Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1056: Have this strength of the forehead 1 heat

At this point, some seniors in Lele have entered the live broadcast room and heard Chen Hao's arrangement. Their cognition is the same as Qiu Yu, brother Hao, you are really wayward.

In ninety-nine percent of the anchor live broadcast rooms, the official dark horse is very graphic. Once it appears in a certain live broadcast room, the anchor must give the screen the first time. In the five and five, they are not without pictures, they are clear in their hearts, even if they have the right to block all live broadcasters to violate regulations, they are definitely not qualified to point at this man.

The dark horses, on the fifth and fifth, are not qualified to casually go to Mai Xu, and can only lie on the ground quietly, listening quietly, listening to this man's super capriciousness without any preparation at all.

"Specifically, there will be announcements in the follow-up. I don't know if such a sudden idea can satisfy everyone. I also know that if it is not done well, there will be unsatisfactory things. If you choose to do it, I hope. You can satisfy as many people as possible. I can only say regret for those who have not been drawn, sorry. "

Hold your fist and apologize first. This kind of thing is really as he said. If you do n’t do well, someone will be dissatisfied and you will suffer stigma.

The whole five five, at this moment, the public screen is all clear, everyone is cheering, all are talking about the boss, rest assured, thank you, boss, once satisfying more than ten or two hundred thousand fans, even people who are not in the heart should be Knowing how difficult this is, before becoming a regretful candidate, everyone's heart is full of deep emotions. As a member of Haomen, this sense of happiness is also their sense of superiority.

As for those who are not fans and do not like Chen Hao in the live room, they are also willing to participate in the lottery. This is an opportunity to watch the superstar concert up close. With the current popularity and influence of Chen Hao, his concert ticket price Definitely going to surpass Jacky Cheung's Jay Chou. The two singers who are currently selling the best fares in Huaxia are likely to open their doors to sell, and their fares are less than half of Chen Hao.

This is not the freshness of the popular small fresh meats at the time, the familiar songs, the classic songs destined to become a century-old golden song, each appearing on the scene will be a picture of a chorus of ten thousand people, the last time Haozi's ticket sales At the concert, the fare has reached its peak. After two years, he is already one of the most famous and top stars in the world, saying that the top spot is a little bragging. Within a slap, he must have his name.

"Lost" just hit the air yesterday. It just swept across Asia like a tornado. Everyone is looking forward to this tornado sweeping the whole world. As a fan of Huaxia Haomen, you will get the greatest benefits. You will sing in the nine games without selling tickets. Yes, within a few hours, Yanjing Workers was finalized as the venue for the first three games, and all of them were accustomed to Chen Hao's slow-paced people. Suddenly, the fast-paced rhythm made them somewhat uncomfortable.

The news media do n’t know how to report. They have enough space, but if you have multiple news every day, Chen Hao, this wo n’t work, but if the space is small, the difficulty of the choice makes it difficult for editors of various media and even The decision makers at the end all had a headache.

Hao brother, you have to do things, we average a little better, so we ca n’t keep up with your rhythm, and suddenly we have to hold a concert again, not to sell tickets, but all out of our own pockets, your hoes are full, so Your current influence appeal is 10 million out of your pocket, and it is estimated that 30 million will be put in again.

The first time after the news came out, the company and Meicheng's team had not assembled, and there were already the first group of ‘guests’ with the fastest response.

A businessman is always the keenest sense of smell.

Hao Zi is coming to the concert, they do n’t need to know other information. When they hear the news, they will organize people to go to the happy age. They will talk on the road before they decide. Now we are going to the scene to talk first. We want to be your concert. One of the advertisements, you bid it.

Late, there is no chance.

There is no chance that there is no flexibility. It really does not exist. First, there are more big companies to compete. Your capital may not be sufficient. Moreover, Hao Zi's temper is always random. He won't hold up until someone else raises the price, and he will follow his thoughts. It is likely that the advertisement will be given out completely at the beginning.

Everyone has a consensus on the opportunity that comes with him. Don't wait too soon, don't wait. Be sure to start as soon as possible, otherwise you won't even have the chance to drink soup.

Lele also moved. The nine concerts in the three places were the base of Lele, and it was Chen Hao's business. It had the responsibility to not only give the greatest support, but also sent a dedicated team to cooperate. The whole event developed at the fastest speed. Another advantage of not selling tickets is that you can make some slight adjustments and arrange some anchors to warm up the venue. It is no cost at all and it is always good to get a little more. Yes, Hao Zi can't get over there. He won't let the standard of every second of the concert be under his own standard.

