Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1079: Pretty good

Rich details, enrich your axial thinking from branches to leafy branches, this can allow a group of good screenwriters to assist you, complete your script completely, and provide more choices for you to choose from.

The core of the real script is still to be done by Chen Hao himself. After arriving in London, his schedule was temporarily stopped, which also made those who wanted to chase him suddenly lose his goal and thought he had used it again. What kind of means to hide from the pursuit of the media, I do not know, he was in the hotel, staying for five days, when the fans around the hotel and the media have almost withdrawn, all believe that he has left here, only to own The idea is complete. According to this idea, there is no need to visit again. Since he is here, he does not want to miss it, maybe there will be any new ideas.

As a screenwriter, sometimes there are multiple lines, he will think it is good to go to the east, and will provide you with the road to the west.

As a director, I choose a path and treat this path as the other side of success. Don't be afraid to choose the wrong path and fail. I'm afraid that the director and the mud want everything. Such a director is doomed to fail for life.

Chen Hao is very confident that the script he is working on now is not only directed-desire-desired, but he also wants to play very much. He even once was in a hotel and asked Qiuyu to hold a DV machine to himself to perform a close-up of a few minutes. If performance is an art, he dare not say that his performance can make him feel art, at least he will be very proud to face himself-you have achieved as good as you expected.

After returning to Huaxia in a circle, Chen Hao made a definition for the entrance division. He felt that when he played, this definition should be substituted into his role.

"In a specific character environment at a certain time, entrants are a highly respected profession. At least, no matter how big you are, you will be willing to lose your smile and tell him to help."

On the last side, everyone is left with the last picture. It is unbearable to be born old, dead or accidentally, or even in various accidents. This last little dignity is maintained by the teacher.

Maybe this is the spiritual world satisfaction of those who are still engaged in this profession, in addition to living and making money, still being trapped by this profession.

Flying from Europe to Huaxia's plane, Chen Hao didn't think about the plot, but scored the creativity of the script he created. After a few hours, he felt that he had reached a limit of thinking, and he thought it was good enough subconsciously, naturally There will be no need to change.

Close the notepad, close the script, temporarily cool down for a while, wait for more details of the script and creative summary, wait until your thinking is not limited to the axis script of this period of time, then open the script, and do it again Comb. By that time, it's time to officially start shooting.

When others returned to Huaxia, Nuo Da ’s “Lost” crew had been waiting for him for more than a week. Everyone was waiting in the Lost City. When everyone was okay, studying the script became the norm. To be honest, no one dared No one dares to say that the director is no longer with us, and Chen Hao's authority in this field has already surpassed some established rules because of his achievements and achievements.

He was late, others disappeared, no one would feel uncomfortable in his heart, and even explain the brain supply-genius is genius, and his behavior is always different from ordinary people. If we are like us, maybe our hearts will be truly unbalanced.

After returning to Yanjing, Chen Hao directly unveiled the long-awaited answer, and officially announced his next big trip.

First filmed the second season of "Lost", then "The Legend of Forrest Gump", and finally "The Encounter".

As of now, the casting of the latter two has not yet officially started, and is in contact. The outside world knows what it means and what to contact. In the final analysis, he still has to pass the Chen Hao level. He fancy it, then you are the heroine or the male No. 2. According to the outside world's understanding of him, there are few ways that there is no way. Use, the only thing that can impress him is that the state you show is the character status you want in his play, which also generates a very, very important problem.

Who can understand the script first and the role first means that on the 100-meter track, you have the absolute advantage of starting early.

What is the story of Forrest Gump? What is the role of the heroine in this story? What is the setting of the heroine?

This advantage is obtained. Two actresses of the same level, one of them will have the probability of winning more than 80%. Regardless of Chen Hao's first filming of "The Lost", in Lost City and Yanjing, there are still many agents and teams around the world who try to give their Majesty's actress through various channels to find a shortcut to successfully get the role.

