Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1033: Are you blind

happy New Year!

Ordinary four words, but with the deepest blessing, New Year, I hope you can be happy!

The simplest and rarest thing is happiness.

All the fans who came to the Lost City, at zero o'clock, and during the New Year's Eve, the words that shouted at Chen Hao are also-Happy New Year.

After attending the New Year's Eve party, Xiaodi continued to shoot "Small Times". Facing the news of Gossip Magazine, the message to Chen Hao was: "Last night was very touching, the most lovely time in Haomen, I really regret that I didn't Yanjing. Happy New Year! "

"Let's start shooting."

At the beginning of the new year, with a happy and relaxed attitude, a new round of shooting was started. The actors returned to the team as soon as possible. They were looking forward to shooting in the movie studio. They had no experience at all.

In the past, some people have filmed similar movies and TV dramas, but let's not talk about the setting. Some are made by foam. Depending on the effect of the computer, you can still smell awful pungent when shooting in reality. taste.

This time following Chen Hao's filming, everyone realized what it means to be immersive. First of all, they experienced the real feeling of survival in the wild in the Daxinganling Mountains. When filming in Sanya, it was very easy to enter the film. When filming an indoor scene in the studio, the actors can easily enter the state. Imagine the scene they can do it, and they can save this step. Of course, they are more willing to shoot in a completely real environment. It can be more clearly shown, even if it is an actor with insufficient acting skills, there is a certain degree of difficulty in wanting to play in it.

This year's Yanjing is extremely cold and snowy. The temperature outside is freezing. The temperature in the movie studio is moderate. There is no temperature difference when filming in Sanya and Yanjing. You don't need to wear summer clothes to freeze in winter.

Here, Yanjing ’s high-intensity and high-density shooting, the Hollywood awards season also arrived. Various evaluations began. "Redemption of Shawshank" and Chen Hao and Will Smith became the most shining existences at the beginning of the awards season. Chen Hao filmed in Yanjing. Will Smith became the representative of the show, representing the entire crew to attend various events and receive awards.

In Yanjing, Chen Hao heard the wind, saying that some people in Europe and the United States think that Will Smith played by Will Smith is more like the protagonist than Andy played by Chen Hao. Dual-core movies, we will best award Is it right for Will Smith?

After this proposal was taken out, it was quickly recognized by quite a few people. Isn't everything perfect?

The reward for Shawshank's Redemption is not bad. The actor is Will Smith, and it is no problem to give the best director to Chen Hao. In this way, everything is correct. Good film, black movie director, best director of popular king.

When inside, Chen Hao usually doesn't say anything, but to the outside, he never asks a little bit, both for his own temper and for all the fans who like him.

As this rumor grew, and when domestic media began to discuss, Chen Hao, who was filming in a retreat, suddenly flew to the United States to participate in the Golden Globe Awards ceremony during the Chinese New Year. FOX's "Jailbreak" will also compete in TV awards.

Before entering the Golden Globe Awards Gala, Chen Hao was interviewed by several media in the hotel where he lived. When the media asked that Will Smith is now a popular movie star, he did not answer according to the routine. At this time, he He had to fight and had to show his own attitude. Will had greeted him in advance, but in the end what he felt in the other side, he did n’t know or need to know.

"MOUSE, this time the Golden Globe Awards, the biggest hit of the film's competition is you and Will Smith. This competition will continue to the Oscar. What do you think about this?"

Chen Hao asked with a full back: "What do you think? What do you think?"

The media reporters at the scene froze for a moment, shouldn't they say something like hello, hello, everyone? Doesn't Huaxia always follow the golden mean? Everyone is waiting for you to answer this question. Once you answer this way, it will be awarded to Will Smith. Your fans are not happy, and the media also said.

Chen Hao didn't wait for everyone to answer, nor could they answer. He then raised his mouth slightly, looked at everyone, and said a word that swept across the entire US entertainment media the next day.

"I do n’t see much. I believe that people who have no problems with their eyes should see clearly. As for your eyes, if I have a disease, I know a Huaxia hospital that treats eye diseases, especially blindness. It can be recommended to they."