Brother Tian stepped down from a negotiation table, rushed back to the company, went straight into Chen Hao's office, with a strong smile on his face, and gave him a thumbs up: "Your boy's head How long is it so powerful, is it really good, do you know what the young people I see today are telling me? They all ask me why I only broadcast one episode a week, and ask me if I have a copy here, can I let them see it first. They No fan is still like this, but you can imagine what the status of those fans of your Haomen should be. As soon as your concert comes out, everyone's attention is diverted, and everyone has a great interest in the weekly episode. The buffer zone is awesome. "

Chen Hao rolled his eyes: "Boss, I don't really think so, it was an impulse, and I saw everyone supporting you so much during the live broadcast.

Tian Ge waved his hands in an indifferent manner: "It doesn't matter, as long as you move, that is the biggest excitement in the entertainment industry. You don't need to worry about spending money. I will let people talk about the rules. The rules are still the old rules. High quality, high quality, and sponsorship is also a standard ... "

The two were sitting there talking, and the second son's phone came in. Chen Hao just thought it was a lottery for fans in preparation for the concert.

"Brother, let ’s check it out in the live broadcast room. You turned off the live broadcast and hung it there. It has been around for half an hour. Large numbers of fans are constantly brushing gifts. What do you think in reality? Each of the local tyrants did not have a rhythm. They all spontaneously claimed that it was a shared cost of everyone. In accordance with your wishes, they were able to brush, and they were not able to afford it. They also said that they would watch a concert. One or two thousand, your concert, but everyone who is drawn now is brushing gifts, I have feedback here, those who have enough contributions are currently connected, except for a few students, the rest None of them provided us with travel time, which meant that we didn't need the train or bus tickets we came back from, and they all took care of themselves. "

Chen Hao slowly exhaled slowly, this group of the most lovely people is using their way to give back to their impulse for their moment.

I temporarily reopened the live broadcast again. After waiting for a few minutes, when the number of people exceeded one million, he announced: "Do n’t brush it, I really do n’t need you to brush it. I have n’t waited to pay for it. The money is almost done. Do n’t brush it again, and then someone will say that I ’m spending money on gifts here, as well as tickets, if you are troublesome or you have a more comfortable way to travel, do n’t do it, but hope everyone Do n’t take the rhythm in the group. I still hope that everyone can pick up the tickets. After winning the prize, it is really difficult. Contact the venue control alone, and you can also provide accommodation in express hotels. "

The event made the entire live room, the entire Haomen, the entire Lele, and even the entire Huaxia lively. Regarding how to redeem prizes and how seats are allocated, there are very complete allocation schemes in the follow-up, infields and some VIP areas. There will be no random lottery in the public, most of them will be left to some fan club managers and some people who are always busy with fan affairs ~ ~ They serve everyone free of charge every year. With such benefits, naturally Think of them first.

After the whole work started, nearly a thousand people really started to be busy for this concert, but Chen Hao, who really should be busy, just met with the dance group and the band, and everyone practiced together in about time. In addition, he Life is still the pattern of the past. In less than two days, when "Lost" began to land in Europe and the United States, everyone's attention was taken away, and it also gave more space in the early stage of the concert preparation. Not so strong.

Monday night in North American time.

Monday night in European time.

They all have a certain time difference, but the data collection work is not much different. The company has arranged a special team to interface with the foreign business department. It pays real-time attention to European and American media and network information. After the episode aired, the real feedback from the people.

It ’s already Tuesday morning here on Huaxia. The first episode of North America has only begun to air. In the big conference room, the data terminal information is transmitted in real time. The staff will update the media and network information to select it as quickly as possible. The important departments were summarized and transferred to the conference room. Here, the company's shareholders, the investor's representatives of the play, and the important members of the crew were waiting in a dignified atmosphere. Everyone sat there, smoking, drinking. Tea, there were three or two people chatting in a low voice. The tense and solemn atmosphere slammed into the face when Chen Hao pushed open the door. The expression on his face and the indifference revealed indifferently, aren't you really worried?

It was confirmed that he was not pretending to be calm, Jing Tianlin rolled his eyes, and Zhong Zhonghai directly covered his forehead and slumped in the chair, and then, facing Chen Hao, gave a thumbs up: "You, bull!"

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