Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1046: The ultimate reward is coming

"Congratulations to the anchor for completing the main task and achieving the Oscar King, one of the ultimate rewards. The contagious, great script."

"The infectious power of mystery-has the charm that makes people crazy and obsessed, from the screen to the stage, to the reality, the ability to maximize the effectiveness."

Chen Hao did not start the great script. He knew that there must be a movie script and all related content that was not lost to "Shawshank's Redemption". There was only one reason for him to temporarily stop it-to maintain a certain mystery, I also hooked up my maggots and waited until the end of the filming of "Lost", when everyone was waiting to see their Jiang Lang exhausted, and then opened it. At that time, not only would people outside be stunned, they would also be very Is it dark?

Endured curiosity did not open the reward of the great script, forcing himself to focus on the contagious power of the ultimate reward, when he started to understand this ability from the literal meaning, the whole person became very cool, this ability There is no doubt that it is powerful, and at this moment, this ability seems to be in response to the circumstances, just to solve the immediate problem.


Chen Hao's not working.

Because of everyone ’s curiosity about him, he is also mysterious enough. You do n’t know much about his private life, so he is extra curious. Now there are many media reports about him, from fans to mass audiences. Inquired curiosity, can he do it?

In the past, due to the trouble of the news, Chen Hao did not turn on the reward. Xiaodi came and gave him the most primitive kind of support, so that some of his inner irritability and anger dissipated, and the rest was suppressed by self-control. The reward for the main task is turned on.

After getting the mission reward, he wanted to say that he still underestimated the strength of the old man, didn't he run into problems? It doesn't matter, there is me, as long as you receive the reward, everything is not a problem, it's all in pediatrics.

With this ability, do you still need to worry that those who follow the news will wonder if it will work?

There is no pressure at all, and everyone will feel that the news is nonsense for the first time. How can our boss and our boss fail? People who report similar news must not see us as good. Such people and institutions should be denied. We don't have to read them and put an end to all the news they send.

The great devil comes.

The rewarding ability of a main task completely allowed Chen Hao to enter the mode of the devil. Those who did not like him unless they did not watch him, as long as they watched his movies, TV, listened to his music, and watched him. Variety show, you will find how the man in the picture is so attractive, why you did n’t find it before, you are biased, you must be wrong, I should like such a man, not only like it, but also Support him unswervingly, and support him steadfastly as a fan, so that the inner love for him can be released.

At the same time, those fans who like him are even more determined that he will be a follower of his life. I like his movies, his TV shows, his music, everything, and the special halo of the previous anchor will make fans Become **** fans, and the enthusiasm of the fans now makes them have a feeling of watching his work or performance, and they want to stop watching, and want to see it again, no, and watch it a few times. He on the screen is really charming. The contagious power of his ability makes Chen Hao the ambassador of Prince Charming in the heart of every woman, making him the target of struggle that all men want to be. Both men and women, the infectious power of the fans tells them a very terrible fact-everything that this man shows him makes him feel charismatic. Even if he walks differently than ordinary people, he will feel that he walks very well. , Others walk very lo.

Holding on to Di, Chen Hao dare to comfort him with the most affirmative words, and then quietly waited with her to wait for the counterattack from the crazy fans and the facts that these media suddenly encountered cold treatment,

Gossip media, squatting by his side every day, always filming everything about him, even if the hotel room is blocked by curtains, even on a high floor, the camera of the machine can only capture a little bit Blurred pictures must be taken continuously, and when they may appear a little sensation in the whole world.

For several days in a row, the news material about whether Chen Hao is okay or not has been extended by many media. Everyone is paying attention to the follow-up of the news, as the most interesting thing to watch after a meal, and take it every day after getting up I watched the news about this on my mobile phone, and read the story behind the news every day during lunch. When I came home from work at night to eat and wash, I was comfortably lying on the sofa, still watching This news, then go ahead and publish your own opinions, and discuss this matter with everyone, not only the problem, but also Chen Hao, his works and a lot of things about him, everyone will be willing to take Come out and discuss.