It exploded, this time it was completely exploded. The media reporter at the scene felt that his heart stopped beating in just a few tens of seconds. There has been no such crazy time for a long time. It is a place of free speech in the United States. There are a lot of people in the mouth, and it is not uncommon to attack in public, but never heard any public figure from Huaxia, dare to speak like this. The words are more severe than the poisonous tongues of some big mouth artists in Hollywood. .

"Why do you think of me like that, isn't it true?"

Another question was asked, Chen Hao ended this interview which was not very friendly. After returning, these media reporters only reacted. No wonder this time he was willing to be interviewed. The boy was tempted to throw this sentence out. Yet.

Huaxia's online media is very happy now. Some self-media have even taken the words "You are blind!" As the title. Isn't Chen Hao's central thought in these words?

"You are blind!"

"If you're not blind, why can't you see who is the protagonist in this play?"

"Don't talk about acting, let alone dual-core. Even if it's dual-core, what level of Andy's role do you not see in my role? Will Smith's role is pretty good, but who is it? On the surface, Rhett can beat Andy, who is thick and strong? "

Show your attitude in a timely manner. Do n’t always treat me as a soft persimmon. What is the golden mean? It depends on whether I am willing or not. Go to his golden mean, what I have done since his debut. Can't you see everything? Don't you have a B number in your heart? Do you want to bully me by gossip and some small means, really when I do n’t dare to go back and blow you a big mouth?

The U.S. side was uproar, and there was a lot of talk. It directly overshadowed the Golden Globes held the next night. Will Smith knew that Chen Hao would fight back, but he did not expect it would be so fierce. At the beginning, he acknowledged his competitiveness. It's not as good as him, it's really good for him.

But when the rumors of the outside world became more and more like this, he also shook, and felt that he was getting closer and closer to the film emperor. In the history of Oscar, there are no shortage of similar things, but it ’s not that you act well. Will definitely win the prize.

When he was slightly out of balance, he saw Chen Hao's counterattack. Although he had greeted him in advance, he would still feel uncomfortable, and he would be dissatisfied with Chen Hao. Why do you talk like this? Am I going to rob your film emperor? Before the end, before there is no dust, who dares to say that he must win?

Especially when he was surrounded by a large number of media to ask this question after going out, his heart was even more upset. At this time, it was separated who had the right to speak. If Chen Hao dared to speak, he might not dare to say it, and there was a broker on him. The company also has a broker telling him what to do and should not do. At this time, he plays a weak person and may have extra points for the selection. Don't watch Chen Hao say that kind of thing. If you stand up and stand by his Opposite side, then you are out of luck. After all, he is the chief sponsor, chief producer, and director. You are an actor below him. Once you say something unpleasant, the media will immediately target you.

Will Smith kept silent ~ ~ Hold a smile in the face of the media, and spoke a very simple official language without substance.

Various media in the United States began to discuss Chen Hao's remarks. The Internet was even more lively. Fans of Haomen began to have a new battlefield. Domestic fans did not know the usefulness of learning at this time. We can go to foreign forums and websites, but we do n’t speak English, and come back and forth are just a few swear words. There is no strength to go up and fight against others.

Who would have thought that because of the need to help Hao Zi go abroad to fight with others, many people began to study English hard. After a few years and more than ten years later, this incident was turned into a joke. Many fans of Haomen were able to Speaking fluent English, some students have poor high school grades, and they prefer English disciplines, which can catch up with the performance of school tyrants.

There are many things that are said abroad. The people hired by the company to attack him on the Internet say that they are arrogant and vocal. Before the awarding time, everything is still unknown. You mean as long as you do n’t Choosing you, is that all the judges eyes blind?

This wave of hatred was steadily brought to Chen Hao. The judges in the award season began to have grievances against Chen Hao. It is not known whether it will be realized in action. In short, he put himself in absolute The turmoil may even run through the awards season. He can be regarded as a stranger. In the history of Hollywood and in the world's entertainment industry, it is definitely an arrogance of Hollywood as a whole.

Turning back to Huaxia, that is, singing a triumphant song, a voice from the entire network, which has been confirmed by the Eighth Classic, the same world and the same Haomen. At this time, all the family members in the country must cooperate with Hao Zi and continue to be arrogant and continue to dominate.

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