Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1100: Seen from a distance is king

The system has always been Chen Hao ’s greatest help, but with the development of his own script to this day, it cannot be said that he does not need the system. It is that he has enough self-confidence to develop his own potential, and with many practices of exposure and learning Opportunities and autonomous growth also increase.

The advanced director ability given by the system has the ability to compete for the Oscars, but it is not absolute. After Chen Hao said to Qiu Yu, he obviously felt that he had more of a director ’s identity. Chen Hao ’s contingency at the scene is not enough to persist. Depending on the situation, Chen Hao does n’t know whether the system can give himself, but now, just at this moment, he feels that he has a bit of enlightenment. How to be a good director, he has something other than system ability. The distinction between what is persistence and what is compromise is the line of his understanding.

This wise understanding made him very happy. After returning to the hotel, he didn't hesitate to start the live broadcast. He talked and communicated with the closest group of people in the most earthly way. They bring happiness.

Since he started to score at Grammy, he has been advised that he should abandon the way of webcasting. Your current traffic does not need to be obtained on the Internet. You are already a successful superstar, at the Golden Globe, in Cannes , In Oscar, step by step success, you are the world's top superstar, why do you want to live broadcast online.

The webcasting platform is the most basic stage. For you, it is already LO. There is absolutely no need to waste time on it. Keep your own mystery and let those who want to see you, either To see your work, or to go to your concert, you have to insist on live broadcasting, so your economic value will be very seriously affected, everyone can see your performance for free on weekdays, then who will spend money to see you.

Such criticism has always existed, and Chen Hao has no way to explain it. He also does not want to explain that the system is one of the factors, but it is not the dominant determining factor. What he can do is to tell those people the actual situation. Even though I often show face when I start the live broadcast, those who like me will still like me and still support me online and offline.

It's hard to get a full ticket for a concert, and the crowds of events can't be crowded. One work is crowded with people, one literary film makes the fourth box office performance of film and television, and a popcorn commercial film. At the box office of a few hundred million yuan, a work can spawn a tourist attraction that can't play in line every day.

These achievements are a few steps up, he is still broadcasting live, these achievements are still, his attention has been reduced, and from the network to the reality, from the reality back to the network, he is so with Different from others, I have always won the support of my fans, and directly crushed those words on the Internet with a silent reply.

Live broadcast, as long as it is not the middle of the night and the morning, the average popularity can be three million. At peak, he can get the sixty-seven popularity of Lele's traffic during this period. When this score is stable, when he is still facing the media When he was doing his own thing, when he never went on a relationship with someone to ensure that he had a publicity channel, everyone discovered that what is the benefit of people maintaining a live broadcast?

Right here, right on Lele's webcast.

The media is a propaganda caliber. I-block-kill-you, you have no channels to show up. As far as Chen Hao is concerned, as long as it is not a national prefix, any of your media will target me or post some unfavorable news to me. I am not Only one Weibo can respond, anytime, anywhere, I can let millions or even more people know what happened to me, want to whiten myself, want to destroy the blockade of the media, I just need to open a Live broadcast, if there is anything else that cannot be solved by one live broadcast, then open two.

If an artist has a work out, he needs to let the company contact the relevant media and some portals. At this time, you invite everyone to hold a press conference. The initiative is not in your hands. When you come to Chen Hao, you still have It's a very simple thing: "Hello everyone, I'm going to make a new drama recently. It's a very inspirational story. I hope you pay more attention."

I ca n’t go to the event site for thousands of people every day to advertise and advertise, but I can broadcast live every day, make a publicity for what I want to do, and make one or even ten ads for free, as long as I ’m an ad Can bring you what they think is worth, then they will not be disgusted and resisted by this advertisement, and will accept it.

The live broadcast platform does not allow private access to advertisements. It is one of the fear that money will not directly enter the anchor's pocket from the platform. It is even more afraid that anchors will be fooled by any advertisements, which will affect the public image of the entire platform. Only platforms that have been verified can allow the anchors to carry out publicity and promotion. Lele does not force the anchors in this regard. We will give the anchors certain advertising costs.

Chen Hao is a well-deserved king in this regard. He is not alone, and Lele did not dare to force him, but there are some official recommendations. He really feels good and can bring some benefits to fans and tourists. Yes, he will do one or two advertisements. In the face of advertisers, he will not be polite. He obviously wants to recommend to fans, but also earn money from advertisers.

