Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1061: Even if i can't get in

Where Chen Hao is, the most fans, the second most is the media.

After a long time of being expected by thousands of fans, the concert naturally became the best weapon to attract the media.

Whether or not to sell tickets, even the most demanding media believes that even high-priced tickets will be sold out. In this regard, Chen Hao's feedback to fans is not with a little water, and the per capita price is definitely more than 500. At least Ten million worth of ticket income is all given back to fans, and is accompanied by reimbursement of travel expenses to fans. So today's media has already prepared praises. After being received by the on-site staff at the scene, they will pick up the machines one by one. , And took a very warm scene at the scene.

The media arrived at three in the afternoon, first entered the venue, and provided them with a pass under the arrangement of the staff. At the same time, in accordance with the rules, Happy Times also prepared red envelopes and gifts for the riders, and it will not be because of the reversal of the relationship between the two parties. Go and save this link.

A large number of gift pockets piled up beside each entrance channel attracted the attention of media reporters, and I learned that this is the standard equipment for every audience to watch the concert.

Curiosity and career needs made them want to come open one of them.

Two bags, blue and red, distinguish between men and women. The contents are very complete, a large white exclusive Haomen fan t-shirt, a pair of light sticks, a bottle of mineral water, and a thin raincoat of the kind sold in a scenic spot. Use, a bottle of nutritional express, a plastic sandwich, the most careful is that there is also a pair of throat tablets, a small cushion, a garbage bag.

The most discerning media have to like this preparatory work. They even believe that this is what Chen Hao came up with, and only those who really pay attention to their fans will think so thoroughly. It turns out that this is indeed what Chen Hao thought. .

The media also planned to shoot inside, and there was a converging song outside, less than 4:30, there were already more than 10,000 people gathered outside the stadium, and the number of people grew very fast. The trend, the central stage, and the full utilization of the 60,000-person capacity plus the central VIP area are undoubtedly the smartest choices.

The seats are the same as the lottery. Everyone depends on their luck. There must be no way to be in the back row if there is one in the front row. This kind of thing cannot be meticulously investigated to see if it satisfies everyone. The atmosphere outside the scene around 5 pm has already It is enough to attract the attention of all media. Everyone sings songs, one after another, and occasionally some rhythmic sounds are added in the middle.

In the eyes of many people, the issue of order does not exist in the eyes of many people. It is definitely very chaotic, but today everyone saw what is called order, especially when the issue of advance ticket checking began, and all the media were shocked. Earn by the media that used aerial photography.

The ticket check started, except for a little chaos at the beginning, it soon calmed down. There was no panic among all the fans gathered near the ticket gate. The entire team remained the same as before, and everyone still sang a song to check the tickets one by one. field.

After more than half an hour of entry activities, on all the ground, even a little scrap of paper was not visible, although it was impossible to make everyone so ethical, but there were too many ethical people. There is a garbage on the ground, everyone will reach out and pick it up. This is the first time that some media feel that aerial photography is really enjoyable. In addition to shooting the mountains and rivers of the motherland, this aerial photography is also the first time to shoot a completely spontaneous scene.

Any tens of thousands of empty lanes are not as shocked as this. There is no scope demarcation arrangement at the scene, everything is spontaneous. This shock is a shock that shocks people's hearts. You can't imagine that picture without really seeing it with your own eyes.

I have seen the aerial photos of thousands of people after the rehearsal. Looking back at this picture without any rehearsal, it will be deeply engraved in your mind. You cannot forget everything in it, because you know clearly Except for fans of Haomen, you will never see a similar picture again.

From entering to appearing on the scene, when the figures appear in the infield, you can't see the colorful costumes, you can't see the pictures that highlight your personal characteristics, a white t-shirt is worn on the body, It's okay for the beauties of the beauties to be concealed, except for a handful of large, large t-shirts that can be worn by everyone on the scene.

Seven o'clock is the start time of the concert, but it is still less than six o'clock at this time, and the lights on the scene have not begun to play, but the stage lift in the middle has risen, and the big screen has also projected the shelf appearing at this time. Drums and people who are going to beat the drums, drummers of Lele, a well-known band anchor, who knew him, gave sporadic cheers on the scene. The support is a thing that Haomen fans will do very quickly, and it will soon be heard With the cheers gathered, this is a very necessary behavior for bands who need live stimulation.


The first drum sound.