Today's Lost City is open for business. The daily carrying capacity of 3,000 tourists has become the target of criticism in the reports of various major media and online discussions. The attack cannot be a lucky tourist. , Especially the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of those who have played on the Internet, and even the tourists who have not been able to enter it, are very uncomfortable, and when they are bored, they can only use various methods on the Internet Target the construction speed of the lost city.

"If there is a shortage of workers, we are just on vacation, we can go to the lost city to do odd jobs, and just hope that the construction speed will be a little faster."

"We are willing to use labor in exchange for a more advantageous lottery probability. I have been driving outside the gate of the lost city for the fourth consecutive day to look for opportunities."

"We want the station wagon to be open and transparent, and investigate whether there is an operation in the dark box in the process of selecting the winning user."

"When will the second phase of the project end? We want 6,000 people to go in and play together."

"Those 3,000 people are not too relaxed for the photos and photos. We can add a thousand more people. I strongly urge the boss to open up an extra one thousand tickets for everyone every day. queue."

"I'll charge you ox tickets at a high price. I'll pay two thousand yuan."

"Hurry upstairs and return the ox ticket. Which tourer dare to sell a ticket to non-lottery users, tomorrow it will lose the qualification of the counterpart travel agency. No doubt there are at least a few hundred travel agencies waiting in line. "

"The hot spring resort will be built soon. I plan to live there, soak in the hot spring for a few days, and then go in for a few days."

"Big news Big news, you can see with your own eyes, a small Kai clamored in the Lost City to get entry qualifications, be taken away directly, it is really fun to watch, boss, you should be so strong."

"The black powder is upstairs. Where have you seen a bowl of water that can be leveled, I don't believe that the lost city can really put an end to the relationship. The brothers Haitian and Maple on Lele took people there. I Just don't believe it. "

"The real black powder is upstairs, and the identification is complete."

The internet is hot and lively, and it is true in reality. The big brothers are now looking sad. This is their own business. They want to be bigger and stronger. But in the real world, the relationship cannot be abandoned. Every day, 3,000 people in the Lost City have become the hot news of the country and the world. Nobody has any relatives or friends. If you come to your door, what can you say, according to the established thinking mode of everyone, let alone cut the line. We It's normal to go in and play for free.

But now, cutting lines has become a luxury.

"You are back."

When Chen Hao came back, Tian Brother came up with such a sentence, then the tight brows gradually felt like combing away. There was no way out. This wicked man is still a good man. It can only be done by Chen Hao. People promise to be sprayed of 'dead without corpses'.

Doing things and trivia are double standards that define a person's success.

Before you succeed, what you focus on is ‘doing things’. Only by doing things well can you succeed.

But when you have really succeeded, you will find that dealing with chores every day becomes the thing you do the most ~ ~ Instead, it is something that was focused on doing before. Now it depends on professional people to do it.

Only when you have achieved great success and become a small group of people at the top of the pyramid in your industry, can it be possible to regain the status of 'doing things' beyond 'trivial matters'.

Today, Chen Hao is in a trivial stage. All things need to be finalized by him. It's not that the company lacks a clapper, but there are many things that others don't want to clap. The power of the group is too strong and powerful. To let Tian Tianlin and others have to acknowledge Chen Hao's status in this group, he did not end up speaking. Several people found Jing Tianlin hoping to open a back door. He did not open the mouth in the end. The invisible The pressure made him feel incredible at night, and when he talked with Zhuang Xueqing, he felt a helpless smile.

"You are a completely malformed circle. The core value of existence is Chen Hao. When he is there, this circle is there. When he cannot continue to create profits, this circle will collapse. The advantage is that after the collapse, you have not What a loss. "

"These are not important. I am more interested in how he handles this. Don't look at him as a rough man. Many things are very interesting. Looking back at some things in the past, it is really interesting. I I look forward to his performance. "

Zhuang Xueqing poured a cup of tea for Jing Tianlin, hesitated, and said the words in his heart: "He is not ugly in his temper, or you won't let him go to this day and raise a tiger. I do n’t need to remind you of things. But do n’t you think he is now a part of your life? The word circle does not seem to accurately describe his relationship with you. ”

Jing Tianlin froze and smiled a long time later: "It's fine."

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