Suddenly one day, several gossip media found that whether it was the actual sales of gossip magazines or the number of clicks on news links on the Internet, it suddenly dropped to a freezing point, which was lower than the lowest point before the news was speculated. Zi has put the media into the verge of being abandoned by the entire audience.

Several media were panicked. The reason was urgently investigated. All the staff moved. The reason for the investigation was that it was someone else ’s exclusive news that they did n’t have. That made the audience all over there. We became lagging behind. That one?

The result of the survey is that no one is exclusive, and all the media that reported that Chen Hao is okay have reduced the audience to varying degrees. The sales of newspapers and magazines have continued to create new highs directly from the past few days, and today they have directly reached historical lows. According to this low level, the home media will certainly not be able to survive for three months. If there is no means of resurrection, within three months, according to this attitude, the door can be closed directly.

Why, what happened, and why did the people suddenly lose interest in this matter? Is there any major news event?

The answer was given as fast as possible on the Internet. All the netizens who were concerned about this matter have now changed their positions and issued comments to question the media: "You are a personal attack. We recommend that MOUSE fight against you."

"You are too shameless to use this method to hype yourself. We don't believe what you said and will not follow any of your reports from today."

"We don't believe it!"

At the beginning, the media thought it was a counterattack launched by Haomen fans. Not only did it not suffocate, it increased its momentum, and even more wildly derived this topic. Even the media has gone crazy to interview those who have had a relationship with Chen Hao. The Hollywood actresses they contacted first of all, and the supermodels of the Victoria ’s Secrets have become the preferred targets. Not many of them can become the focus of the media in a year. Suddenly, dozens of media have appeared around their lives. The question asked was still about Chen Hao. With a vague answer that was ambiguous, everyone followed suit. At this time, no matter what a good impression is, the so-called dead friend is not dead and poor. Opportunities of focus, of course, do our best to use all kinds of imagination that can not be touched, let the media have interest, let them have enough material to play, and then use these shows to attract audiences.

Some of the big wings and supermodels of Victoria ’s Secret have been unlucky. After they set out for the benefit entirely, they suddenly discovered that the media did not produce the effect they wanted. The attention of each piece of news was very low, and the sales of newspapers and magazines were very low. Low, some on the Internet, some on the street, have seen a group of fans to resist everyone's attention to this matter, and to resist everyone buying newspapers and magazines. Below all the online news, there are at least two or three thousand pieces of boycott information. And they also began to be criticized by some people on the Internet ~ ~ The media were very happy, and some rushed up, but the people were not interested, and they resisted collectively to continue to understand this. At first, the media thought that what the people said was disbelief was the confusion of the fans. After they discovered that this matter was really no one's attention, they found that it was a typical stealing chicken. That is to say, a few days ago, I gained attention, and then I simply entered the freezing period, because this matter still had to be people who were still paying attention to their media and gave up attention.

Chen Hao and Xiao Di are the United States who left in such a triumphant triumph. Before leaving, Chen Hao sent a message and posted it on Facebook: "Thank you!"

Simply, there is no additional explanation. What kind of thing do you explain? There is no need to explain it. Believe it is to believe it, or not to believe it is not to believe it. In order to get the urge to start a concert, I really want to get started. What kind of scene will the scene have to attract the relevant departments? Once they are invited, they will think that they are doing something that is not allowed.

On the plane, Chen Hao supplemented the picture, and he dared to guarantee that if he had this ability, if he had a concert, he would faint in a concert like Mike Jackson, and he would be here. It becomes very ordinary pediatrics.

Before boarding the plane, the media began to change the wind direction from paying attention to Chen Hao. Why did this happen to this point? The media comprehensively analyzed the current situation and analyzed it from fans, the public, and the true and false aspects of the event. It also attracted some audiences. As long as you are not hacking us, we are still very interested to see what you are talking about.

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