In the scene, several cars were driven in, and there were drums on it, and there were people there. The faces may not be familiar to everyone, but when Chen Hao's voice came, the scene only relied on the voice. Entered a state of boiling.

"Black Panther drummer xxx."

"Baojiajie drummer xxx."

"Tang Dynasty band drummer xxx."

"Zero Band Drummer xxx."

When a group of old rock and roll gunners brought a group of rising stars to the scene, from drummers to guitars to keyboards to basses.

First, the rhythm of the appearance of the scene with drums. In this rhythm, a piece of music that everyone knows well can be heard. The drum beat gave each audience more relaxed footsteps, and everyone felt the inside of the cell. The sense of rhythm is driven, unlike all previous concerts. Here, the entrance is not accompanied by sultry and restlessness, but music that makes everyone more comfortable.

The weather is also good, just entering April, the temperature is okay, and there are still some cool breeze tonight. The only worry is that the weather forecast looks like light rain today.

Few viewers will be late. Haomen fans are all early. Those who arrive at five o'clock and enter the game at six o'clock are all annoyed. This scene was played a long time ago. The rock star takes everyone to play on the court.

Rock is the most able to ignite the atmosphere, and today is the most popular fan of Haomen. Chen Hao did not come out and introduced everyone with a microphone in the background. The scene fully cooperated with a cheer with the applause of Thunder World. Today I can Each of the fans is ready to leave tonight, and watching the throat **** in the gift pocket, almost every fan laughed, or the boss knew us.

There are solo singles, and everyone plays together. There is also a full-time chorus of classic old songs. In terms of warming up, today's warming up is undoubtedly the top one, let alone Hao Ziming. Many old guns, people have such a venue and time for others before we can let everyone come and play here together.

Play casually, the time is one and a half hours of warm-up, and there is never a rule who can only play a song or five minutes here. If you are interested, you will always play on the stage. There is no problem.

When the time hand reached 6:10, there was the first wave of excitement at the scene. With so many old rock cannons in place, the bands from all walks of life were disbanded or personnel changed. No matter what happened, how many people may I haven't seen each other again for many years, let alone cooperated. As old guns, they are temperamental people, almost all intentionally avoid each other.

Today at the scene, when Lao Dou Wei stepped onto the stage, there were some middle-aged audiences who were a little older. They were boiling for the first time. This picture once thought that it would never appear again.

I still remember when Kobe retired, O fat appeared on the scene, all his former teammates came to the scene, it was called a smile after the age was enough, envy, what was there before, after so many years, when a When certain occasions arise, it is not hatred that comes to your mind, but the beauty of the past.

The former black panther, the former old sinus, did not feel the kind of bursting sensation after the 1990s at the scene, and it exploded spontaneously after the 1970s ~ ~ The music sounds. When people who have never cooperated on such a stage for many years suddenly have a collective cooperation, fame and fortune have become unimportant at this moment. The blood of the rock of that generation in the bones needs this. An atmosphere to ignite. Once ignited, everything becomes less important.

Wang Feng came to power, Zheng Jun came to power, and Zhou Xiaoou came to power.

Here comes the hackberry tree, here comes Xu Wei.

Zhang Chu and Xie Tianxiao appeared.

Holding a guitar at this time, no one is a big coffee, which is an old cannon washed away by the torrent of history. There are no new rock bands in the Internet band. There is only the sound of rock music, and there is no stage lit by Chen Hao. , Completely lit by this group of people.

As the first voice of Chinese rock, Lao Cui did not have to make a finale, and several students with good voices collectively took to the stage.

Everyone originally came to support the show. To be honest, I never thought about going on stage. The old rock and roll cannon warming up that I arranged earlier just wanted to use the rhythm to let everyone's emotions rise first, and then recommended some newcomers and Lele anchors to perform on stage. As a result, the atmosphere started to feel. When Dou Wei wore jeans and took the guitar to the stage, they went out one by one. At last, even the relatively utilitarian Wang Banbi did not get his hair, and he did n’t wear leather pants. Take I also rushed out with a hand, just after the picture was released by the media for the first time, everywhere in Yanjing, there was a little bit of excitement in the eyes of some figures, and some carried their guitars and ran in small In the alley and then stop a taxi.

"I'm going to the Workers Stadium."

Even if I can't get in, I want to hear the sound inside at the closest distance.


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