Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1035: Over? It's over!

Chen Hao put his hand to his ear and smiled and bowed at everyone.

For those Haomen fans who are shouting that they want to come here, bowed at them, and then gave a brightest smiley in that direction, and saw that the flow of people stopped, turned around, Take a big step and walked towards the on-site channel of the Golden Globe Awards. No interviews or interviews were needed. There are enough things happening on the red carpet. What should be said has been said before. What should be expressed. Attitudes were also expressed.

The people who are destined to be the focus are everywhere.

I don't know how it works. Will Smith's red carpet order is behind Chen Hao. This is also a hint that it is obvious who is the protagonist and who is more valued and welcomed.

This arrangement is very chicken thief. The two protagonists in a movie are in a competitive state to the outside world, and have reached the point of competition on the bright side. It looks a bit ugly, but it is always guiding everyone. This is a multiple choice question. . The chicken thief has a very effective arrangement. As a result of Chen Hao's performance on the red carpet, Will Smith has become that unlucky egg, and will always support the Haomen fans of the actor around the boss, this time will not be polite, When the boss walked the red carpet more than ten minutes ago, no anger erupted in his stomach, all thrown on Will Smith, making this scene the focus of entertainment news around the world.


The two protagonists of "Shawshank's Redemption" have been struggling to fight for the film emperor. Will Smith wants to take the lead. MOUSE defends his protagonist's status. The film emperor battle is likely to evolve into a higher-level struggle from the same drama. , Fans on both sides, skin color on both sides, acting skills on both sides ...

On the red carpet, Will Smith encountered a boo from Haomen fans. This scene was also faithfully recorded by the on-site media. When Will Smith entered the scene, he always had a black face, and his skin color was invisible. Or he doesn't know how he would get to the seat and sit down.

Such an embarrassing scene, the two seats next to each other, the person who sits down first is destined to occupy a little advantage, as long as pretending to be more generous, all the embarrassment will be thrown to the person who sits down.

When Will Smith came in, Chen Hao was already seated in his position. He hesitated a bit, or walked over, and the embarrassment to be faced sooner or later. The anger along the way had gradually been suppressed in the passage, and he became famous. For a long time, he knew how to do superficial kung fu.

Chen Hao stood up, smiled at him, pointed to the name on the backrest of the seat beside him, and signaled that his seat was here. Will Smith walked over and smiled, and then they both took their seats.

Will Smith: "You have a lot of fans today."

Chen Hao: "Really? They're naughty, you're wronged."

Will Smith went straight back to the next sentence without this. Since you have everything on the table, why don't you ask me what's going on with regard to the battle for the film emperor?

Will Smith: "Fortunately, there may be some misunderstandings."

Chen Hao: "They are all spoiled by me. Even if you are wronged, I invite you to drink."

Stupid again, since it is polite, it should n’t be “Since it ’s a misunderstanding, I ’ll just talk to them then.” Should n’t it be such a word? What is wrong with me? Is it that what your fans do outside, I should suffer, can't there be any complaints? If so, wouldn't it deserve you to invite me to drink?

Will Smith didn't want to talk now, smiled, and made the suit jacket, looking at the front, at this moment he had only one sentence in his mind: "Why the award ceremony has not started yet."

Nearly all the guest entertainers will cast their eyes on the two of them, and greet each other with eye contact. They need to maintain their concentration at all times, and they also need to respond with smiles or waving to those who have come in contact with the eye. I do n’t know what Chen Hao ’s mood is, anyway, he is very uncomfortable and extremely uncomfortable, but still has to show a proper emotion in front of people, and can no longer be read wantonly by the media. I really want the two protagonists. Opening and tearing in front is bound to be a negative effect, especially before this MOUSE, which is said to be hot-tempered at this moment, has an indifferent look, before he gets angry first, he never wants to make people think he is the one who picks things. The fans of Haomen can be full of fighting madmen if they are unreasonable. If they have them, it is estimated that everyone can become a fighting madman, but he has seen the madness of those people and does not want to be another in the incident. one side.

The invisible pressure spread from Chen Hao's body in all directions. Starting from what he said in front of the camera, he threw himself on the cusp, and pushed all the judges in the award season to the cusp, no matter who it was. When you come to vote, you will think about it carefully. Those media reporters will also be very cautious in voting. If you used to have some extraneous benefits, the careful thinking is not dare now. Once this matter is aroused, it will collapse. It's a little bit worthwhile to gain a reputation for that good.