In the five five live broadcast rooms, there is a live wheat advertisement, 500,000.

In the five live broadcast rooms, Chen Hao broadcasted an advertisement during the live broadcast, one million.

I also told everyone very waywardly that I would not take over the long-term work, the reason was that I didn't want to let my fans know something about the screen for a long time, which caused the fan's disgust.

Many anchors were jealous and envious before. Why can you make so much money? When the news continued to appear-2 million episodes of "Jailbreak", "Shawshank's Redemption" personally earned more than 200 million. Suppressing the income of Chen Hao's network, also makes those anchors not envious, jealous and hateful. People play with you is not a level, do not try to compare with anyone, and see if you need to hold a chat The official dark horse management, even between the five five live broadcasts, did not even dare to go on privately, you know where the gap is.


"Okay, okay, this effect is very good." Chen Hao saw the finished synthetic product for the first time, and A-Gump appeared on the stage of history. He stood in the same frame. It does not come out, and the sharpness of the entire picture quality is completely connected with the entire film. On the day of the first effect, Chen Hao announced that the entire filming was suspended for one day. It can also be regarded as the rest of the filming of "Forrest Gump". Coming down is war, table tennis, fishing, and meeting with history. In the front of the square, he reunited with the goddess in his heart, which requires a group performance of at least a thousand people. It may not be enough. Finally, there is a long-distance running. At the time of filming, once people appeared on the street, the crew hired dozens of security at all.

Chen Hao wants to film the drama on the street. It is not enough to simply clear the field. Coordination from all aspects is required. In order to prevent fans from having adverse emotions, this live broadcast of Chen Hao and social software are infiltrating everyone. I hope everyone will help. Fortunately, this part of the play is put at the back, to prevent it from being flexible enough in case of overtime shooting.

Meryl Streep and Silsa Ronan, including several important supporting actors, followed Chen Hao in the office of the special effects studio and saw this scene of the integration of Gump and history. The movie is a very big breaking point. It can't be said that there were no ancient people before, but it is absolutely impossible to talk about people's wisdom.

Everyone thinks that Chen Hao's play is very special. I don't build a stage to recreate historical scenes. I don't need people to play historical figures. There is no crude connection between the screens. Relying on the most advanced technology, embedded in the picture of history, the president is the president, history is history, but in this film, there is a little more forrest Gump, he is not changing history That person, he is a person who is slightly connected with history and has a little role to promote the wheel of history. Maybe sometimes even the wheel is not a trace of a small testimony.

This is enough for the audience. When Chen Hao saw the version in his mind, he couldn't help but lament the great works of the great script. Even if the historical time is different, the classics and greatness are still indelible.

According to the current standards, isn't this the expression of the sense of entering history that all readers like the most? Looking at A-Gump's success, shouldn't you reflect on yourself? Looking at the innocence of A-Gump, does it also give a clear stream to this muddy era?

Stupid people have silly blessings ~ ~ Isn't it a kind of self-sarcasm?

A sincere heart will be interpreted as a stupid person having a stupid blessing. Isn't it a kind of irony to this society?

When filming "The True Story of A-Gump", Chen Hao is getting more and more sensation. It is even stronger than when "Redemption of Shawshank". Other than that, he was gone.

As a director, he considered the best effect for war play.

As an actor, his influence opened the door of the country ‘South’ and sincerely invited the crew to film on its territory.

As a director, he was afraid of what would happen if he filmed, so there was nothing he could do about the big crew.

As an actor, he is fully capable of protecting himself.

Seeing a picture in person, Silsa Ronan was startled.

Chen Hao in the room, slowly stepped down to think about the problem, walked subconsciously forward, walked to the wall on the other side, turned around and walked back automatically, and so on and so on.

This is equivalent to a half-face of his left half of his body and half of his right half-body during a turn-back process.

Steady footsteps, a low voice: "Should not go, our existing shooting conditions, big deal can go back to China shooting, should not take risks, there are too many crew members."

Turning around, the calm expression was replaced by a relaxed and indifferent, and the steps were lighter, and the whispered voice was a little more relaxed: "Afraid of what, the shooting of real scenes will be better, especially those well-known The mountain and the water, the movie is to be shown to audiences all over the world. If we can be true, we must insist on authenticity. This must be adhered to, we must adhere to it. "

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