyone in.

Keeping the set on the Internet, this group of people who can come here to accompany Chen Hao to celebrate the New Year in such a period of time can be called **** among the hardcores, and most of them have watched him For a few years, many of them have participated in offline parties, and now they meet, and they are more willing to wave and shout at him warmly, instead of seeing the big star.

It was the fact that several buses with Fengtian license plates drove from a distance, and the mud on the body drove them all the way straight. Familiar people, familiar eyes, but there is a touch of maturity in the eyes.

Now it is already a small and famous woman, Ye Ziye, Lele ID name, Ye Zi. For the engagement, the fiance is also the third generation of Fengtian Group, and the two parties are united. However, Ye Zifeng, the "Amethyst City" project in Meicheng has been handed over to a professional manager. She has returned to Fengtian. In charge of the development of a Fengtian commercial project and all logistics projects of the family. The black woolen coat and curled up hair no longer looked like a proud little girl. From top to bottom, she was full of success, and her eyes were so sharp that she had lost her purity in the past. Seeing her, Chen Hao felt a little guilty, and the two people who were destined to have no results, but took a step that should not be taken. I thought that I could forget each other in the rivers and lakes, and expected this encounter, and the past events came to mind.

This world's love debt, how easy it is to forget the rivers and lakes.

One after another, both strange and familiar faces, appeared in front of Chen Hao. These people are all the first fans who support themselves. At that time, they were just a budding newcomer anchor on Lele platform. Short In a few years, looking back at those pictures in the past, he can remember them all. He still remembers the names that used to shine in his live broadcast room,

Leaves, Jiao Jiao, beautiful without discount, Yaer, old cigarettes, brilliant stars, Doudou, Lao Shen ...

Too many, he will make a contribution list every week. Although he really does not have time to do it by himself today, there is still someone in Meicheng who is in charge of this matter, even if he does not broadcast, he contributes in his live broadcast room. The list is still full.

"It ’s windy outside. When you go inside, the newly built second hall inside has just completed the overall air-conditioning and fresh air system, and the inside is warm." Chen Hao is like a host who has guests from home, and greets everyone to go inward, It is learned that there will be someone coming later, specifically ordering security, and those who come will let them all in.

This is what he instructed, where security should listen, and where it should be ignored, of course, it's impossible to let people enter casually. Fans are fine, but if you mix in some other purposeful people?

Fortunately, this embarrassment that may cause conflicts was resolved by the management in the fan club. They left a few people on their own initiative, together with security in the porter, waiting for the fans from all the appointments to enter and lose. , Is the time they can spend with the boss.

Nearly a thousand fans came from all over the country. Although there were many people within a few hundred kilometers nearby, there were also many fans from Guangdong, Guangxi and Sichuan, Yunnan. Chen Hao ordered the cafeteria to open fire to cook, so that everyone was busy. Here, his boss is not conscientious towards his staff. At the critical moment, no one will complain that such nights have to work overtime. It is learned that the most **** fans of Haomen have arrived, and the cafeteria is also lively. There are a large number of daily storages. Beef, sheep and pork, in winter, it is difficult to store all kinds of food. It is not necessary to go to the vegetable market every day to buy, and to get food for hundreds of people anytime, anywhere. It is not difficult for this large construction site.

Chen Hao's car had cigarettes and alcohol, most of them were sent by others ~ ~ There used to be big brothers on the Internet, now there are big brothers in reality, all know that he has such a habit, saying It is not allowed to entertain a fan whenever he meets a fan, from his RV to a business car nanny car, there are some stocks.

The second hall, which has just completed the entire air-conditioning system, has not yet begun internal construction, and is also the main venue for the second story of the first and second story.

For the plot design of "Lost" each season, Chen Hao broke away from everyone's inherent thinking mode. The thirteen episodes of the first season were either a plot of a tomb in the sea or two stories. In his case, he did not like both. The former will give everyone a feeling that I must see the episodes before I can see the answer, which will affect the expected value; the latter is a bit cramped, many details cannot be unfolded, and it is a waste of the actual construction of such a large project. How many stories are there in the season, Chen Hao doesn't have a hard-line standard here, as long as the end of the first season, there can be a big suspense pause for the temporary ending.

Because of the funds, the construction of the second pavilion has only completed the main body. After he returned, he started the installation of the overall air conditioner. The follow-up funds entered the site. In a non-icy environment, construction can continue in winter.

It ’s very time for the fans to come, just when the entire system has been debugged, the ventilation effect is good, and the entire space can be given enough heat and the air conditioning that may be needed in the summer. This system is not for filming, the investment is huge, but it will be a scenic spot in the future. Used by important equipment.

Chen Hao entertained everyone to settle down. It is much more spacious than the canteen. Looking at the smiling faces, his heart is full of satisfaction. The mobile phone is connected to Didi's message sound, one from Jiaojiao and one from 'Beautiful is not discounted' Ye Qing.

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