Chen Hao's behavior is a bit similar to the superstar's pressure on the referee on the playing field to avoid the referee from making some small misjudgments, so that the referee needs to think about it when making the penalty and not whistle easily.

During the entire awards ceremony, Chen Haodu maintained a faint etiquette smile and followed everyone's rhythm. Applause when it should be applauded. Stand up and applaud when you stand up and applaud, regardless of whether the camera will come to yourself. On the body, first maintain the proper attitude. During the whole process, he had no communication with Will Smith beside him. The other party was like him. It seemed that both of them were fully absorbed in the stage. In fact, there was an invisible thing between the two seats. The icy wall separates them completely.

"Best Actor in a Drama Series in the XX American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards Series ..."

"Jailbreak, MOUSE!"

With the starter, naturally, the wall was slightly tilted towards the side of Will Smith.

There is no real conflict between the two. Some conflicts of fame and interest are not under their control. The original relationship was that ordinary friends got along well. When Will Smith promised Chen Hao to participate in the performance, the two sides were still developing towards good friends. However, when the interests of this huge film emperor are placed here, the balance in the heart will naturally become uncontrolled.

When Will Smith embarked on the road of competition with the agent, he knew in his mind that it may be difficult to cooperate with MOUSE in the future, and a hammer sale may be lost, but in the honor of Oscar King In front of you, even if you lose, you must first fight for the immediate benefits. Otherwise, with the growth of MOUSE, even if there are a hundred more opportunities for cooperation in the future, have I always been the supporting role of him? Even if it was the best performance of Shawshank's Redemption, was there no chance?

People walk up high, and Will chooses Chen Hao not to blame him. People have their own ambitions, and they don't agree with each other.

However, what strength do you have and what strength do I have in your heart?

On the stage, offstage and behind the stage, many people have a heart hanging. People have won awards, and they ca n’t help but let people talk. MOUSE, do n’t you ever come up with some shocking words, our heart is not OK, I can't stand it.

In the previous red carpet, the organizer did not order security to be resolved in the end, but only blocked security, so that they should never try to block MOUSE. Do you think it may not be captured by the media? Do you think he is a trivial little role? You have come forward to warn one or two after the long red carpet.

Chen Hao's perfect solution on the red carpet made many people breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, they also hope that he can understand the big picture and don't make things big, really like that. At the end of your "Xiao Shenke "The Redemption" crew also followed the shame. As the director of the show, you are still the director. By then, you will not be as shameful as Will.

"Thank you, thank you Michaels Caulfield!"


It's over!

Raised his hand ~ ~ to capture the POSS on the scene, and then Chen Hao stepped down. If it is more shameless or hateful, what he should do is return to the seat with a trophy. He hasn't reached the point yet, and doesn't want to really tear his face with Will.

"Best Soundtrack for the XXth Film Category ..."

""The Shawshank Redemption"."

The second award is coming, everyone's eyes are on Chen Hao, everything for this film is done by him, including the soundtrack of the film, he is absolutely dominated, as the world's best creative singer , His music literacy, came to the stage to get this award is the best choice in everyone's eyes, don't say that the film soundtrack in this film has a dedicated person to do it, then we will question your musical talent Name.

In front of the camera, Will Smith remained calm, but in fact he was very uncomfortable, but there was still a vitality, and other awards "Shoshchenko's Redemption" were also won. I want the best actor, as long as the Golden Globe Award Arrived, I was the biggest hit on the Oscars, and for a period of time, I am not a plum, I will accompany the Oscars at the Golden Globes.

Maybe it was a mentality frustration. Will saw Chen Hao's debut on the stage again, but there was something uncomfortable in the snack. Even if he had long expected that this film would be swept away, he was still very uncomfortable at the moment.

More uncomfortable ensued.

Chen Hao, who was still simply thanked, had not appeared for more than ten minutes, and once again on stage, the award for the best screenplay of the movie was still won by "Shawshank's Redemption", and he was also the only screenwriter of the show.

For some reason, when he heard that Andre, who played the old cloth, got the best supporting actor, he felt relieved that the award was still ours, but not hiss.

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